I think you need to remove the word "total conversion" from your project. Total conversion means there is nothing left at all from the original game except for the engine code. Every model, graphic, sound, building, tree, spell, item have all been removed and replaced. And anyone who's been around the block knows 99.9% of all total conversions are an epic failure.
In order to save face you should just actually implement a few elements you can actually pull off, release them and add updates periodically. This will help you build steam, gain fans, get feedback, recruit additional help, and get experience releasing things on a regular basis so you can then determine if a total conversion is possible. Then your not promising anything you can't deliver.
But trying to make an entire new game from scratch is ridiculous, and everyone will burn out and quit and this is just a big waste of time.
But releasing a few epic LOTR mods every few months and some quests here that are LOTR inspired, but fit into the Elder Scrolls universe would be much more appreciated and exciting than the typical TC vaporware. Just some advice from someone who's made a TC before, several epic mods, and shipped 4 retail games worldwide. A partial conversion is still a boatload of work. I'd just start out small and keep adding and see how far you get, but define clear milestones and goals along the way and release bug free playable "mini TC's" or mods if want to call it that along the way. A lot more rewarding releasing something that is complete that a lot of people can play and enjoy in a few months than to slave for years and not have much playable yet or anything released.
Just my two dollars worth of advice
Good luck and all.