Ii play females in single player games and male in MMO.
Ii play females in single player games and male in MMO.
For me, it's because no character creation system in any game that I've ever played allowed me to make a character that was genuinely me. Most of them don't even come close. So the need to roleplay as someone else occurs immediately for most everyone. What they choose to roleplay as is purely personal preference, therefore people bashing the "looking at rears" comments are invalidating their very own opinions as well. It's all 100% preference, and one person's preference does not trump anyone else.
We're playing a game where we can play as a cat or a lizard and we have people criticizing gender choices?
?? I feel an disturbance here, honestly most people are able to function arond women in real world so why should the be distracted by an cgi ass with an bad animation?
On the other hand I prefer it over watching an fat nords ass for 1000 hours
Ironically, my wife likes playing melee characters, usually choosing a female orc.
I end up being the sneaky bowman and sometimes healer.
This thread reminds me of the Fable 2 endscene where {spoilers} you drink that potion that irrevocably changes your gender {spoilers}
I was so angered by that happening I never played that game franchise again, turned my beefy dude with dreads into this hideous woman, it was horrible.
I'd also like to provide more explanation by saying I usually design my characters in a way where people looking at them would automatically know it's not a female behind the keyboard. Plus I like to make my characters unique, and give them personality and looks that set them apart from a crowd.
I basically go for 'how ridiculous can I get and still look awesome' and if i'm cackling maniacally by the time I leave character creation, I know I've done my job.
Haha, I have 3 and I do exactly the same, not to talk my wife and my mother that live with me, then 5. Nevertheless, my main character is always a male.
Im going to say something right now, and im sure people will mock me for it, but hey... i don't really care - I created a female toon a few days ago, and i made her look perfect. I can say in all honesty that with the graphics she was actually sixually arousing. The curves on her were perfect, and logging in i truly did get distracted by her wiggly butt while she was running around. In fact, after that i couldn't wait for a get together with my woman. How do you stay focused like that? How do you progress in a game with a nice ass in front of you?
Playing a male you don't get that issue. Perhaps some men can focus due to a lack of testosterone, as it is directly linked to libido-- im not implying they're not men at all, but some men CAN focus and appreciate a beautiful woman without feeling the need to "get it on". e.g. monks and gay men.
I have both male and female characters...whats that...i have no male Khajiits....its cat girls people, COME ON!
Fortunately I have a fiancée to keep my sixual urges at bay, but I don't think I've ever experienced what you're talking about with a computer generated character. My heavily modded Skyrim character was somewhat hot, but still.. no. I guess I'm fortunate in that department.
Hate to say it but there is no design that's guaranteed to not be a female player. Even the infamous overly sixualized look is sported by female players playing females, its not even all that uncommon for them to do so.
Some to roleplay, some to hide their gender from love starved males, and some to make unnaturally attractive members of the opposite gender to stare at just like male players do
Well, I just wanted to add my reasons. Its not because I prefer to stare at a girls ass (well, I do actually prefer to stare at a girls ass instead of a male one in real life, but thats not the reason more and mroe of my toons are female).
One of the biggest reasons for me over the years is that my female toon is NOT a representation of me ingame. If I pick up a nice piece of loot on my male character, equip it, and make my char looks like a total turd, then I am very reluctant to actualy wear that piece of armor. If I play a female on the other hand, I have no problems whatsoever if that armor makes me look like a turd, but, more often that not, what makes my male character look silly, makes my female toon look hot (for an example, go to wowhead and look up robes of insight). If I make beastly characters (races that do not look almost human, orcs, trolls, tauren, gnome, dwarf, goblin etc) then I make male chars as they are already distant enough from myself.
Another, and somewhat similiar reason is that part of the game is playing dressup, and, well, I have just no interest in playing dressup on a male char, I find it boring (I am a jeans/t-shirt kind of guy), playing dressup on female toons on the other hand, either to make them sixy, or make them badass, it has some appeal to me.
Thirdly, over the years of playing mmos, in most I actually prefer the female animations, both for movement and for combat.
And, if I have to roleplay them (which I almost never do anymore, I leave roleplaying to PnP), I am always a lisbian so that I can hook up with my fiancee ingame (she plays female toons)
In my first MMO I played only male chars (AO), the second MMO I played only male chars (SWG), even in the start of my WoW career, most of my toons were male (except my NE rogue as I think male NE just looks plain silly). most, if not all of my chars in the years betwen were male (Fallen Earth, CoH, TR). In RIFT I started making a few female toons (again because the male animations and looks of my preferred race/class choice looked silly). In SWTOR half my characters were female (one male and one female for each base class). In TSW my main was a female as she was just a lot more fun to play go clothes shopping with.
In ESO, all of my toons will be female (except if I make a orc, a khajiit or an argonian).
Don't be naive. CGI butts can be arousing. It depends on the man's ability to imagine, and the amount of testosterone present in the body. Some men only need a little push to get "distracted" - and some are like monks.
And having a good looking woman around at the job actually improves performance i.e. as a man wants to do their best to impress, its how alpha males behave, trying to be on top.
If only you knew how men are at the job when a lady appears. Its all out war among them - quite funny actually.. but it can turn ugly really quick. Its best to stay calm, and carry on.. like it says on my coffee cup.
Men like to control women. It sounds obvious..but it's actually deeply rooted into who you are and how you mesh with society.
Lets use the following user's post as an example!
There's probably a good chance, GrayH is not a super hunky guy like Chris Hemsworth or maybe a smooth suave character like Joseph Gorden Levitt. These are the kind of people that our society paints out to be true representations of men. These are the kind of dudes that would steal your girl friend in a second. And remember.. not only is society speaking to men about men.. it's also speaking to women.
Now imagine, a lot of regular people with the same physical and social traits that these two guys have...because there are plenty of them. They were the star quarter back on your highschool football team, the top basketball player, etc.. You must be feeling pretty bad about yourself by now, right? So how could I get my girl friend to do anything for me without becoming one of these men? I know. I'll make her in a video game and tell her what to wear, how she can act, and who she can associate herself with.
tldr; When men lose control of the media paradigm of what it is to be a man, they tend to control other things..like women.
Touché. I have a female friend who almost exclusively plays hot female characters, and flirts outragously in-game. There are no rules to it.
Have you ever tried to see around some of the male models in games?
Take world of warcraft for example.
That's character creation. Note the size and shape of the model. That character will likely be wearing robes most of it's life.
Draenei are around 7 feet tall and 3.5 feet wide. You're a walking farking refrigerator.
Now imagine playing something that size in melee. Possibly in PvP.
All I can see is my character's butt.
Female models are smaller and slimmer. Less stuff bulking up my screen.
Not going to deny that big burly males aren't sixy and badazz, but I prefer to be able to see where I'm going and what I'm doing.
This is the opinion I get from a lot of guys. Then there's a lot that will pick females of specific races for certain roles. Healers will be females, mages will be females, warriors males. I know one guy that makes blood elf females for rogues, but if he goes undead, its male. Human, its male.
Sometimes animations play a part(wow animations are different for race/gender but not always class. Rogue and warrior will share animations for example, dependent on weapon equipped. So if a male human warrior and rogue are dual wielding swords, their attack animations are identical, but a female's would be different).
It's not usually as simple as "looking at a woman's butt".
Hm yes. My sincere apologies.
I will ask the moderator to close this thread. This isnt going anywhere.
This is the most interesting thread on here. Don't do it!
Lol @ people staring at the ass of their character.
If that's what holds your attention, you shouldn't be playing ESO, you should be watching porm.
I'll be frank. I am not the person that gets aroused by people. No, I do by situations. I can not, for the life of me, understand when someone looks at someone (Fake nor real) and go 'yeah I could see me banging them'. I am legitmately confused. I am not unable to feel desire, sixual, etc, but just having an aesthetically pleasing person before me won't do it. Not to mention, i believe people who sixualizes people to that extent (even characters they make themselves) may have some kind of psychological problem.
I play males, I play females, females usually go higher in preference because they end up developing a personality I like more than my male characters. There are some male characters I absolutely loved (I had a Cathar in SWTOR that was freaking amazing. He drew a bit of inspiration from Samurai Jack and it ran well with the cool, slightly snarky attitude.), but in many cases female characters I can just relate with more. It's weird, sure, especially since I identify as a male gendered person, never had the legitimate desire to be a female. But I know I am in the minority of men not wanting to have six with anything attractive that works, even if I think she has nice curvy hips or he has a well-built torso. *Shrug*