It's the same thing as an Argonian female walking into Windhelm and being asked if she is a "Skyrim for the Nords type."

Give Dawnbreaker to a follower to use with her around.....
just save beforehand.
Haha. You'd need to give it to someone other than Serana, though. She prefers her dagger.
That's the point, my Battlemage Derrik gave Erik a duplicate Dawnbreaker ( glitch) and had just found Serana... She didn't just get mouthy about the shockwave with Erik. I had to take it away from him til they could ditch her.
There's another Daedric Prince failure within this game.
I was going to start a new topic but came to the conclusion that it would be unnecessary.
This isn't a complaint about Bethesda's work though. Just an insult to... well, see below.
Nocturnal must be stupid.
She happily makes a deal that in exchange for power, she will make three people (including you) serve her in her realm after death. Okay... fair enough.
Unless you play a vampire, in which case you're immortal and there is no guarantee you will ever serve her at all.
*Update* Maybe she doesn't pay attention...
meh... I think in Skyrim and Oblivion, trying to do the quests as a vampire, instead of giving you a "No", blasts you with a beam of holy light - either before, or after finishing the quest. (If after, there's a chance to escape and get away before you're completely incinerated.)
On the other hand, she might be willing to overlook a single undead to solve the greater problem. But dawnbreaker should deal damage as long as it's equipped, and negate health regeneration when it's in a vampire player's inventory.
For 100% completionists who want to do the quest as a vampire - Get yourself cured, then infected again.
You're not immortal as a Vampire. It may just be that you don't serve her until several eras down the line. Nothing but Daedric Princes and Gods live forever.
Okay. If being pedantic is what we're doing here, no they are not truly immortal (as they can be destroyed, so there's no guarantee that they live forever). However, given that they're technically dead, they cannot die from age, hence allowing to live until destroyed.
"I offer you my blood. Take it, and you will walk as a lion among the sheep. Men will tremble at your approach, and you will never fear death again." -Harkon
And being destroyed is inevitable.
Try asking him again about Vampire Immortality after completing the Dawnguard questline.
This is why I need my New Vegas binge every once in a while. I love TES, I really do, but sometimes the lack of restrictions is just too moronic.
Nice advertising, I admit. Unfortunately, vampires are ageless, not immortal.
I fail to see how it's inevitable.
There's no possible way to determine that.
A vampire might be able to avoid those who want to kill him/her.
The only way I see them having to be destroyed is by either a god/goddess or a Daedric prince. But why would they?
Thanks. And it's ambiguous as a result of Harkon's arrogance, but in any interpretation, it holds some validity.
You can be ageless and not fear death.
You can be immortal and not fear death.
With regards Nocturnal getting a Vampire's soul: whether a Vampire is truly immortal or not is beside the point!
She'll be up against Molag Bal for dibs, and there's only one winner there!!
Molag Bal owns Vampire souls and there's no way he'll give one up to another Daedric Prince.
There would be a similar problem with werewolves. If you are a werewolf Hircine has the claim on you after death.
Oh yeah. Curse my memory. Good point. Although I doubt old Bal cares about anyone but the original vampires, everyone else just contracted a disease (there's a Harkon quote with that) or was bitten by an original vampire.
Because you fail to grasp Eternity. An infinitesimal chance against eternity is a Sure Thing.
Because Meridia and Arkay exist.
Meridia's will is more overt than Arkay's, but she's also more easy to directly stop - though, even if each chance of success against you is only .001%, against an eternity it WILL happen. Arkay turns the entire world against the existence of the vampire, because that's how deities, being part of the world, work. Eventually, a hero WILL rise, and destroy you - just like every other undead has been destroyed by a hero (And who knows how many liches who believed themselves to be immortal found their existence cut short by the Champion of Cyrodiil or Emperor's Agent! - and those two didn't even consider ending such massive threats and monstrosities as anything more than "All in a day's work".)
You can also be a very mortal Stormcloak Soldier and not fear death. It doesn't mean you won't die/be destroyed.
He gets their souls as well.