Merry Christmas from Drac & Toccatta

Post » Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:14 am

And a happy holidays to everyone. Oh... and by the way, Morrowind Crafting 3.0 is officially under development. It requires Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon, and Tamriel Rebuilt. Here's a list of the current plans for anyone interested:


  • Eliminate changes to water plants to avoid incompatibility with mods that edit the landscape
  • Include new armor, weapons, clothing, miscellaneous items, and containers from Tamriel Rebuilt
  • Eliminate random selection, allowing the player precise control over crafting project results.
  • Change pottery wheel to allow repeat crafting without re-selecting item
  • Allow installed items to be uninstalled and reused. (NoM compatibility relies on beds having default sleep scripts - possibly protected via patch or smart replacement script that creates NoM compatible beds if NoM is detected as being installed - still trying to decide on that one)
  • Upgrade some Morrowind Crafting meshes to higher quality
  • Allow creation of metal furniture and new lighting options (torches, lanterns, fixed lamps, paper lanterns, etc)
  • Dismantling of armor and weapons (metal objects only - no chitin, cloth, or fur armors, and expect losses, so extremely small/light items may need to be dismantled in batches to get anything useful.)
  • Additional wood sellers, trainers, and agents in new TR areas. Agents will have more money and possibly offer periodic "commisions" for crafted items.
  • Changes to some processes to include additional steps. (e.g. Horker tallow will be rendered from horker blubber as a cooking task rather than simply being found on horkers. The rendering will have both tallow and lamp oil as an end-product and allow for the creation of both candles and lanterns)
  • Addition of a new skill "Masonry", which covers all redware products previously covered by Crafting as well as addition of new stoneware, forges, and fireplaces.
  • New, higher-level "flawless" clothing with higher enchantability - but very difficult to create
  • Addition of new TR liquors (but not wines) to the brewing menu (Acquiring pig milk to make Jagga promises to be interesting!)
  • Ability to create wooden mannequins via woodworking skill
  • Improvements to self-diagnostics to reset crafting scripts in the event of loss of synchronization
  • Change to furniture scripts to allow menu-based placement (x/y/z axis movement, z axis rotation, and scaling)
  • Modification of mining scripts to allow automated mining as well as "fast mining" which does a single success check and collects all the ore in a rock in a single click.
  • Addition of amulets to jewelry-making menu
  • Inclusion of daedric arrows, bolts, and darts into fletching menu - upon completion of daedric quest
  • Addition of a quest to teach the player how to create soul gems
  • New cooking/alchemy formulas to allow the player to brew game-standard potions that can be used in quests.
  • Change to sand/clay collecting to limit training of crafting skill (much as the training from smelting is currently limited)
  • Addition of a new wood type (Emperor Parasol wood) to allow the creation of some new TR items which clearly don't fall into the existing wood types.
  • New "reinforced" containers with higher than normal capacities.
  • Placement of new sand bars/clay banks within waterways of TR maps
  • Replacement of existing TR Iron Ore rocks and Iron ore with MC compatible rocks - note that iron ore on the mainland will be severely curtailed to maintain the significance of the TR ore mines.Silver mines may be added.
  • Creation of a few new animal remains to allow for crafting of certain types of armor (e.g. dreugh hide or perhaps dreugh chitin - will have to look up the lore to see which is appropriate)
  • Addition of new food recipes to take advantage of reagents added by TR.
  • New foods added by TR which have existing MC equivalents (e.g. cooked hound meat) will be replaced by MC version. Foods which do not have existing MC equivalents will not be changed.
  • Dwemer armor and weapons will be in the smithing menu this time, although it will need to be made from Dwemer ingots rather than iron ingots (the idea is that the dwemer alloy has an ineffable quality which is lost when converted to iron ingots, so original un-smelted scrap metal or dwemer scrap must be melted into dwemer ingots and used instead)
  • Configuration menu available by talking to crafting merchants/agents allowing the player to tweak MC to be strict or casual as well as to adjust learning curve to easy/medium/hard (with "hard" being defined as the learning curve from MC 2.1)
  • Ability to use mining skill on Stalhrim
  • Creating silverware from silver ingots in addition to melting them down. Add TR silverware to melt script so they can be converted to ingots.
  • Two kinds of "active" torch-holders - just click one to put a torch from your inventory into it. Possibly add similar lantern holders as well
  • Task difficulty reassessment - Some tasks are too easy. Some are too hard. Cooking, for example, has few high difficulty skills which makes training very tough at high levels.
  • Add "shears" to miscellaneous tools the player can create - add TR cloth bolts to scissor script so shears can turn them into usable cloth.
  • Redistribute clothing amongst available materials so more hides/furs can be used. Allow armor padding to be made from furs as well as cloth.
  • Two possible expansion patches after mod is completed: 1) magic mining cart to increase ore carrying capacity and 2) tree replacer to allow chopping of wood (a common complaint in previous versions)
  • Place potato, onion, and garlic plants in the wild where they can be collected.
  • Miscellaneous anvil tasks - including breaking gears into scrap
  • Rebalance mining success algorithm to account for the possibility of uncapped mining skill (and institute a maximum cap on ore successfully mined from any single source).

Currently no ETA on completion, but development is currently underway and many items on the wishlist are already partially/fully completed. There will be a discussion forum on during development/testing phase and the mod will be hosted there upon completion.

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