
Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:48 pm

In a time where magic runs wild, and Goblins murder innocents, it's hardly surprising that individuals would take up the violent walk of life in search of money and respect. It's also hardly surprising that very few very rarely live long enough to find both. However; as history has shown us, there are a select few that shine and become an anomaly against the ever growing trend of dead bodies.

As history has also shown us, it almost always starts with some half crazed individual. In this case, no trends are broken. In this case, it started with a dunmer. This Dunmer was a famed magician of the Mages Guild, adept at creating illusions and restoring people to health, he was often praised by his peer's and his elders, this Dunmer was called Maloch Drayu, Maloch was bored of his career. The fascinating thing about Magic was that it was endless; His fans seemed to follow that trend as they would never seem to disappear. He was tired of living a life of essays, speeches and conventions that he always got too drunk at.

And thus, he decided it was high time he vanished. Maloch; on the day of the New Life Festival, travelled up towards Skyrim where he began to explore what he knew and try to perverse it. He found that without any of the harsh rules and regulations, he was tempted towards cruelty and necromancy. It has been believed that he killed a man, just so he could resurrect him and make him fight his wife. Such acts of cruelty quickly tormented Maloch, and the once bored man became insane, and from insanity he brewed hate. Hate of Cyrodiil and their harsh rules, their long essays, their boring speeches and their horrid alcohol.

While this was all happening, the Mages Guild was getting really rather worried, and they had no idea where he was until one day, he walked into the Mages Guild in the Imperial City, at first no one recognised him; the man was beardy, had a harsh face, and he had a rather masculine body, none of the things anyone would relate to Maloch. However; that didn't matter at the time for he was in fact carrying the head of the one of the guards he had just slaughtered.

The mages guild erupted in chaos, for every dead body another rose and another, and another until they had the Imperial Army storm in and slaughter everyone. Maloch escaped but left a note mentioning he would return soon, and with his return he would bring fall to the mages guild, and everything they stood for. It was without a doubt that the mages guild was in big trouble.

They turned to the Imperial Army, but they declined, they didn't care for a single crazed mage, but the fighters guild did.. And the fighters guild quickly began to send out applications to anybody that cared.


This is where you come in. You will be 1 in 4 people selected to join the expedition into Skyrim to find the mage, kill him, and return with proof of said deed, (Usually the head.). The Fighters Guild are paying 100000 septims for the completion of the quest and are only choosing 4 members of public.

Your character can be anything and anyone. As long as they're not 'uber' or a member of the fighters guild. It's the 29th year in the 4th era, Cyrodiil is ruled by a man named Brati Damus, an Imperial man that was nominated from the population of Cyrodiil and is currently doing a rather fine job.

Those that accept the challenge are to meet at the fighters guild in Bruma where they will then set off.


Rules :-

The usual list:

Only I may create a new thread.
Follow my character sheet.
Don't move time along.
Don't character control without the persons permission.
Don't go all uber please..
I would love it if you could speak in a language we all understand.
Keep it real.
Romance is fine, I don't care quite how far you go, but ofcourse.. six scenes aren't allowed by forum rules so.. No explicit stuff, please?
No enchanted weapons/armour/clothing/etc
PM all your character sheets to me.
OOC chat is to be kept at a minimum.
Only 3 other people will join this RP.

Character Sheet :-

Name: (Full name)
Nickname: (Yeah.. What you would rather be called: Note! No one will call you this unless you tell them that that's your name)
Race: (Don't go all complicated on me, stick to the races seen in Morrowind.)
six: (No 'Yes please')

Class Description:
What your character is good at: (AKA, ingame and noningame skills.)

Appearence: (How pretty is your character?)
Hair: (Length/colour/style)
Height: (In feet...)

Weapons: (Don't just go Longsword.. What material? Any patterns? And remember.. Your character can't hold every weapon under the sun)
Armour: (Don't just go leather armour, what colour? What material? Any patterns?)
Clothing: (All the points from the above.)





Mof coursey character sheet :

Name: Kureigu (Kur-Ray-Gu) Hano (Hah-no)
Nickname: Rei (Ray)
Race: Breton/High Elf
six: Male
Age: 21

Class: Mercenary
Class Description: Mercenaries work for gold, they have no real affilation and in most circumstances have very little education or training. They are often found as failed experts in their professions.
What your character is good at: Long sword, Athletics and block.

Appearance: Handsome to an extent, Kureigu was gifted by his fathers masculine body and his mothers soft skin and hair. While most think he's more of a 'Nancy-Boy', Kureigu is fairly well toned.
Hair: Short and blonde.
Height: 5'6"
Eyes: Brown

Weapons: A steel Longsword that appears well used, it's scabbard is jet black and there is a small red ruby in the center of the hilt.
Armour: Dark brown leather armour with a thin sheets of steel that cover his chest and thighs. Light weight but offers a fair amount of protection.
Clothing: A grey shirt and trouser, both are cotton, he also carries a grey trenchcoat to protect him from the cold, it fits over his armour.
Inventory: Maps and various hip flasks. A small pouch of gold is his only stash of money.

Personality: ReiaffiliationAppearance is a failed soldier, he never had the spirit to join the Imperial Army, and after his father's pressuring in going into knighthood, he decided he'd try his fancy at mercenary work. While he has succeeded, he is still fairly shy of butchery and isn't comfortable when attacked.

Thanks to his mother's intelligence, Rei has an education but doesn't know how to apply it to his life yet, and since he wishes to please his father more then his mother, he had decided to ignore that part of his brain.

Easy to get along with; Rei just wants money and enough respect to get into the Imperial Army.


Carries all his gear on a rucksack he straps to his back.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:54 am

Sounds fun, I'll join up. I always liked mercenaries :D

*works on character sheet*
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:31 am

Indeed, beyond the allure of money and fame, I do enjoy killing me a necromancer XD. Working on my CS now before bed.
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Ian White
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:27 pm

Alright I'll send my sheet
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Anna S
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 am

Rei shivered as he cupped the warm mug of ale in his hands. He looked at the nords that walked around bare chested and wondered if they were truly normal. He shuffled inches closer to the fire as if it would make a large difference, he knew it wouldn't; but it sure felt nice to be as close to the fire as possible right now.

He took a large swig from the mug and cringed slightly, he wasn't a fan of the strong stuff; his father would always say ale was for barbarians and thus Rei was brought up on cheap wine and whatever ale's he could scrounge from his friends.

Another couple of hours and I can set off on this journey... he thought to himself as he began to fondle the hilt of his sword. He was somewhat worried about the people he would be accompanying. He had never worked in a large group on a mission before, and it could prove somewhat challenging to be liked by them.

Oh well, i'm sure they're like me.. Just in it for the money.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:52 am

OOC: And so we begin ^^

Name: Idhran
Nickname: Iddie (Really prefers not to be called this, but it was his nickname until he was about 25 and a respected member of the mages guild)
Race: Breton
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Affiliation: Mages Guild Warlock

Class: Sorcerer
Description: Besting the most well-equipped fighters, they rely on the spells of the mystic arts. Unique to these mages is the bodily stamina to be armed with the thickest armor.
Abilities: Endurance and Intelligence
Skills: Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Heavy Armor, Mysticism, Illusion, Restoration
Other: Has decent ability in Hand to Hand combat, just in case, and a working knowledge of Alchemy. He is also quite athletic.

Appearance: Sunken eyes and a small forehead combined with a rather large, thin nose make him look quite comical to some. His lips are just a few shades darker than his medium-tan skin, and his ears are hidden behind his thick, straight hair. Slender, but capable of withstanding quite a bit of punishment, his muscles are long and give him the appearance of being taller than he is.
Hair: Dark Brown, Parted on the right side above his eye, Just above neck length.
Height: 5' 11''
Eyes: Hazelnut Brown on the inside, with a darker brown on an outer ring

Weapons: Possesses no conventional weapons, but keeps a staff of electricity on him, just in case.
Armor: A bronze-steel cuirass, with pauldrons of similar make, as well as matching greaves and boots. The cuirass has an engraving of stars on the back. His hands are exposed and he wears robes under his armor, they are usually green, brown, or red.
Clothing: If he is not wearing his armor, he is probably wearing his robes. When not in combat, he will wear more extravagant varieties of robes including red silk robes, white mage's robe, and his own custom designs featuring his favorite colors and patterns.
Inventory: Usually carries plenty of restore magicka potions, respite potions, and fortitude potions, along with several repair hammers and books. Also has a few scrolls and food.

Personality: Moody and reclusive, long standing member of the Mages Guild and scholar of the arcane all his life. He tends to spend most of his time thinking, reading, or practicing magic and doesn't talk to people much. Slow to anger, but holds grudges for a long time, he hates necromancers and has fierce loyalty to his guild and his country.

History: Born in High Rock, his family travelled to the Imperial City so his father could work at the Arcane University. He spent much of his young life there with the mages and learned much spell craft there. He also learned to use heavy armor from Varnado at The Best Defense, as well as Hand to Hand from fighting some of the other boys. He has lived a more or less sheltered life, only travelling to other cities to complete the recommendations to enter the Guild.

Miscellaneous: His favorite schools of magic are destruction, alteration, and mysticism. He has poor people skills, but is an amazing scholar, having written several books on magic.

He is the representative of the Mages Guild, sent for vengeance.


IC: Idhran found he was uncomfortable in the cold, he wrapped the cowl tighter around his face and urged his horse onward. He could see the walls of Bruma clearly; he figured he was only about twenty minutes from the gate. His steel armor made clinking noises from its place within his saddlebag. He hoped the cold wouldn't affect it too much; he didn't want to have to repair it again. He cast a small fire spell to warm him, and thought of the summons that caused him to go on this venture.

The Mages Guild had heard that the Fighters Guild was hiring four civilians to hunt the necromancer that had recently killed many at the Arcane Universiy. Most were Idhran's fellow scholars and mages, a few he considered his friends. Among them was his primary teacher, Culonwe, the Altmer battlemage that had taught Idhran the majority of his magic, and all of his fighting skills. His horse whinnied, and Idhran tried to soothe it. When his clumsy words proved useless, he cast a calming spell.

He hoped sincerely that no one of his future company would be in this just for the money, considering his own personal attachments to the mission. He sighed, and urged his horse onward.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:19 am

Name: Misiver Grisiver
Nickname: Thinface
Race: Wood Elf
six: Male
Age: 54 (physically 22)

Class: Arrow in the Leaves
Class Description: Specializing in Marksmen, blade, light armor, alteration, alchemy, acrobatics, and sneak, Arrows in the Leaves are groups of highly skilled Bosmeri assassins who defend their home of Valenwood, though some occasionally leave to act as mercenaries.
What your character is good at: Thinface is highly skilled with a bow, even more than the average bosmer, and though he has some skill with a blade his small size makes anything other than daggers unwieldy. He can mix up excellent potions and poisons and his ability with alteration was obtained through the training of his Breton father. Other than combat skills Thinface is an accomplished writer and musician, always keeping his Bosmeri Flute with him and a parchment for his poetry.
Appearence: Due to his having a breton father, Thinface has slightly more breton-esque facial features (thinner jaw, qaunt face, etc.) than other Bosmer, hence his name. He is slim, a little too skinny from not eating plants due to his belief in the Bosmeri cult, though he has lean muscles from intense training in the forest of Valenwood. except for a thin and short band of hair going down the middle of his head. He is avarage height for a bosmer. He has a diamond shaped scar on his left cheek from getting shot in the face by an arrow shot from the bow of an inexperianced Imperial Forester whilst he (the forester) was hunting.

Hair: Brown and cropped short.
Height: 4ft 10in
Eyes: Hazel

Weapons: Silver bow with steel arrows and a fine steel dagger obtained as a gift from a trader.
Armour: Chainmail cuiress with false leaves woven into the rings, brown leather greaves, boots, and bracers, and a green hood.
Clothing: A hooded jacket that mimics the foliage of trees and brown pants with a similer resemblence to bark. He also carries a monk robe incase he needs a disguise
Inventory: Mortar & Pestle, Calcinator, repair hammers, Bosmeri Flute, parchment, pen, inkwells, pewter fork, and a silver knife.

Personality: A quiet, goodhumoured fellow, He usually stays silent in conversation but when he has something to say he will take the time to say it. He has a slight dislike for the Khajiit due to the numerous raids on his home by the cat-folk of elsewyr. Thinface is normally very gentle outside of business, and is usually kind to everyone. But when he is doing his job, nothing can stand between his target and the the head of his arrow, and if anything tries....well he's got more arrows to spare.

Misc: Born in northern Valenwood to a Bosmeri artist and a Breton Mage, Thinface was witness to many of the attacks upon Valenwood by the Cats of Elsweyr. He became an Arrow in the Leaves when he turned 13 and quickly rose up the ranks to "Wind in the Branches" by the time he was 17. He left Valenwood at age 20 to become a trader in Cyrodiil but turned to mercenary work as he found it more interesting and exciting, "I'd rather leave this world a poor, healthy fighter than a fat, rich merchent" he has said to some.

Thinface strolled lazily through the streets of Bruma, his steps had a kind of elastic bounce to them. Every once and awhile he would get strange looks from the Nords as both his stature and strange dress were at the same time amusing and somehow unsettling, any Bosmer who could walk through this city of giants with such coolness and calm surely has seen many stranger things. Thinface walked by an Imperial guardsmen argueing with a local Nord about rumors of him buying stolen goods, the Nord merely shrugged him off, obviously tired and weary. He was talking a leisurely tour of the city, he had a few minutes before he needed to be at the Guildhall.

Walking past the Statue of the Champion he squinted up, he could never tell whether it was man or mer, or even beast folk. The weather of Bruma doesn't really lend itself for outdoor statues, it is often weathered away quickly or cracks to pieces in the spring. "Oh well, fame is fickle. Already people are making a larger fuss over the new Kights of the Nine and the handing over of the throne of Sheogorath to a mortal", he thought to himself. He decided it was time to head to the guild and began to walk over.

Thinface looked at the Fighters Guildhall, it looked very new and pristine. Outside there was a plac dedicated to the memory of those who died in the Guild's war against the Necromancers. " does a city so far north of the Imperial City always get so caught up in it's affairs?", he wondered. He stepped onto the doorstep of the Fighter's Guild and brushed off the snow on his shoulder before entering. Once inside Thinface pushed down his hood and scanned the room, his shifty hazel eyes landed on a....breton he supposed, who looked a bit out of place with the other fighters. "Hello", he said sitting next to the man, "are you here for the bounty work?" he asked the man, smiling pleasently.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:39 am

Wait, is there room for one more? If not I understand
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El Goose
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:03 pm

I'll try and make a post in the period of a few days (hopefully), I'm still in though.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:39 pm

Faldom, I am sure you could RP something besides a hero. I would join, but I am to busy.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:15 pm

OOC: I moved my post here, so Thinface can resond properly.

IC: Idhran reached Bruma as expected, left his horse at the stable, and walked through the gates. He climbed the stone steps, around snow to avoid getting his blue mage robes wet. He opened the guild hall door, and was immediately hit by a wave of bad odors. A combination of ale, sweat, and what he could only place as vomit permeated the building. Looking inside, he saw several large, shirtless nords, and a few other warrior types strolling around, weapons at their belts and mugs in their hands. Assuming he was early, Idhran found an empty table and sat down, placing his bad of armor and supplies under his chair. He noticed a fellow breton over by the fireplace, but decided he would meet him eventually if he was important.

Idhran waited for several minutes, turning down ale and drunken challenges alike, as politely as possible. While one particularly insistent nord gave up on him and left, Idhran noticed a small bosmer had just walked in and was strolling over to him.

"Hello, are you here for the bounty work?" The bosmer asked, smiling quite politely. Idhran decided he liked the elf's kind demeanor and took the chance to answer him.

"Yes, actually. I just got here from the Imperial City, sent by the Mages Guild to track down the necromancer. My name's Idhran, and you would be?" Idhran tried his hardest to be polite, but he still wasn't used to talking much, and fumbled over some of the words, even though he knew their meaning perfectly. Idhran wasn't frightened by the elf, whom he thought, unlike many of the nords here, wouldn't even be able to dent his armor.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am

Wait, is there room for one more? If not I understand

Two more?
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Angela Woods
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:04 pm

ooc: No one but myself plays the necromancer (I don't like people messing with the story :P )

And I limited it to 4 people because I don't get much time to roleplay, and I don't like coming to my own roleplay to see a whole new page of text to read. :P So i'm afraid not. But feel free to create your own RP in a similar setting.

Also, we're meant to be meeting at the Fighters Guid in bruma, I will RP the person you spoke to Musik, (Assuming you thought Darkom's character was there.)



Rei picked a bit of bread loose from a tooth with his tongue, he had meangered slowly into the Fighters guild and had been allowed the chance to taste the sort of bread they'd be provided with for the journey. The only word he could use to describe it, was stale. But hey, atleast it's free. He thought as looked at the various weapons displayed on the wall.

"Oi! You!" shouted a voice behind him, naturally Rei turned around and wasn't surprised to see a rather tall Nord watching him, "What you doin' 'ere?" he asked curiously, Rei guessed this was about as sociable as he was going to get. "I'm here for the Mercenary job, for the Mages' guild I believe." He replied.

The nord nodded, "Aye, well, you've got a few more hours yet." and walked off, his heavy feet thumping against the floor. Right.. Thanks.. you big oaf! he called out in his mind, rather pleased with how that probably would've gone if he had said it instead of thought it.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:34 pm

"My name is Misiver Grisiver of Valenwood, though most call me Thinface", Thinface reached out his hand and gave the Idhran a firm handshake, putting on enough force to show he was strong, but not so much to seem confrontational, "I wasn't aware that we were tracking a necromancer, I was only told that we were to end a renegade mage", Thinface stopped for a moment his eyes became dreamy and unfocused as he thought about a previous encounter with a necromancer.

The Necromancer had been using an area of northeastern Valenwood for a hideout, and Thinface was about 18 years old when he was asked by the Village to assassinate the Dark Wizard. Having only recently been lifted to the rank of Wind in the Branches and he was excited to fight a supposedly powerful wizard. Being still in his youth, Thinface was dissapointed by the hunt. The Necromancer was old and decrepid, he never even heard Thinface enter his shoddily contructed shack. Inhale. Step. Step. Exhale. Step. Inhale. Pull Dagger. Lunge. Reach Around. Stab Heart. Slit Throat. Thud. The old man fell to the floor, killed in the middle of his quest for immortality. Thinface took the man's robes for proof of kill and returned to the Village.

"I cannot help but hope for an interesting trek", he said, coming out of his remenisance.

OOC: okay, fix'd.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:00 am

OOC: Did you say you would rp my character? I assumed he meant you, being you are half breton and already presumedly at the guild hall, whereareas I am not. And is Rei a mage or not? Please edit out the controlling you did of me, and I will post my actual response now. Thank you, and sorry for the confusion.

The IC was moved upwards so it makes more sense chronologically...

OOC: Sorry if you have to change you posts because of me, I truly figured Thinface was talking to Rei ><

EDIT: I believe thinface was in the fighters guild.
Quote:He stepped onto the doorstep of the Fighter's Guild and brushed off the snow on his shoulder before entering. Once inside Thinface pushed down his hood and scanned the room, his shifty hazel eyes landed on a....breton he supposed, who looked a bit out of place with the other fighters.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 am

ooc: Forgive me, I actually completely forgot that Rei was a half breton, new character and whatnot. And He was also in a pub at the time. Musik, you're still currently in the mages' guild and would thus not of heard the conversation between the Orc and Rei.

However, if you clear that post you can answer to Darkom's character who is now RPing the breton you talked to. :) Sorry about the confusion, it's been a long week..


Also to mention that I wont be active over from today until next monday due to heading over to my gf's house. Sorry for the inconvenience, and I plead that you stay interested. It was just a bad time to start the RP. :P (I'm not usually this unorganised! Promise!)
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:53 am

OOC: Oh god I'm retarded, I thought rei was IN the fighters guild, which was where I meant to be in. I accidently wrote Mages guild. That's why I wrote "breton...he supposed", b/c rei is half breton. Crap, I'll see what I can do to edit and make this all make sense. Sorry guys, it's regents week in school so I'm really off
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:58 am

well, everything seems to be fixed now. sorry to everyone for the inconveniance^^

IC: Idhran thought he would get along with the bosmer, he didn't seem to be trying to take advantage of the sorcerer, like some people do. He decided that Thinface was trustworthy enough to ask the question he had been wondering about for some time now "Do you know when we're supposed to leave, or who else is in our party? I am eager to depart, I wish to retrun to my studies soon."

Idhran hoped the Bosmer would have an answer, because he sure didn't want to ask a fighters guild member. He supposed he could always talk to the other Breton, but he didn't want to unless he had to.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 am

ooc: Right, i'm back. Sorry about that.


Rei looked over to the newcomers who were talking about the mercanery meeting. He toyed with the idea of speaking to them but he would no doubt introduce himself later. He didn't like forcing social situations and would rather they forced themselfes upon him.

He pondered about the various people in the building, were they all failed heroes? Were they all just here because they didn't have the finesse for mage work or trade work? He shrugged the idea off, thinking like that was something his father had forced him not to do, and it made him very nervous.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:08 am

Name: Velven-Mar
Nickname: Razorback (Although, he does not know why)
Race: Argonian
six: Male
Age: 21

Class: Guerrilla
Class Description: Guerrilla's usually dwell in the arts of Stealth. For better maneuverability, Guerrilla's wear mostly light armor, and use daggers or short swords. They are incredibly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and athletics/acrobatics. The only magicka spells they use are for healing, paralysis and poisoning.
What your character is good at: Inventing, Alchemy, running, jumping and climbing. Is good with daggers and Martial arts, and can really cook.

Appearance: Really skinny, long slender legs with orange and red scales. He has a decent muscle build in his chest and arms, along with some snazzy green, red, and black scales. Velven has a more 'reptilian' snout then other argonians, with two green splotches over his eyes. He has a small row of razor-sharp spikes on his back, which gave him the nickname 'Razorback'.
Hair: Long crimson spines
Height: 6 feet exactly
Eyes: Orange mostly, with a slight yellow tint

Weapons: Elven Dagger
Armour: Leather boots, Leather Greaves, Chainmail Vest, Chainmail Gauntlets
Clothing: Black trousers, green long sleeve shirt, Leather Boots, Chainmail Vest
Inventory (Pockets): Gold, foldable map.

Personality: At times, Velven can be humorous, even playful. He can get along well with others by appealing to their good side. But he is all business when it comes to work.

-Has a natural, evil, mysterious expression on his face
-Doesn't drink alcohol

IC: Velven-Mar stepped into Bruma, and the cold chilling air hit the Argonian like water from a broken dam. He shivered. Velven never really liked Bruma, it was too cold, and the Nords here were a rowdy bunch. And it was just ... cold. The lizard had only been to the town only a mere handful of times, and those occasions had been a relativity short time. Although, this time would be different. Velven-Mar reached into the pocket of his leather greaves and pulled out a small parchment. Several days before his last contract in High Rock, Velven received a from the Fighters Guild, asking for a meeting of the 'most utmost importance'.
Sadly, the letter didn't specify which Fighters Guild hall to travel too, and so for the past few days, the mercenary used the process of elimination to find where this 'meeting' took place.

''Excuse me, sir'' He said to a passing Guard, the Imperial Guardsmen stopped, looking at Velven with an annoyed look. ''Yes...?'' He replied gruffly, seemingly exhuasted from his shift. ''Where is the Fighters Guild located?'' Velven asked, ''I'm supposed to meet someone there'', The watchmen sighed, before pointing the lizard in the right direction, then went back to his shift.
Velven stopped in front of a small building, recognizing the red banners that hung on the left and right sides of the door as the fighters guild banners, he opened the wooden mahogany door and stepped in. The smell of alcohol in the building made the argonian's lip quiver in disgust. He had always despised alcohol, it hindered the ability to make decisions, and it was an additive habit. He looked around, seeing nothing much of interest, besides a few people in the hall. ''Pardon me, mates...'' Velven began, walking to a Bosmer and Breton engaged in a conversation. He held up the letter in his hand, ''I received this invitation to come to the Bruma fighter's guild for a meeting of the 'utmost importance''' Velven-Mar smiled slightly, ''Would you happen to know anything about it?''
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 am

OOC: so we may begin...

IC: Idhran was pleasently surprised that he was getting along with someone so well, maybe this trip wouldn't be too bad...Just as he and the bosmer he found out was Thinface were talking about the possible places their journey would take them, an Argonian walked into the guild hall. He looked about, his face in the blank mask of an Argonian, and then started walking towards Idhran. "Pardon me," he said "I received this invitation to come to the Bruma fighter's guild for a meeting of the 'utmost importance.'' the Argonian bared his teeth in what passed for a smile ''Would you happen to know anything about it?''

"Ah, sorry friend, but we too are waiting for information on that subject. Please, have a seat, we are waiting for someone to tell us where to go." Idhran still fumbled with some of his words, changing the volume of his voice regularly, but one could tell he was making an effort to be polite. 'Never make enemies when you don't have to.' He smiled, or grimaced rather, and gestured to the chair opposite him.

OOC: To comment on the post after this by Uglius, I think I'll let someone else take the response first, don't want to hog anything ^^. Just want to be clear to avoid any mistakes like that last one.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:51 am

ooc: Awesome!


Rei rolled his eyes slightly, now someone else had joined them? What was so wrong about talking to him? Maybe i'm not being sociable, that's why. he thought, but decided he'd rather not think right now. Instead, he patted his sword and hummed a quiet tune.

His pleasent thoughts were brutally cut in half as the Orc returned, he stepped into the room with a large cough which was probably to announce his arrival. "You lot, you're 'ere for dat mages guild thing, roight?" He asked, he seemed somewhat worried, but it was because Grolag the Orc feared magic and their users, it had often been the bane of his career.

Rei nodded to him and then looked at the other 3, "I'm here for the mages guild mission, yes."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 am

ooc: Hoodwa!

''They are waiting as well? I guess 'utmost importance' really attracts people...'', Velven-Mar thought as he sat down in a wooden chair that squawked awkwardly as sudden weight was put onto it. The Argonian looked around the fighters guild hall, the only ones present in the room was himself, the Breton he briefly spoke to, and two others he had yet to meet. A Bosmer, and a man seated further away from the trio. Velven couldn't tell if he was either a mer or man. Just then, an Orc barged into the room, "You lot, you're 'ere for dat mages guild thing, roight?", he barked, with a hint of worry. The mystery man seated furthest looked at Velven and the other two before speaking. "I'm here for the mages guild mission, yes."
Velven nodded several times, ''As am I'' he said, speaking with a curious but calm tone.

ooc: Short post, but should be enough to bump it at least :/
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:36 am

IC: Idhran looked up to the orc as he spoke, and to the others in turn. Seeing it was his turn to announce his intentions he raised his hand slightly and said "Um, yes. I'm here for that as well...The Mage's Guild mission." Idhran never liked orcs, they rarely understood magic, or any of the other things the Breton liked, and were often the bane of his scholarly career.

Idhran looked across the table at the Bosmer he had been chatting with so cordially, awaiting the last response of the party. 'Ah,' he thought 'So all the ones going have arrived. Then we may begin, I'll be going with...This pleasant fellow, Thinface I belive, and that breton in the corner. Also this...Argonian.'

OOC: Don't think he doesn't like you, he just hasn't gotten to know you yet...
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:58 pm

OOC: Um...hello? Uglius?
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Tracey Duncan
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