To use in making Graqe Mentats for those of us that play with lower Charisma.
It's true. The Hacking perks just determine what level of computers you can ATTEMPT to hack. A higher Intelligence reduces the number of words you have to guess between, and adds more brackets to remove duds and reset tries.
I noticed yesterday with my new character. My old character had no ranks in Hacking, but 7 Intelligence. Novice computers were fairly easy to hack. With my new character, also no ranks in Hacking, who has a 3 in Intelligence, there are a TON more words to pick from, and hacking is a bit of nightmare.
I use them to make Bufftats.
Raiders have been known to lecture my character on his chem use.
Maybe you should stop taking so many chems? Hahahah, what am I saying?? Stop talking crazy!
I never used any of the 'drugs' because I thought you could get addicted to them which gives you weird side effects. Is that not true?
There are some great chem perks. One of them makes you immune to addiction, another can increase the duration to like three times normal when fully ranked up. So the custom made drugs you can make at a chemist station ... bufftats, psychojet, etc. can become totally awesome.
2 perk points in some endurance perk makes you IMMUNE to addiction.
Pretty sweet huh?
So ... there is an issue with addiction? I'll just not use them and save the perks for something more useful.
Chem addiction gives you -1 to S and E if I recall correctly.
Am i gonna die if i have 0 or -1 Endurance?
Lv 47, Survival and still 1 Endurance. xD
It kind of bums me out seeing people crap on the games stat system for not doing much, when its doing much more than before. only problem is this time around the game doesn't tell or out right show you every thing that your stats are doing for you.