» Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:58 pm
In oblivion, most merchants had gold reserve of 800 ~ 1200. Some have even less golds, but not worth talking about.
Thoronir and Nilawen had only 800, but gave the best sell/buy price in game for every items. Gunder at Skingrad also has nearly good prices. All three of them had 20+ repair hammer respawning per 3 days.
Smithy merchants buy/sell only armors and weapons (+few misc items), and their price were rather steep. But they have 1200 golds. The one living in Anvil gives best price among his peers.
Paronir has 1200 golds and only buys clothings and jewelies. Her bargain is the most difficult in entire game.
If you are part of Mage's guild, the guild vendors give excellent prices, but some of them have smaller gold reserves and only buy/sell potions/soul gems/scrolls.
At the higher mercantile skill, you can invest in stores to expand their gold reserve by +500.
Advance your mercantile even further, you get another +500.
Basically, you gotta haggle and shop around to find and get the best deal for each item. If your mercantile is higher, you get higher potential profit.
Vendors of Oblivion are very well designed and slightly different, so every merchants do have some values to check out for.
I felt that even at higher levels, 1200 +1000 or 800 +1000 can be very reasonable prices since your bargain only goes upto 60~80% depending on your mercantile (unless you're master who gets glorious 1:1 deal) and even daedric gears have face values of only upto 6000~8000. (I think the daedric cuirass was 6000 and warhammer 8000, approximately). For most cases, you pretty much get fair prices for your items.
It made the game that much more interesting because the game rewarded players for remembering each vendors and shopping around for best deal. They were very well balanced.
Now, FO3 merchants, they only had certain amount of money and resources. Their money/stocks get dry after buying/selling. Most of the times, I couldn't even get rid of my junks because every merchants in Capital Wasteland was dry after I sell half of my stuffs and buy all ammos they carried. The economy of Capital Wasteland was pretty crappy compare to that of Cyrodiil (which was a good thing that fits the game really well) Selling/Buying was a mini game of its own way. Loved it.
I usually collect all special items (daedric, quest rewards unique items, gems, ultra expensive magic rings, etc etc), so selling them at better price was never an issue. With all these money and nowhere to spend, I'd imagine high level players would rather keep their trophies instead of selling them away.
Personally, I want to see Cyrodiilic economy in Skyrim. I hear that there will be civil war, but I'm expecting that it won't be as bad as the wasteland after a nuclear war. Maybe It'd be fun to see merchants with relatively less money and supplies since the trading would be harder through all these snowy mountains and civil wars going on.
FO3 style would be also fun, but I think it'd be fair that vendors have far bigger gold/supply reserves than these of Wasteland.