» Fri May 27, 2011 2:15 pm
I was a fairly low level character in Oblivion wandering the forest when I ran into a troll. I fought it a few seconds until my health was nearly gone, so I scram with the lunatic troll giving chase. I run through the forest, weaving through trees to try to slow down the ai of the troll, it helps but the crazy thing is still breathing down my back. So, just when I think there's no hope and I'm going to get killed by the thing, I run up to a steep cliff edge. I manage to not fall to my death but slide down ten or fifteen feet. To my surprise I hear a weird howling scream and notice that the troll has leaped to its death down below. I was amazed that I'd managed to kill the monster in this fashion. It remains the coolest kill I've ever pulled off in a game.
Another memorable moment was in Morrowind and taking advantage of the soultrap glitch. I created over 50 skeletons who followed me in a single file line towards a town. I shot an arrow at a guard who began rushing towards me. I was amazed to see all of the skeletons surround the guy in a giant pile of bones. The game slowed down but the frames kept up enough for me to see the body of that guard seemingly get thrown out of the horde of skeletons. After the guard's death, all of the skeletons ran back up to me in a large circle. It was awesome.