Sorry to be a debbie downer, but if you guys aren't even going to finish it on the Oblivion engine what guarantee do we have that you'll ever finish it on the Skyrim engine? I've seen so many big "total conversion" projects just sort of die off slowly as contributors get bored and abandon it, and the sheer amount of work it will take to port it over to the Creation Engine makes me think it really wouldn't be worth the effort. Skyrim will have different assets and different scripting methods. You'll have to recreate all your landscapes from scratch. Every last piece of equipment will be useless in its current state and you'll have to remodel many and re-rig all of them and then painstakingly enter each and every one into the CS as a unique entity. Any races you've got going on right now? Gone. Worthless. New chargen, new animation system, new skeletons and texture maps and such. Anything you had planned for NPC classes will be thrown out the window as that's on a completely new system as well.
For all intents and purposes you'd be abandoning your current project entirely and cannibalizing it to stockpile resources for your new project. Why not just stick to Oblivion and have a completed mod, rather than a half-completed one on Oblivion and a new one that will suffer a ton of setbacks as you try to convert it to a new engine?
I would tend to agree, and had planned to post pretty much this - though it seems most have already stated the warnings I would have given.
Switching to Skyrim will be highly non-trivial, and will amount to a complete reboot. As someone who would really like to see this mod finished (in my lifetime) I'm hoping you guys reconsider. Finish it for Oblivion. The sheer amount of work I've seen so far tells me you would take a dramatic hit to the team inertia by switching.
Yes, Duke Nukem Forever did finally come out - and it was incredibly obvious that it had seen several game engines, and had assets developed over a decade.
I will admit, Skyrim is a tempting target. The graphics really have been overhauled, and it looks incredible, but for an established mod team, it's a siren call to the rocks.