Normally game time is freezed when a menu is open.
This mod takes into account real time passed with menu open and advances in game time by the same amount after closing menu.
It is also configurable setting a global variable from game console:
- set ab01mtMode to 0 (default value) to add real time passed in menu mode to game time
- set ab01mtMode to 1 to add scaled real time passed in menu mode to game time
- set ab01mtMode to 2 to add real time passed reading a book to game time*
- set ab01mtMode to 3 same as 2, but time spent reading is scaled using TimeScale*
- set ab01mtMode to 100 to temporarily disable the mod effects
*ATTENTION: due to engine limitation recognising only menu open event and book drop sound,
mode 2/3 work as intended only if:
- you equip the book (e.g. drop it over the paper doll) right after opening the inventory menu
- you drop the book to the ground right after reading it