Wait, what!?
Lies! Slanderous Lies!!!
Wait, what!?
Lies! Slanderous Lies!!!
You can actually make Dunmer and Bosmer look good with a beard. You just gotta know how to do it right. You'll get the hang of it eventually.
You sure about that? I can hear Elenwen and Hevnoraak in the other room. Damn these walls are thin.
Bosmer don't work with it. The only good Dunemr with a beard are the ones in TES: Arena
Those were some sixy Dunmer!
That would be epic. Imagine a baby elf with a viking beard....... Awesomesauce.
No one rocks a beard better than nords. That is canon.
What are ya talking about? Argonians with beards are where it's at! Just imagine that long, scaly extension of the neck, thinner than the rest of the body, adorned with brightly colored scales every color of the rainbow!
Nope. Sorry, but no one sports a beard like an Altmer. You see a beard on a Nord, you immediately want to kill it.
Damn straight. If a Nord tried to copy Merrish facial hair styles, their chins would explode from the swag. They just can't handle dat swag, son.
Now that you mention it, that would be a really good idea. Thanks bro.