As I can see- he wand to do this, but I don't know why.
I did use Wrye Bash for Oblivion and it was a very viable tool. I heard of FO3 Edit being the top merging tool for Fallout, so I used this. Recently I learned about Wrye Bash being ported to Fallout by Gary and I thought to give it a try. The problem is, right at the moment, Garys port is a unfinished product and sometimes creates more problems then benefits, specially if it comes to bashed patch tags. Since I've used Wrye Bash in conjunction with BOSS for Oblivion, I've tried the same for Fallout...but that didn't work like I have hoped.
The reason why I want to use a bashed patch is simply because I'm aware what Wrye Bash is able to do and specially because doing a manual merge with FO3E is much to complicated and time consuming. I want to play Fallout, not set it up the entire day. I has hoped the bashed patch in cunjunction with merged patch, fixes things that might have not been fixed without the bashed patch.
Since I experienced some weird behaviour in my game the last copple of hours, I can safely say: "Use the merged patch only, until Gary finished the port 100% and then switch to Garys bash, whenever in the future this happens"...
By the way, I don't trust in anyone else setting up a port of Wrye Bash but Wrye himsel, so Gary has to try a litle bit harder and fix thingsf^^