On a separate crash issue, I can also no longer start from any checkpoint, as my game will simply crash with absolutely no error. I can load up a mission from the beginning just fine however. This wouldn't be such a problem (I'm a 'no deaths per campaign' type of guy), but combined with the other consistent crash issue, its become impossible to complete any missions now.
System specs: Windows 7 Ultimate, Intel Core 2 Duo 3.00 GHz, Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT (two cards, 512 MB each), 2.75 gigs RAM. Everything in my system is up to date too, including DirectX 9 and 11.
TL;DR Randomized Memory Allocation errors, checkpoints are completely unable to load. Never had this problem on Windows XP (though I had bluescreens, at least they weren't so frequent as to make completing the game impossible.)