I like having a facial hair option. I always sport the Touch O' Soul in the FO series.
I like having a facial hair option. I always sport the Touch O' Soul in the FO series.
I prefer the boxed beards, but will occasionally use the longer beards for characters whose interests lie solely in magic.
I once used Ondolemar to cause a scene at the Thalmor Embassy and shouted Elenwen off of the Throat of the World after finishing Season Unending. I also ended up getting Delphine out of spite, so I suppose I inadvertently aided you in temporarily taking out a member of the Blades; still, score 2 - 1.
One of my favorite facial hair styles too. I also like Mephastopholies (probably spelled that wrong, lol) too.
The boxed beards aren't too shabby at all. Though the long and knotted beards is where it's at, brah. They need to add
Damn, we're still losing. Well, at least we have the Empire in our pockets. Though for how long, who knows...
I was actually a bit surprised at the lack of beard length with a game that had mages as one of the three main archetypes. I mean, even the Mage Stone features a wizard with a long beard -- it's like they're teasing you.
Exactly. They not only did they not have a hair length option, but they left out a beard length option also. What the Phynaster, Bethesda?
I do too. He would look so boss.
Imagine if we could make an Altmer Mage, look like
With elven mages I feel this internal need to have a beard that I can stroke nefariously whilst maintaining a look of sophistication when in the company of Faralda and Niranye
I love this post so much. It's exactly how I feel. Plus, Faralda has one sixy booty.
Sig worthy.
Buttery booties. Buttery booties everywhere.
Do I detect a hint of BAMFness in that pic?
I like that name.
Well guys, going to hit the sack. Goodnight.
P.S. Make sure to keep this thread alive while I'm sleeping, lol.
Stannis has been neutralised by Elven Supremacy.
And facial hair.