Hey Westly, just out of curiosity. Can you tell we where you got the cat heads for your Mountain Lion, etc. from? Unless it is a trade secret, lol!
The cat model is one that was modified from the BM wolf model by Wildman a looong
time ago, that I had intentions of releasing long before now in another mod, but decided
to save it for a more "all encompassing" project (like this one). He might still have a DL
for it somewhere (no doubt), if'n you were wanting to chop its head off and put it on
another model (sounds very morbid, doesn't it). I can not say whether he would mind
if this was done, but he is a very giving fellow, so it would not hurt to ask him about it first

Great work Westly! BTW the Flit had made me set up my mind - my next char will be a pure mage and I'll likely set that little beasty as a companion

On a sidenote - do you know your PM box is full?
Ideally I would like to set them all as buyable companions, but summons seemed to be a more versatile viable option as:
-Summons are not susceptable to the 72hour companion bug
-Summons might die in battle, but they can always be summoned
again (whereas such might cause scripting issues with consoling in a new companion)
-One would not have to worry about taking care of their summon like one would a steady companion
(such as health management or "living" container management, though the latter is not so bad at all)
And (deep sigh) yes, my PM box is full (as I get a steady influx of messages, which is fine, but it takes me a while
to go through them all (holding on to the ones that I want to be sure to address in some fashion).
Next up, I think, are a variety of rats/mice (like "pet store" varities, not the TB carriers that are already
on Vvardenfell), and a "fun" version that is of "literary" consequence (not necessarily for ELSEWORLDS!,
but for a bit of fun in this mod alone

I am also open to ideas, just to keep the topic rolling along

Take Care, All :angel: