As history has also shown us, it almost always starts with some half crazed individual. In this case, no trends are broken. In this case, it started with a dunmer. This Dunmer was a famed magician of the Mages Guild, adept at creating illusions and restoring people to health, he was often praised by his peer's and his elders, this Dunmer was called Maloch Drayu, Maloch was bored of his career. The fascinating thing about Magic was that it was endless; His fans seemed to follow that trend as they would never seem to disappear. He was tired of living a life of essays, speeches and conventions that he always got too drunk at.
And thus, he decided it was high time he vanished. Maloch; on the day of the New Life Festival, travelled up towards Skyrim where he began to explore what he knew and try to perverse it. He found that without any of the harsh rules and regulations, he was tempted towards cruelty and necromancy. It has been believed that he killed a man, just so he could resurrect him and make him fight his wife. Such acts of cruelty quickly tormented Maloch, and the once bored man became insane, and from insanity he brewed hate. Hate of Cyrodiil and their harsh rules, their long essays, their boring speeches and their horrid alcohol.
While this was all happening, the Mages Guild was getting really rather worried, and they had no idea where he was until one day, he walked into the Mages Guild in the Imperial City, at first no one recognised him; the man was beardy, had a harsh face, and he had a rather masculine body, none of the things anyone would relate to Maloch. However; that didn't matter at the time for he was in fact carrying the head of the one of the guards he had just slaughtered.
The mages guild erupted in chaos, for every dead body another rose and another, and another until they had the Imperial Army storm in and slaughter everyone. Maloch escaped but left a note mentioning he would return soon, and with his return he would bring fall to the mages guild, and everything they stood for. It was without a doubt that the mages guild was in big trouble.
They turned to the Imperial Army, but they declined, they didn't care for a single crazed mage, but the fighters guild did.. And the fighters guild quickly began to send out applications to anybody that cared.
This is where you come in. You will be 1 in 4 people selected to join the expedition into Skyrim to find the mage, kill him, and return with proof of said deed, (Usually the head.). The Fighters Guild are paying 100000 septims for the completion of the quest and are only choosing 4 members of public.
Your character can be anything and anyone. As long as they're not 'uber' or a member of the fighters guild. It's the 29th year in the 4th era, Cyrodiil is ruled by a man named Brati Damus, an Imperial man that was nominated from the population of Cyrodiil and is currently doing a rather fine job.
Those that accept the challenge are to meet at the fighters guild in Bruma where they will then set off.
Rules :-
The usual list:
Only I may create a new thread.
Follow my character sheet.
Don't move time along.
Don't character control without the persons permission.
Don't go all uber please..
I would love it if you could speak in a language we all understand.
Keep it real.
Romance is fine, I don't care quite how far you go, but ofcourse.. six scenes aren't allowed by forum rules so.. No explicit stuff, please?
No enchanted weapons/armour/clothing/etc
PM all your character sheets to me.
OOC chat is to be kept at a minimum.
Only 3 other people will join this RP.
Character Sheet :-
Name: (Full name)
Nickname: (Yeah.. What you would rather be called: Note! No one will call you this unless you tell them that that's your name)
Race: (Don't go all complicated on me, stick to the races seen in Morrowind.)
six: (No 'Yes please')
Class Description:
What your character is good at: (AKA, ingame and noningame skills.)
Appearence: (How pretty is your character?)
Hair: (Length/colour/style)
Height: (In feet...)
Weapons: (Don't just go Longsword.. What material? Any patterns? And remember.. Your character can't hold every weapon under the sun)
Armour: (Don't just go leather armour, what colour? What material? Any patterns?)
Clothing: (All the points from the above.)
Mof coursey character sheet :
Name: Kureigu (Kur-Ray-Gu) Hano (Hah-no)
Nickname: Rei (Ray)
Race: Breton/High Elf
six: Male
Age: 21
Class: Mercenary
Class Description: Mercenaries work for gold, they have no real affilation and in most circumstances have very little education or training. They are often found as failed experts in their professions.
What your character is good at: Long sword, Athletics and block.
Appearance: Handsome to an extent, Kureigu was gifted by his fathers masculine body and his mothers soft skin and hair. While most think he's more of a 'Nancy-Boy', Kureigu is fairly well toned.
Hair: Short and blonde.
Height: 5'6"
Eyes: Brown
Weapons: A steel Longsword that appears well used, it's scabbard is jet black and there is a small red ruby in the center of the hilt.
Armour: Dark brown leather armour with a thin sheets of steel that cover his chest and thighs. Light weight but offers a fair amount of protection.
Clothing: A grey shirt and trouser, both are cotton, he also carries a grey trenchcoat to protect him from the cold, it fits over his armour.
Inventory: Maps and various hip flasks. A small pouch of gold is his only stash of money.
Personality: ReiaffiliationAppearance is a failed soldier, he never had the spirit to join the Imperial Army, and after his father's pressuring in going into knighthood, he decided he'd try his fancy at mercenary work. While he has succeeded, he is still fairly shy of butchery and isn't comfortable when attacked.
Thanks to his mother's intelligence, Rei has an education but doesn't know how to apply it to his life yet, and since he wishes to please his father more then his mother, he had decided to ignore that part of his brain.
Easy to get along with; Rei just wants money and enough respect to get into the Imperial Army.
Carries all his gear on a rucksack he straps to his back.