Ok so I regularly play C2 multiplayer, it have always been: Team Instant action; instant action; crash site onslaught; retaliation ia & team; decimation ia & team. Each menu gave had a submenu of either New recruits or standard gameplay...
Today for a moment there was extraction; assault; and capture the relay; added to this main menu with 5 different submenus in each. Is this because I just got to level 29? If so why don't I see it anymore?
possibly, this game used to have alternatives to the original modes, I would just ignore it as every game mode now only has a regular and new recruits, but new recruits probably has no one playing. Theres a lot of things that happen in this game that are simply unexplainable, as long as your able to play the game itself then you're in the clear lol
If it shows you classic, pro, and the other modes, it means that you have not loaded the playlist correctly. This happened to me a good number of times, and it's due to a bad connection, if I'm not mistaken.
Wait a little bit, possibly two minutes, then leave multiplayer and reconnect, you may need to do it a couple of times.