That mod looks like a good candidate to try merging (despite the description of "all files put together"

). on how to merge. You'll need to download I've merged quite few mods, it's not hard. Personally, the only thing I do different from the tutorial is I don't number them 1, 2, 3. I number them all 1, 1, 1. That way if there's a conflict the merge fails, which is what I want. If you're unsure, though, it's always better to start with small merges; mods that add buyable items are prime candidates.
One pitfall to watch out for is to be aware that you'll lose any items in existing games if you rename the esp. You can save items from only one of the merged files by giving it the same file name. For example if you merge "NewClothes.esp", "NewWeapons.esp" and "NewArmor.esp", you can rename your merged plug-in "NewArmor.esp" and keep the armors but lose the clothes and weapons. Or whatever your preference. New games won't be a problem, which is why it's best to merge whatever plug-ins before you start a new game.
When you merge files, the old files will still be intact. Make sure you keep them somewhere safe so you can restore them if something goes wrong. I highly advise keeping a record of exactly what you merged, either a text file or a folder that says "These mods went into this mod" or something.
I know there are others here who have done a fair bit of merging, so I'm sure they'll have some useful advice too.