Ultimately, I like having the Valkyrie as a creature (as it allows me greater
freedom of customization without having to make three separate races; such
would be needed to accomdate the different skins with markings). There is also
the bonus of soultrapping with creatures (which many like to have such an option).
Although, I am sure I will probably make them a race eventually (as with most of the
humanoid creatures in this mod).
I have G?ndul left to do (out of the sisters three), then I will move on and make the
Ice Giants (I hesitate the call them Frost Giants, due to one already living on Solstheim;
drastically different styles there, indeed). For the Valkyries, though, it would be fantastic
to have them involded in a quest where they are set up as "boss" encounters at various
stages (perhaps in the service of Kyne; they could bar the players way in a quest to
retrieve something that would solve some sort of conflict [like a sickness among the
Skaal or retrieving a weapon that can only defeat a greater enemy]). Encountering
them would be a kind of rite of approval/test to see if the player has all of the necessary
qualities and be deemed worthy to use such an item

Anyway, a storm is brewing here, so I really need to end my
rambling (as the power could blink off at any minute :shocking: ) .
Take Care :angel: