[WIPz] Melisande's Menagerie

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 am

I like the Flit. I saw Amora and thought "Yup. Theres a summon for my male character to stare at!" But the Flit? "Sweet! Perfect for meek mage character!" ^^ Just what I needed to convince me to start a serious mage character.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:20 am

I like the Flit. I saw Amora and thought "Yup. Theres a summon for my male
character to stare at!" But the Flit? "Sweet! Perfect for meek mage character!" ^^ Just
what I needed to convince me to start a serious mage character.

I think he/she/it is my new favourite (as it is funny watching it bash an
enemy with that big book :D ). The bats, of course, are from LadyE's
resources (I recobbled them with new textures and mesh/property settings); this,
for anyone wondering where to find them ;) .
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:27 pm

Hey Westly, just out of curiosity. Can you tell we where you got the cat heads for your Mountain Lion, etc. from? Unless it is a trade secret, lol!

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Fam Mughal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:35 pm

Great work Westly! BTW the Flit had made me set up my mind - my next char will be a pure mage and I'll likely set that little beasty as a companion :D

On a sidenote - do you know your PM box is full?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:44 pm

Hey Westly, just out of curiosity. Can you tell we where you got the cat heads for your Mountain Lion, etc. from? Unless it is a trade secret, lol!


The cat model is one that was modified from the BM wolf model by Wildman a looong
time ago, that I had intentions of releasing long before now in another mod, but decided
to save it for a more "all encompassing" project (like this one). He might still have a DL
for it somewhere (no doubt), if'n you were wanting to chop its head off and put it on
another model (sounds very morbid, doesn't it). I can not say whether he would mind
if this was done, but he is a very giving fellow, so it would not hurt to ask him about it first :) .

Great work Westly! BTW the Flit had made me set up my mind - my next char will be a pure mage and I'll likely set that little beasty as a companion :D
On a sidenote - do you know your PM box is full?

Ideally I would like to set them all as buyable companions, but summons seemed to be a more versatile viable option as:

-Summons are not susceptable to the 72hour companion bug

-Summons might die in battle, but they can always be summoned
again (whereas such might cause scripting issues with consoling in a new companion)

-One would not have to worry about taking care of their summon like one would a steady companion
(such as health management or "living" container management, though the latter is not so bad at all)

And (deep sigh) yes, my PM box is full (as I get a steady influx of messages, which is fine, but it takes me a while
to go through them all (holding on to the ones that I want to be sure to address in some fashion).

Next up, I think, are a variety of rats/mice (like "pet store" varities, not the TB carriers that are already
on Vvardenfell), and a "fun" version that is of "literary" consequence (not necessarily for ELSEWORLDS!,
but for a bit of fun in this mod alone ;) ).

I am also open to ideas, just to keep the topic rolling along :).

Take Care, All :angel:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:45 pm

Westly Great work!! I am loving all this new stuff you coming up with! Cant wait to try this one out,i always play as a summoner (/Necromancer) in morrowind, any chance of some "darker" summon's for us summoner/necromancer role players??

The cat model is one that was modified from the BM wolf model by Wildman a looong
time ago, that I had intentions of releasing long before now in another mod, but decided
to save it for a more "all encompassing" project (like this one). He might still have a DL
for it somewhere (no doubt), if'n you were wanting to chop its head off and put it on
another model (sounds very morbid, doesn't it). I can not say whether he would mind
if this was done, but he is a very giving fellow, so it would not hurt to ask him about it first :) .

I have it somewhere, i can send it to Melchior if you want??
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:24 pm

Westly Great work!! I am loving all this new stuff you coming up with! Cant wait to try
this one out,i always play as a summoner (/Necromancer) in morrowind, any chance
of some "darker" summon's for us summoner/necromancer role players??

Katharsis is a pretty dark creature (based on a turkey vulture, after all), as it can
usually be found after a battle picking through the corpses for decidedly "delicious"
bits of meat (a perfect companion for a Necromancer). The Parasitic Worm (maggot) is
pretty gruesome, as are the Infection and Devourer. The Vampire Bat, and the Nocturne
are well suited for denizens of the night. Hellicaust (the Hell Unicorn) is fairly evil :) . I
have a few in the works yet that are better suited for practitioners of darkness (like a V'Kai
related "cat"). Actually, most of the summons are pretty sinister (Amora, the Flesh Atronachs, the Xivilai).

As far as undead summons, I will see what I can cobble that might not have been
seen before (but the realm of the dead has been "set" over the years by other great modders ;) ).
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:11 am

Katharsis is a pretty dark creature (based on a trukey vulture, after all), as it can
usually be found after a battle picking through the corpses for decidedly "delicious"
bits of meat (a perfect companion for a Necromancer). The Parasitic Worm (maggot) is
pretty gruesome, as are the Infection and Devourer. The Vampire Bat, and the Nocturne
are well suited for denizens of the night. Hellicaust (the Hell Unicorn) is fairly evil :) . I
have a few in the works yet that are better suited for practitioners of darkness (like a V'Kai
related "cat"). Actually, most of the summons are pretty sinister (Amora, the Flesh Atronachs, the Xivilai).

As far as undead summons, I will see what I can cobble that might not have been
seen before (but the realm of the dead has been "set" over the years by other great modders ;) ).

haha true, i didnt think of the Katharsis as being like that. The bats i assiociated more with vampires, but yes it looks like you have touched upon the darker realms without me even noticing lol.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:01 pm

haha true, i didnt think of the Katharsis as being like that. The bats i assiociated more
with vampires, but yes it looks like you have touched upon the darker realms without me even noticing lol.

It's my "sunny dispostion" that has you thrown off balance and not noticing the fell beasts represented ;) .
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:03 pm

It's my "sunny dispostion" that has you thrown off balance and not noticing the fell beasts represented ;) .

haha yes thats it. Now i know what it is i must come up with a way to combat it.....a littl bat blood, some ash salt..... nope that didnt work :P
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:34 pm

Whoa, those spiders look great I cant wait to try em out and maybe hangout with a dremora sorcereress
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Roy Harris
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:51 am

Westly, I'm curious about the Flit. Did you make up the creature, or does it exist in some other game, book, whatever?
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:36 pm

Ideally I would like to set them all as buyable companions, but summons seemed to be a more versatile viable option

I agree. Besides, previously you mentioned that the creatures will confer bonuses to the player while they are around. Being able to call a specific type of bonus (and a specific kind of helper) in a specific situation sounds a lot more convenient than having to plan it all in advance (ie, when choosing a permanent companion creature). For truth's sake, I must also admit that I'm probably biased, since like Midgetalien I almost always play as a summoner. Another thing to consider is that managing permanent companions tends to be a little hard for a spellcaster, since they tend to get caught in explosions.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:52 pm

Just posting to let you know I'm still watching your stuff (and still waiting on the NPC head replacer). This mod is incredible really. The summon idea is great, as long as there's no time limit (CE summon maybe). I also agree that the humanoid summons need to be races also. There's a couple I'd just love to play.

Quality work as always. I know you'll take your time and do it right. The results always show.

Thanks again for sharing your talents with us!
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 pm

I am afraid there there is indeed a time limit for the summons, though it is
a fairly long duration (60 - 120 secs, depending on the creature). Also, as
these are scripted summons, they are uniquely "cast" spells, not ones that
can be enchanted (so be sure your conjuration skills are high ;) ).

I have down time today, so I will see about working on the main contexts
of the mod (setting up all of the scripts aand working on Melisande, herself).

'Til Later :wave:
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megan gleeson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:42 pm

Out of curiousity - will http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/Wesadam/Extra%20Pics/WAR_ANTMY_SCREENS01.jpg see an appearance in this mod (or any other release for that matter)?

Also, a nice creature for a necro could be a Ghostly Visage (basically a floating, ghostly face)
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Donald Richards
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:59 pm

all bow before our modding overlord westley :bowdown:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 pm

Oh my, Westly, those creatures are WOW!! Im scared of thinking how many spells there will be in my char's spellbook after your mod is released xD I cant wait for it!! Vulters are SOOOOOOOO awesome!! My Dark Lord character will sure appreciate such summons! As always, your WIP threads are making me scream, Westly! :3 *bookmarks this thread*
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:45 pm

My god, I'll be summoning like 15 creatures at a time with this mod......I want them all to do my bidding, MUHAHAHAHA!
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:29 pm

A small question, if Im allowed to ask... Westly, will this mod include your extremely awesome fairies(I saw screens in ELSEWORLDS! topic and fell in LOVE many months ago)?.. *meh da huge fairy fan :drool: *
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:23 pm

A small question, if Im allowed to ask... Westly, will this mod include your extremely awesome fairies(I saw screens in ELSEWORLDS! topic and fell in LOVE many months ago)?.. *meh da huge fairy fan :drool: *

It will (feature the pixies), but I am giving them a "makeover"; this will make them appear more "otherworldy", rather
than so close to "human" (large dark eyes, antennae, and new wings individualised for each fae,
rather than the same mesh for all :) ). I am in a fervor finishing up my Golden Saints and Almalexia
replacers ATM, but as soon as those are finished, I will resume this mod in full :D .
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how solid
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:03 am

WOW! Now Im surely cant eat, sleep or think about anything else but this mod untill its released :3 Thank you for answering, Westly! *is super waiting for new Westly's mods*
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:47 pm

Now that Almalexia is seemingly out of the way, I will pick up work on this mod this afternoon, finishing up
some designer mice/rats, and a few fun and unexpected creatures that I have been squirreling away (woo-hoo).

You had better eat something quick :icecream: :cookie: :cake: !
(while not the most balanced meal, hopefully it will get you through
'til the release) .

Take Care, All :angel:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:40 pm

.... that I have been squirreling away (woo-hoo).


Yay squirrels! :cheat:
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:59 am

*takes cookie* Thanks :3 I think I will survive untill the release - after all, even the creatures already shown alone is a VERY strong motivation to!))))
And mice and rats is awesome!!! I cant wait to see more of your divine works Westly!)))

Hehe, my poor fps when my character will summon all the army of awesome creatures..... I better not think about it. xD
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