That it is. It's Aethereic.
That it is. It's Aethereic.
Dammit I had to delete and edit my votes
I had to do the same thing, too. I know, it's annoying.
*Sigh* Oh well, at least it doesn't automatically delete it and you have a choice I hope there will be an issue three of this
, and it seems too me once ulfrics law was made, no threads derail to a civil war debate anymore lol
But yeah back on topic, mer with beards look epic, I can make a really awesome dothraki looking mer, which requires facial hair And mer hairstyles do really look (what do you call it???) Swag???
Love the word Swag. Giggity. Seriously though, all the Altmer characters I have made thus far, had some amount of smexy Merrish facial hair. A Mer with no beard, is like a man without balls. Can't have one without the other, lol.
I always give my male Altmer a goatee. They look super sixy.
Your avatar's facial hair is spectacular, The Pompous Altmer. Did you draw the picture?
Nope. I'm not much of an artist. The credit for artwork of the <<<<<<< Altmer BAMF, goes to I believe the pic I have as my avatar, is on page 5.
I got a cool dragon priest avatar which i'm gunna use, thank you for the list
No prob man. I love Adam's artwork. Shame he had to pass. Bethesda lost a very talented man. Dude will be remembered.
There is some great Altmer art out there! I should draw an Altmer for my avatar.
My only attempt so far...and I notice he lacks any facial hair! I should draw another and rectify this.
He truly is very talented, A toast! to Adam!
Not to shabby. I can see the anime influence in your artwork.
Aye, as can I
P.S. I hate the reply has been posted to quickly thing
Yes, I love anime. I'm sorry! I know a lot of people don't like when things like TES or Fallout is drawn in this style.
Back on the topic of beards for mer, I also like the knot beards since it compliments their chins.
My beard was so sixy that Ysmir himself came down from the heavens and tried to steal it from me.
*Sigh* I suppose it's to stop spammers I suppose
I love anime and manga. Some of da best [censored] out there if you ask me.
On topic: That's what I'm saying. Knotted beards for the win.
That beard must've been constructed my Magnus himself. (Hopefully you got that. Please tell me you got that.)
I got it (i think if your talking about tes lore, I love tes lore)
Me too, brah. If you haven't noticed, (probably already have) I'm all about dat Altmer lore and culture.
My favorite lore is Altmer (Aldmer) Khajiit and Argonian. But yes I have noticed, I base all my characters off lore btw.
And the knot beard style looks... scholarly.
I love Khajiit too. Those manes, brah.
Yes, now tha you mention it, the knotted beard does give off a certain, intellectual but yet, badass vibe. That's why I like it so much.
This got me interested in our scaly freinds