Also, I'm concerned that maybe some of you have stopped reading it due to some of its content--if this is so, I can assure you that Part Three has much less sixual content; however, if you've kept up with the story thus far, you know Syl is entering marriage to an abusive man, so there are more scenes of violence. (And in Book Two, there is even less sixuality, as Syl will almost entirely swear off six and live a more celibate lifestyle more often than not....)
:toughninja: And for those who may want more action and less mushy stuff--you may find Book Two more satisfying, as I promise: more action/fighting scenes, and less of the mushy stuff! :kiss:
Anyway, please express your opinion! I'll hold no hard feelings. Honestly, if you have criticism, lay it on me! I want to know, so I can make my writing even better. No one is ever too good for improvement! Give me feedback, people!!!

So, without further ado, I give you free range to fire away!