As long time fan of M&B (bought my orginal version when it was something like .700 beta) I haven't been able to play any other RPG just cause melee combat has always felt so clumsy after M&B.
So good luck with you work and hopefully you are able to finish your work soon

I feel the exact same way, so I am just as motivated as you are excited.

Can see see this kind of fight with shields too?
Basically it is the same as in Mount & Blade, you press the RMB to block. In the options you can choose between manual block based on mouse movement to determine the block direction, or you enable auto-blocking, which detects the right blocking direction for you. You will need to release and re-press the RMB again if your opponent changes his attack direction, to switch to that direction. So there is still timing involved with auto-blocking, but manual blocking is a lot harder, because you need to be fast AND choose the right blocking direction yourself.
Check the very first video I posted, at the last part I show the player with manual blocking.
I don't have scripted it with shields yet, but that is pretty easy. Will get to that soon.