Once youve done the esp city and its all finished, just send me the esp and I will merge it straight away, run distant land and produce everything for you within 24 hours.
Thanks. Well, I knew there would be a bit of work involved, but it sounds like a bit of a hassle to go through at this point. I have a Vista x64 computer that may be able to do it. Maybe once all the land is done, if I'm feeling frisky, I'll try it just to test it out. I have backups of everything in case it screws anything up. For now, I'll just keep truckin' along. And if all else fails, when I'm done, you can merge it on your computer.
After a few close calls with landscape errors, I started backing up my esp in between CS sessions, and indeed, some times during a session if I'm worried something might get screwed up. Every now and then I got a seemingly random landscape error in a cell I thought I didn't alter, or maybe barely touched. I think what happened, is there was some "mesh weirdness" that the CS "didn't notice" until I made changes to that cell - whether by smoothing or texture, etc. - and it tried to save the "bad" cell. The support for this theory is that the errors tended to happen around areas where there was some bad/open mesh seams or some artifacts of the fractal land generation algoriths. Just a guess, really, but as a self-taught programmer, I've come to rely on intuition about stuff like this, and it usually serves me well. I always say, let the Q/A people worry about duplicating the bugs, it's my job to force the thing to work somehow.
Anyway, it dawned on me that what Mesogea could use more than anything right now, aside from the obvious, adding more npcs and quests, etc. is good landscapers who would be willing to take a section - x number of cells or quads and go over it, looking for errors or problem areas, whether it's just odd looking textures, or fractal artifacts, etc. All that would really be required is smoothing in places, some retexturing etc., but if it got the "Unique Landscapes" treatment in special areas, that would be awesome. I know most modders are probably still busy beautifying Cyrodiil and building parts of Tamriel, but there have got to be a few out there wanting to work on an entirely new land. Most areas are looking really nice, it's just the weird spots here and there.
It's just going to take a while to give each area its own uniqueness, and the whole thing may never be "finished", but that's the beauty of it, I think. You can have a huge open land like this, as long as we get it fairly "polished" throughout, and add a few complete towns with npcs, and some quests and a few dungeon crawls, etc. then what we'll have is a completely playable mod that other modders can just add on to. There is so much area to create stuff, you don't have to fret about the "real-estate" shortages of Cyrodiil. It's like an open canvas for people who might have some ideas that don't quite fit into Tamriel.
Maybe people don't realize Mesogea is not a history mod, per se, it's basically a Sword and Sorcery meets Cloak and Sword type fantasy world. Anything is possible from Conan the Barbarian to Greek mythology, the Lost city of Atlantis, etc.
Well, it's here for those who want to step outside the safety net of Cyrodiil and into some truly uncharted territory!