There is always a huge down-side to wandering aimlessly through a land you have no or hardly any geographical knowledge about - you are bound to get lost. Well, so was I.
I had no idea where I was or where I was going. It was time to set myself a goal again, I needed better gear. Weeks before, someone, I can't remember her name, warned me about wandering into Daedric ruins. Unfriendly worshippers and even less pleasantly tempered monsters usually occupied the ruins was the bottom-line of the warning. I threw the advice in the wind as soon as I came across a ruin of the sorts I had never seen before. Towers with points, jagged edges of broken walls, apparantly aeons ago, and, as I was warned, crawling with creatures so terrible I almost ran.
The urge to find a better weapon got the better of me.
Curse my sense of adventure!
I got far more than I bargained for. Before I even got the chance to enter the shrine, I was assaulted by creatures I used to run away from as fast as I could. A waist high creature with what looked like a collar came running in at an alarming speed. I raised my shield and braced for impact.
I reaped the fruits of the exercise and the weeks of fighting enemy after enemy and managed to keep standing behind my shield. Frantically the creature tried to bludgeon my shield aside in an effort getting to me. Remembering what the master of arms had taught me, I used the creature's mindless ferocity and strength against it. I prepared my sword and let the shield slip a little, just enough for the creature to break through and impale itself on my sword because of its own speed.
The path into the shrine was clear.
Inside, I tried a different approach. Instead of barging in, banners raised, I snuck in, using the shadows to hide my presence. Before the residing worshippers were even aware of my presence, two Dunmer were lying mortally wounded on the ground, an arrow to the throat is just as effective against spellcasters as a silence spell.
The third was alarmed before I got a clean shot, I stepped on a loose rock revealing my location. These things usually happened when I tried to sneak up on someone, that's why I almost never bothered.
Drawing my sword I ran at him howling a battle cry. Mid-air my attack ceased. A glow was emmitting from the Sorcerer's hand, paralyzing me.
There was nothing I could do, I had no cure. I had to wait for the effect to wear off.
Several agonizing seconds passed as the sorceror cast spells at me.
Suddenly, my hands were free and I finished the attack ending with my sword lodged in the Dark Elf's chest.
Still I hadn't found a decent sword. Weren't these ruins supposed to be swarming with Daedra wielding the best weapons?
Disappointed with my findings in the ruin so far, I grabbed the best next thing. On a bowl near a shrine of a really ugly guy's statue I found some valuable gems.
Imagine my surprise when out of nowhere a warrior emerged wearing a black and red armour from hell and was swinging the scariest looking sword I had ever seen. That's what I was looking for. The only thing I had to do was kill its current owner.
What a battle that was. This guy knew what he was doing. Upon my standard attack - a overhead chop as a distraction, a quick sidestep and a slash to the midsection - he did the exact correct thing. He dodged the chop rather than blocking it so he was ready for the slash to his midsection. Most, lesser, swordfighters were caught off guard by this attack and were usually cut down with the slash. I remember grinning maniacally. This was what the master of arms had trained me for throughout my entire youth.
We blocked eachothers' every attempt getting the upper hand in the battle. This was no fight, this was a dance, as deadly as a hidden serpent and I never felt more alive. The first miss-step would mean defeat and certain death for either of us.
I almost ended the fight with a quick lunge straight to his gut, just before my sword hit him, he ducked and rolled to the side, recoiled and brought up his sword diagonally across my chest. If I would have been impatient and immediately had stepped in not recognizing the trap, the thrust would've cut me in half. I could feel the air displacement from the blade on my face as it flashed by.
This was the opening I had waited on, I grabbed the iron dagger from between my belt with my free hand and rammed it between the creases of his armour, into his armpit. The Daedra dropped his sword and fell to his knees. I ended the dance cutting off his head with his own sword in a single swipe. I'd call that poetic justice.