So what are your guy's opinions of Mer with beards?
So what are your guy's opinions of Mer with beards?
I prefer mer with mustaches or goatees, not a full beard, although, since orcs technically are mer, I would have to specify. Altmer - Mustache or proper goatee, Dunmer - Beards are fine , Bosmer - goatee or mustache, Orsimer - I prefer them well shaved, lol.
That I agree with. Dunmer with a beard or a goatee is sixy.
Not really. Some men just look dirty with a beard. Some it looks good, and compliments them, but again, some look naaaaaasty.
Dwemer with beards can never beat. It's just impossible.
I have a Dwemer beard...
I never knew female Dwemer had them. Interesting.
Ah, I see. The one on the left looks more female.
Well Dwemer were Mer, so they didn't exactly look like male Men.
Wait a moment! Read the second sentence.
There is currently no text in this page. You can in other pages, or
What sentence? Why not just tell us instead?
EDIT: Now it shows up...after I post.
A beard is what makes a man a man... or a mer a mer?
I think mers like high elves look better with goatees or thin moustaches, bit more subtle and better than a full on beard.
The fundamental flaw in this thread, my pomp, is you assume mer can even be sixy.
edit: MALE mer.
Actually Altmer look pretty [censored]in' with a beard if you ask me. You gotta know how make one look good.