One thing, not sure if you've considered... those
front canines (teeth) are overly prominent for a wolf.
You've done great with the head shape. :goodjob:
The teeth are easily removed, but then they would be left with nothing to make them
menacing (without the teeth they might as well be called "cuddles" and given a collar
for domestication). However, I do have designs on making a "tame" version that is
textured like a German Shepherd/Alsatian with a spiked collar; would be perfect
roaming around a few of the forts as a guard dog

Also, I take no credit for the wolf head mesh (save for a few poly's pushed here and there);
the head was made by Phyntoswasp for the Wolven race with only minor alterations by myself

Anyway, I love the 1st variation, the white wolf is little too... white, but that's just me
and the black one scares me cos it looks so fierce. :thumbsup:
I did try a dirtier texture for the White Wolf (but it looked more like a sepia toned
wolf instead of the critter the I was using for comparison); White Wolves have very
little devation in their fur (meaning that they are very, VERY white when/if the gene
hits them).