:drool: Wow, those all look amazing. These creatures wouldn't by chance be available as resources when this mod is released would they?
One question, how would the parasite's work? Would they just latch on to your character or something, and add a couple negative's to your stats?
The parasite creatures were developed for a "dungeon" (which was actually the player entering the
mouth of a great sea creature and battling the creepy crawlies that one might expect to find inside a
living organisim of such grand scale). They are not a parasite for the player in this case (as they are
summoned by the player); rather, they will be more harmful to opposing NPCs (with the Parasitic Worm
draining small amounts of health and fatigue, the Devourer eating the armour of the opposition, and
the Creeping Infection causing and enemy to go mad with fever).
Westly, can I ask you a texturing question? How do you get the eyes so bright and beautiful? The few face textures I've tried, the eyes always seem to come out looking dull and flat.

It is all in the "sparkle" (the little white "dot" in the top-right corner in the eyes). When we read a face,
it is from our left to right (so we look at the right side of a person first then the left side). Placing the dot
in the top-right corner denotes attention and a "looking straight ahead" appearance. Placing the dot in
the top-left denotes slight disinterest (as if the character were looking away). While this is mostly true
(as there are variations on this such as true reflected eyes), this method works for painted eyes in most

Westly, all your work is beautiful! Even the ugly creatures (Harpies, Sload) turn out looking pretty. :rolleyes: Nothing nitty-gritty or slimy grimy, eh?
I guess it is all a matter of perspective (mostly), but there are a few gruesome
characters in there (the worms, Xivilai, Sea Witch head that I did not use) I just
happen to like the more aesthetically pleasing [personally]). Besides, they might
be "attractive", but attractive can still do a good job of ripping out your throat and
devouring your heart (waves hand at every relationship I have had to this day)

No wings on the valkyrie? :blink: Traditionally when I think of a valkyrie it's a winged warrior, but what am I saying it's your mod and you have your own ideas of what valkyries should look like.
It is rather a rarity that a Valkyrie be depicted as an Angel (with wings and what have you);
to think of them as warrior "spirits" would be a more accurate association (rather riding into the
fields of fallen warriors and among those to yet be chosen to be slain; the "horse" often depicted/
described as in flight rather than the appearance of the Valkyrie flying herself, though there is not
always a horse either in many instances of the mentioning of Valkyrie). While Lenneth (of Valkyrie
Profile) is winged, this is most likely an aesthetic choice on the part of the game developers rather
than a hard root in Poetic Edda or Mythology

. Now I do not want to delve further into a deeper
entmylogical discussion here (this is really not the place). Just rest assured that the asthetic
choices made, whatever the source materials consulted, were weighed in my mind before proceeding
with the result that you see here

'Til Later :wave: