so, studios put quite a bit of effort into their intro cinematic's and trailers. to the point, some would argue that many have better production values than some actual AAA films..
when you put that much effort and work into a trailer or intro, you hope it will leave a lasting effect on the viewer..
so, for you personally, what was your most memorable game intro or game trailer?
for me, i got to go with I may not have actively played WoW in many years (not since Burning Crusade Launched) and will likely never go back because it no longer that same great game i had fallen in love with, but i played it a lot in the Vanilla days.. I remember, after installing it and setting up my account on launch day, opened up the client and was ready to experience this game and team up with a buddy of mine, and that intro blew my mind with how well done it was.. it was one of the most high quality intros I had ever seen, and it still holds up to this date as being of better quality than what some newer games have..
i'll also give an honorable mention, i gotta say the intro for had a pretty big impact on me.. throughout the entirety of the 90s, the Might and Magic series was the subject of an addiction for me (ever since we had gotten a copy of Isles of Terra).. but that intro to HoMM3 was the very first time i sat there staring at a screen after it was over and said to myself "okay, that was pretty epic".
so, what game intros or trailers were most memorable to you?