It was one of the first days in August 2004 when I installed Morrowind and started to play it. The graphic blew me away since the best looking game I've seen until that time was Deus Ex.
It was that same year that I first played D&D as well and I wanted to recreate my Halfling rogue in Morrowind. There weren't any Halflings in MW and the two stealthy races were Khajiits and Wood Elves. I didn't want to play some stupid cat so Wood Elf it was. For some reason all the male faces were ugly, but I found a reasonably good looking female one so I went with that. For birthsign I picked shadow because it sounded ideal for a stealthy thief, only to later discover how useless it was. I selected custom class:
Name: Shadow Thief (very original)
Specialization: Stealth
Attributes: Agility and Speed
Major skills:
- Marksman
- Light Armor
- Sneak
- Security
- Speechcraft
Minor skills:
- Acrobatics
- Athletics
- Mercantile
- Short Blade
- Illusion
All things considered, it was a pretty good character. llusion was a waste of a skill slot, but I started with 50 in Marksman, 45 in Sneak, and 60 Agility & Speed. I did rather well in combat, though of course I died several times.
For example I remember the first time I came across a daedric ruin. I sneaked closer and saw a strange white-grey creature with some purple energy inside (a Storm Atronach). And naturally my first thought was "I wonder if I can kill that." So I sneak closer and stab it with my trusty Steel Wakizashi. "Your weapon has no effect." "What? Oh [censored]! It's angry! Argh! I'm dead!"
Anyway, back to earliest memories. I gave Fargoth his ring, bought some Chitin gear from Arrille and then took the Silt Strider to Balmora. It was so big. I talked to the driver and he gave me the tourist information, but it was still a bit confusing. But once I manged to orientate myself I quickly found Caius. I joined all three guilds (Mages, Fighters, and Thieves) but then I went back to Seyda Neen.
I remember having to reload several times in Addamsartus. The mage was pretty brutal, though I could handle the other two well enough. I did the local quests then I went exploring along the souther shore. I went as far as Vivec, but something about it frightened me. It looked like a series of fortresses and I was afraid that some kind of guards would spot me and kill me. So I went back.
I remember running into that highwayman who wanted a kiss. Then I went further north towards Balmora. Didn't have any issues, but one of my later trips was quite memorable. The first time I walked through the foyada near Fort Moonmoth I remember thinking that that was the sort of area where I didn't want to walk through during the night. And on my second trip from Seyda Neen to Balmora it was night. And a storm came up. And I took a wrong turn so instead of moving towards Balmora I was moving towards Red Mountain. Fun times!

and it was during that trip that I first saw an Alit.
I also remember how I was looking through the crates in the Balmora temple and there was a magic item. Oh boy! But then for some reason I had to reload and when I got to the crate again the item wasn't there. Oh, the disapointment I felt.

I remember collecting Petty Soulgems because I thought they were valuable. I also remember the frist time I had 10.000 gold. I felt so rich! I would eventually get to 1.6 million gold.
The first time I entered the Red Mountain area was when I escorte Viatrix whatshername to the shrine. I didn't linger for long, I got out as quickly as I could.
I broke into the Hlaalu vault and looted it. I was so happy with my new glass armor. But then as reward for my next Hlaalu quest I got half a suit of Glass armor and suddenly I felt a bit bad.
I remember my first visit to Hla Oad. I picked up Rabinna and followed the signs to Balmora. Of course that was the long way around. I got lost in the swamp and while I could handle myself, Rabinna couldn't. Found Hlormaren, but didn't explore it. Found an ancestral tomb and thought it would be shelter. But as it turns out the shelter already had residents. There were two people inside and they charged at me the moment they saw me. When they came closer I saw they were vampires so I turned around and ran back out.
Later, when i was level 25 I bought myself a nice Steel Crossbow and a bunch of silver arrows and made my way back to that tomb. Eat silver, bloodsvcking scum! :chaos:
I'd write more, but I don't have the time right now. Maybe later.