Nearing postlimit

Day 124
As was to be expected, the next morning Zerina didn't feel her regular self. While I prepared my expedition to find an elusive Khajiit, she mumbled something about taking a bath and remaining there throughout the entire day. The day before I had already learned that even though the city looked beautiful from afar, there were filthy parts underneath - much like pretty flowers that grow best on manure. Underneath my armour I wore the oldest pair of trousers and shirt I had brought so the green robe wouldn't be reduced to a dirty rag.
Caius already informed me she would most likely be in the St. Olms canton so that narrowed down my search drastically. Especially if she would really still be there.
From the Redoran canton I took a gondola to the Temple, my feet still hurt from the day before. Zerina would be pleased I left my good robe in the suite; rain was pouring down in bucketloads. Within seconds after having gotten into the little vessel, I was soaked to my skin. From the Temple area I had to walk a little distance to the St. Olms Canton.
Looking back I had better could have gone walking, it would have been quicker. The bright side was that I got to see the splendour of Vivec' palace, High Fane - the pearl of the city.
From a book I once read, I knew Saint Olms the Just to be the one to have conceived and articulated the principles of testing, ordeal and and repentence. Two of those principles reflected my state of mind during my visit to the canton. I thoroughly repented being put through the ordeal of the Saint Olms canton. It was far dirtier than any other part of the city I had been. Probably because the Hlaalu that mainly lived there were too cheap to maintain it.
Hours in a row I meandered through the decrepit canton, looking for traces of the Khajiit when I came across an apothecary. Thinking that maybe I could concoct something against Zerina's inevitable headache and nausea I bought some basic apparatuses - I hadn't brought my own - and some ingedients for making a very special healing spell. Throughout my experiments I had learned by adding a very tiny part of an ingredient usually not used for that specific effect, the potion's effect would increase exponentially. Of course under the risk of creating a highly potent poison that would kill you instantly. Experience had taught me to recognise the colour and to be most wary of important details - like temperature - to brew it on to create something different altogether.
When I started putting ingredients together in the little workshop in his establishment, Vaval Selas almost interrupted by warning me about what I was doing but soon realised he wasn't talking to a novice but to a master. Intrigued, he grabbed a seat and watched me closely mashing, grinding, mixing and regulating temperatures.
With the heat of the boiling concoction and the heightened concentration that was absolutely vital with the brewing of the potentially lethal potion, I was bathing in sweat. I almost made the mistake of letting my mind wander off to the warm bath Zerina would now probably be in.
About two hours later, I was finally satisfied with the colour, viscosity and smell of the potion and thanked Vaval for the usage of his workshop. I had no space to take the tools I had bought with me so I left them behind. Vaval asked me if I could return some day to teach him what he just witnessed, the tools would be right here waiting for me. I didn't promise him anything but kept the possibility open.
The concentration had cleared up the fog from my mind of last night's debauchery. Determined I put myself back on the task of finding Addhirannir. I found lots of things in the canton; a wandering Skooma addict I gave some coins, lots and lots of rats and even a secret Daedric shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. I drew Wretched and almost found myself heading to the innards of the shrine to wipe out the evil Daedric Prince worshippers when I realised I had a different mission - one that could no longer wait. Besides, who was I to decide the worshippers were evil and needed to die?
Working my way up in the canton, inquiring with everyone I came across, I ran into an Imperial who seemed very out of place. How much out of place he was became apparent when he informed me of his profession: taxman. No wonder he was looking lost and had a hint of desperation in his eyes. An Imperial and a taxman. In Vicec. I held no personal grudge to him but it was obvious he was being massively ignored and looked at with contempt by the locals.
'Have you seen Addhirannir?' he asked me. So I wasn't the only one looking for her. Something I found rather inconvenient so I made up a story that I had seen her the day before, heading ashore. Probably to Ebonheart..
'I was heading for mainland anyway, I'll look for her there,' Duvianus said.
I wished him good luck but damn well knew that even if the Khajiit had indeed left for mainland he was never going to find her. Ever. I hoped she was still somewhere in Vivec or I'd have a serious problem.