melle + cloak shooting noobness

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:17 am

jeez... why does every modern FPS from BC2 to COD have the idiotic melle auto lock?
If you didnt notice - in Crysis 2 your character will do sort of a "charge" if you time your melle hit right - which is about the speed of Speed Mode from Crysis 1 - 95% of time its fatal...

Also... Marshall + cloak shooting ****... Shooting whilst cloak should not give you such a great advantage with shotguns... all those noobs do is shoot you with a marshall then follow up with an OP melle attack... Insta death FTW?

anyone else pissed off with cloak shooting noobs who cant switch modes before fireing?
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:35 am


Cry more. NOOB
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:43 am


Cry more. NOOB

herp-a-derp im the noob? that isnt even tactic going around **** cloaked 24/7 then shootiung while cloaked because they are too much of incopetant **** to uncloak and face someone like a man...

and dont **** call me a noob you retard...

i have put over 110 hours into C2 and i know what im talking about - Im also 3.51 Kill death ratio so **** off and dont call me a noob before you **** look at my stats dumb ****
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:29 am


I enjoy MP that could be great, but the cloack abuse is really irritating me. I 'm most of the time with K/D over 1 but getting killed in the back so often by cloackers is ruining the game.

Cloack is nice but it's overexagerated.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:42 pm

cloak ruins the game. forces you to be in nanovision all game. perks svck and dont really address the issue of a cloaker lining up a headshot on you before you know exactly where they are. nanovision doesnt even work well sometimes and is pretty inconsistent.

cloak abuse really takes no skill and is pretty boring to play against.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:50 pm

I agree cloak is annoying and nano vision is inconsistent. But cloak is USP of crysis 2 multiplayer so they wont nerf it.

My recommendation is map nanovision to a closer key like 4 and use it in short burst when u are entering a new area and look back once in a while
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:43 pm

I dunno. I never really had problems spotting cloaked players, don't even have to use nanovision. I was also under the impression that the first shot fired from stealth did no damage? There were a few posts about that somewhere on the forum.

Personally, I love sneaking around campers and stealth killing them. You should also remember that cloaked players are very vulnerable to stray bullets and if hit, they lose all their energy reserves which is IMO a balanced tradeoff and enough of a risk.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:49 pm

Cloak is mega OP - it needs be way more frigging visible and needs to eat more energy.. With Nano Recharge II + Movement Enchance you can sprint almost through entire map cloaked and then unleash raqe from behind...

sad truth is cloak is WAY more helpfull than armour - even in powermode a good shot will out-shoot someone in armour mode esp when using SCAR...

claok won't get nerfed but things like Cloak Tracker need a massive boost..they are nearly uselss ATM because you cant see where the **** the cloaker is at
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:16 am

I agree cloak is annoying and nano vision is inconsistent. But cloak is USP of crysis 2 multiplayer so they wont nerf it.

My recommendation is map nanovision to a closer key like 4 and use it in short burst when u are entering a new area and look back once in a while

i have it bound to my mouse. so i flick it on and off often. the problem is, between flicks, if someone cloaked walks by, you likely wont notice so you auto-die unless the guy is a noob. it forces you to use nanovision so damn much.

I dont think the first shot does damage, but your using full auto weapons so the first bullet doesnt make a difference. The first bunch of shots should do reduced damage coming out of cloak. Getting slowed when getting shot doesnt help matters when cloakers always get the first shot off.
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bonita mathews
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:34 am

I agree cloak is annoying and nano vision is inconsistent. But cloak is USP of crysis 2 multiplayer so they wont nerf it.

My recommendation is map nanovision to a closer key like 4 and use it in short burst when u are entering a new area and look back once in a while

i have it bound to my mouse. so i flick it on and off often. the problem is, between flicks, if someone cloaked walks by, you likely wont notice so you auto-die unless the guy is a noob. it forces you to use nanovision so damn much.

I dont think the first shot does damage, but your using full auto weapons so the first bullet doesnt make a difference. The first bunch of shots should do reduced damage coming out of cloak. Getting slowed when getting shot doesnt help matters when cloakers always get the first shot off.

i think cloaked enemies should shot up brighter on the nano-vision...
imagine how hard the nanosuit has to work to produce that kind of cloak...
therefore more energy give off as heat...

meh my theory
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:51 pm

You guys talk about cloak like it's a bad thing, I agree that it's frustrating sometimes but hardly op. No health, little armor, or energy left to fight. Some of you are probally high level and have all stats maxed out. I'm level 50 and I still haven't finished stealth off.

12 12 7 baby :P
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:57 am

Ive played 15~ games without Armor or Cloak over the past 2 days and im on a 3KDR at the moment. Rank 13, Level 1 Armor, Level 5 Power and Level 1 Stealth. Stealth isnt as gamebreaking as people think and its already fairly easy to spot Cloaked players.

If you have trouble spotting Cloaked players try using Visor Enhance. Im guessing you are using the cookie cutter set ups like Nano Recharge/Energy Transfer, Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance. Try weaning yourself off it.

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:39 pm

jeez... why does every modern FPS from BC2 to COD have the idiotic melle auto lock?
If you didnt notice - in Crysis 2 your character will do sort of a "charge" if you time your melle hit right - which is about the speed of Speed Mode from Crysis 1 - 95% of time its fatal...

Also... Marshall + cloak shooting ****... Shooting whilst cloak should not give you such a great advantage with shotguns... all those noobs do is shoot you with a marshall then follow up with an OP melle attack... Insta death FTW?

anyone else pissed off with cloak shooting noobs who cant switch modes before fireing?

These people have to come in range to kill you. Use ears, eyes and map knowledge to avoid that. Not a problem IMO
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:47 pm

c`mon guys... the next topic will be "nanosuit svcks. remove cloaking and armor and nanovision"?
nanosuit (invisibility, armor and nanovision) make this game unique and if some players uses the nanosuit in their way is their problem.
if you know their "tactics" it`s easy to dominate them.

and @codename205 this topic really make you the noob :|

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jessica robson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:29 pm

You guys talk about cloak like it's a bad thing, I agree that it's frustrating sometimes but hardly op. No health, little armor, or energy left to fight. Some of you are probally high level and have all stats maxed out. I'm level 50 and I still haven't finished stealth off.

12 12 7 baby :P

im lvl 41 after 1st Reebot AKA 1st Prestige...

i have 8 12 12

armour is **** :s
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:14 pm

Useless QQ post. You don't even realize how vulnerable cloaking is up close and you start a thread to tell us that? The cloak is fine. Don't blame the game if you don't know how to play.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:10 pm

Useless QQ post. You don't even realize how vulnerable cloaking is up close and you start a thread to tell us that? The cloak is fine. Don't blame the game if you don't know how to play.

ok Mr Pirate... cloaking is not at all OP im just high right? right?

wrong... the very fact you can camp behind a car cloaked then kick it when someone walks past for insta kill is a design flaw
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:28 am

you are looking at things the wrong way. First of all you cannot compare armor mode to stealth. Just cannot. Completely different ideas. Second of all everybody has all modes. Its about how you use it. But there are few things that armor mode needs fixing, and i did create a thread about this few days ago.(what would improve multiplayer experience, check if you wonder) About the marshall theory that gun is useless unless you are really in very short range it has too damn low acc, jackal is way better. And if you've let that enemy get close and hit you with melee, sorry man but its your fault.

Problem with stealth atm is you gotta use Nano vision like perm. Or your reaction time will not suffice. I wouldnt be concerned of such thing if nano vision wouldnt turn the game into some stupid virtual acid trip. I think they could just turn nano vision in to dedicated stealth detector(after all it is it's main use). World is lookin the same but you see stealthies better. But stealth shouldnt be overnerfed or game will lose its uniqueness.

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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:34 pm

Useless QQ post. You don't even realize how vulnerable cloaking is up close and you start a thread to tell us that? The cloak is fine. Don't blame the game if you don't know how to play.

ok Mr Pirate... cloaking is not at all OP im just high right? right?

wrong... the very fact you can camp behind a car cloaked then kick it when someone walks past for insta kill is a design flaw

yeeaa, because you camp there whole game because someone might come along(assuming you wont die before you get the chance)
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:19 am

Useless QQ post. You don't even realize how vulnerable cloaking is up close and you start a thread to tell us that? The cloak is fine. Don't blame the game if you don't know how to play.

ok Mr Pirate... cloaking is not at all OP im just high right? right?

wrong... the very fact you can camp behind a car cloaked then kick it when someone walks past for insta kill is a design flaw

yeeaa, because you camp there whole game because someone might come along(assuming you wont die before you get the chance)

+1 :)
if someone in cloak managed to own u by kicking a car into your face just means u svck? i mean cmon if you can come up with this idea is it that hard to turn on nano 1 sec and see he's behind the car?
just throw a nade at him or something and he'll blow up
(you don't have to be cloaked to own someone with a car :D)
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sally coker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:11 am

i tried doing that for 1 match on parking lot... not supprisingly i was getting double kills with the cars...
try it and tell me its not easy to do ill laugh
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:38 pm

You actually can see the cloak, if you look close enough. It's a faint distortion of the players outline, which is perfect in my estimation. What would be the point if it was easier to see? Right now, if an armored player knows where the cloaked player is hiding through radar, cloak tracker, or just seeing the outline (that's 3 ways!) the armored player has an advantage. Especially if the cloaked dude thinks he's all safe and hidden.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:09 pm

You actually can see the cloak, if you look close enough. It's a faint distortion of the players outline, which is perfect in my estimation. What would be the point if it was easier to see? Right now, if an armored player knows where the cloaked player is hiding through radar, cloak tracker, or just seeing the outline (that's 3 ways!) the armored player has an advantage. Especially if the cloaked dude thinks he's all safe and hidden.

yup i know i can see them... but if they strafe run its almost impossible to pin them down before they power jump over you de cloak and 1 shot Marshall you - or stealth kill
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:34 pm

You actually can see the cloak, if you look close enough. It's a faint distortion of the players outline, which is perfect in my estimation. What would be the point if it was easier to see? Right now, if an armored player knows where the cloaked player is hiding through radar, cloak tracker, or just seeing the outline (that's 3 ways!) the armored player has an advantage. Especially if the cloaked dude thinks he's all safe and hidden.

yup i know i can see them... but if they strafe run its almost impossible to pin them down before they power jump over you de cloak and 1 shot Marshall you - or stealth kill

So if someone cloaks, fire some quick rounds right in the area they activated it, there is a good chance you'll hit them and kill the cloak.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:00 pm

You actually can see the cloak, if you look close enough. It's a faint distortion of the players outline, which is perfect in my estimation. What would be the point if it was easier to see? Right now, if an armored player knows where the cloaked player is hiding through radar, cloak tracker, or just seeing the outline (that's 3 ways!) the armored player has an advantage. Especially if the cloaked dude thinks he's all safe and hidden.

yup i know i can see them... but if they strafe run its almost impossible to pin them down before they power jump over you de cloak and 1 shot Marshall you - or stealth kill

So if someone cloaks, fire some quick rounds right in the area they activated it, there is a good chance you'll hit them and kill the cloak.

problem is if you DONT see them cloak and they have stealth enchance (no player shadow)
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