Am I right in thinking that you can't start a timer going whilst in a ShowMessage menu?
For some reason, the timer doesnt seem to start, so I tried splitting the script up into 3 parts, OnActivate, MenuMode and GameMode, didn't make much difference, so then I tried bundling it all into just OnActivate and GameMode, then setting an activation variable which is rings true during gameMode, starts the timer. Again, no joy. Is this ebcause the option of setting ActivateTimer runs at the same time as the option to check if its true or not?
Script below's a bit higgledypiggledy, any ideas? Thankos

scn TARDISbuttonPower SCRIPTshort Buttonshort timershort ActivateTimerbegin onActivate playerif getStage LCoG == 100 if tardispowermode == 0 ShowMessage TARDISpowerDown endif endifendbegin gameMode set Button to GetButtonPressed if ( Button == 0 ) set tardispowermode to 1 tardisheart.disable tardisgroaning.enable poweroutbeam.enable consoleroomlight1.disable consoleroomlight2.disable consoleroomlight3.disable consoleroomlight4.disable PlaySound OBJTurretGeneratorDisable PlaySound OBJSwitchButtonBPass set ActivateTimer to 1 if ( Button == 1 ) endifif ActivateTimer == 1 if timer < 5 set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed else showMessage TARDISpowerUp set timer to 0 set tardispowermode to 0 tardisheart.enable tardisgroaning.disable poweroutbeam.disable consoleroomlight1.enable consoleroomlight2.enable consoleroomlight3.enable consoleroomlight4.enable PlaySound AMBElevatorMonumentPowerUp endif endifset ActivateTimer to 0endifend