Mercarryn's New Cities (MNC)
In a previous thread ( there was quite an interest in my German Mod New Ald'ruhn translated into English. With big help from bhl this is finally done and so I can proudly announce the release of MNC:Ald'ruhn
Here some excerpts from the readme:
********************************************************************************* ** The Elder Scrolls III ** MORROWIND ** Mercarryn's New Cities: Ald'ruhn 1.1 ** ** October 05, 2010 *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************1. Introduction********************************************************************************This plug-in is the English translation of my German Mod "New Ald'ruhn". Itextends the city of Ald'ruhn with several buildings and NPCs with their owndialogue.This mod is the first of an upcoming little series of city expansions. In orderto reflect that greater scale, I renamed this mod from "New Ald'ruhn" to "MNC:Ald'ruhn".I tried to be as lore-friendly as possible, i.e. the new additions have gottheir own little background stories. I leave it to your judgment if I succeeded.Furthermore, this mod doesn't contain any quests, armor, or weapons. Well, thereare two armor parts, but they aren't really that special.This mod has been thoroughly cleaned with tes3cmd, TESPCD, and Enchanted Editorby bhl.****************************************************************************************************************************************************************6. Credits********************************************************************************Dongle for his meshes, textures, and icons for his quivers, canopy bed, and water objects. for his Marble&Gold resource. also Psychodog Studios, Astarsis, The Better Heads team, Sabregirl, MYJ, LadyE, Don Salus, Emma, Eternum, Rhedd and Allie, Snakebitten, Qarl... as they are credited in the Marble&Gold readme zocko and WormforEnnio aka Sister for their initial beta tests for the German version of my mod.Bhl for his incredible work with translating my mod for the English version of Morrowind, his beta tests, suggestions, and corrections that led to the actual version 1.1.The forum members of whose interest let me know that my whole work was not useless, at least not that useless at all
.And last but not least Bethesda for a game that even today can enthuse so many people despite its age.If I have forgotten somebody, just let me know and I will update it.********************************************************************************
For those interested just follow the You will also find some screenshots for a first impression of MNC:Ald'ruhn.
As already explained MNC is so far a little series of city extensions by me. MNC:Ald'ruhn being the first, I am right now working on the second part called MNC:Ebonheart.
Finally it's done! The second mod of my little series, MNC: Ebonheart is finished. Below are some information for you all
********************************************************************************* ** The Elder Scrolls III ** MORROWIND ** Mercarryn's New Cities: Ebonheart 1.0 ** ** Mar. 08, 2011 *********************************************************************************Author: MercarrynType: City ExtensionRequirements: Morrowind, TribunalTable of Contents:1. Introduction2. Installation3. Uninstallation4. Compatibility5. Savegames6. Version History7. Credits8. Usage9. Contact********************************************************************************1. Introduction********************************************************************************MNC: Ebonheart extends the castle Ebonheart and its surrounding area withseveral buildings and NPCs with their own dialogue.This mod is the second of a little series of city expansions. I tried to be as lore-friendly as possible, i.e. the new additions have gottheir own little background stories. I leave it to your judgment if I succeeded.Furthermore, this mod doesn't contain any quests, armor, or weapons. Okay, thereis one or two of them but they are used by NPCs and not intended to be used bythe player.This mod has been thoroughly cleaned with tes3cmd, TESPCD, tesame andEnchanted Editor by bhl and me.
Screenshots from the CS: (chamber of Vedam Dren)
Please note: In the screens you will see some replacer that I am using. These replacers are not included in any of my mods!
Okay, I am finished with this opening. Comments, questions and critics appreciated!