Luckily, this is for Skyrim and there's plenty of Mercenary type quests 

So true. That's mostly what my 2 characters in that game do. lots of mercenary work. That's one of the easiest slam-dunk roleplays in that game. You never run out of work, basically!
.... Bring the loot back to the NPC and "give" it to them (by dropping it on the floor). Keep the gold as your mercenary "pay."
From what the game shows us, there seems to be little law and order in Cyrodiil beyond the walls of the major cities. The roads are swarming with bandits and monsters, and walking from one city to another is like attending a gladiator school. This tells me that the regular army is woefully unequipped to even maintain public order. That is a perfect breeding ground for mercenaries....
It becomes our job (our character's job) to possibly keep order, since the Imperials seem incompetent. I feel ya.