[RELz] [WIPz] Mesogea Thread V (Back to work then.)

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:44 am

Do you all use this program in place of teslodgen?

What then about using it then running teslodgen?

[edit] and really - sign up at yet another site?

Only to generate distand land (not distant land meshes) The actual land part.

I use tes4lodgen to generate the meshes as it means less typing for me :)
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Emily Graham
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:34 pm

Well again I ask then - can that program completely replace teslodgen ... as in completely it would need to because with Mesogea loaded teslodgen is not going to work.

Does not sound as user friendly and as often as I run teslodgen that is not a good thing.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:28 am

The issue of distant land shouldnt really arise too often, or very much unless modders are going to want to generate their own distant land to accomodate their changes, then TES4QLOD can be used. I generate all of my distant land etc with it, then roll out the construction set to do the other stuff which can be done via the heightmanager system, quad by quad. On my vista 64bit machine the distant land takes some hours but is done, the quads are also done over a gradual period, it takes time but it is do-able.

The mesogea landmass will become more useable as rigs improve to accomodate it, so the problems now will not get worse, but will gradually be more and more solveable and easier. The mod was always designed, and intended for long term future use, hence the vastness of it. There is so much estate that modders wanting to do whole tranches of land rather than suffer the limitations of vanilla will have a long future with the landmass.

The plan has always been to hive off the work so that individuals or teams could do as they wished, then load up the plugin and I or anyone else with a rig to handle it can merge it into the master file.

Signing up for another site? Do you mean the Mesogea forum? Not sure, if so...Well no more or less than Middle Earth and other major works. The difficulties I had before came unfortunately at a time when the site was due for renewal and upgrade. I saw no point in it so did not take the offer up as there was no foreseeable return to the mod. Things have moved on and this forum is permanent without any renewal, so long as it is in use. The short answer is if anyone isnt interested in modding it then dont waste your time joining the forum as the updates for players will be posted here as often as possible and that should keep people up to date. For anyone wanting to actively mod Mesogea, the forum will be useful. As usual there isnt likely to be much interest in the early stages. I saw comments about how sad to see Mesogea disappear, so people are interested, even if they dont want to join a team. Gradually people will come and go, do a bit each time and the mod will progress steadily. I have now backed all the files up and will do so continously so any HD failure will not cause much if any delay etc.

If that isnt what you mean, sorry. Yes it would be easier to post the links to TES4Qlod, etc, good suggestion and I will get that done as soon as possible. I run it regularly and its absolutely easy to use, though the CS is needed with the fully merged files for the distant land basic meshes per quad.

So its all ahead on both cylinders. I am well ahead on modding this again and enjoying it. I dont dwell much on the technicals such as which program provides a more polished shine as the mod is in such an early stage that as usual by the time it reaches playable fruition other programs will have emerged that leave the current ones standing, or make them obsolete and will cope with the mod so much easier.

Onwards then. It would be really helpful Psymon, you seem to have a lot of experience of Tes4edit, if you can give me an idea of what to do to clean the mod. Im a bit stuck there. I can get the mod loaded but not sure where to go next with TES4Edit.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:44 pm

No I meant sign up for silgrad tower site just to get that tool in GUI form. (and then never go back) why no Nexus DL page?

http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=959683 - as I understand it - generates far information for things like buildings, rocks, shrines, etc. Great and absolutely necessary for many of today's Oblivion/Cyrodiil mods like http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20053 (or any other AEVWD mod). It works by digging looking at what mods are active then digging through the resources (data files) for those mods for meshes that have the _far designation then creates the DistantLOD folder information from that.

To my knowledge it has become very common tool to use and many mods now do not even include DistantLOD folders as it is expected that the user will use teslodgen. Each time it runs it whipes clean the DistantLOD folder and recreates the information. In fact even the BAIN installer of Wrye Bash has an option to skip DistantLOD files in installing mods.

It does not do land meshes. That is a separate issue.

What will happen then is that modders used to this scenario will want to rely on the tool to generate the DistantLOD folder (which actually is very very convenient). You all keep talking about land meshes and generating that and so I'm guessing either you do not understand me or I do not understand you. So to be clear I'm not talking about the use of teslodgen to create land meshes but to generate the contents of the DistantLOD folder - if you are saying that TES4Qlod can generate the DistantLOD folder information for things like architecture, rocks, and other landmarks then yeah that should be investigated - if not then there still exists and issue (of sorts).

Now the new Tamriel Heightmaps (which open the entire province of Cyrodiil - so you do have a size competitor) also throw an error when running teslodgen but it still works. Maybe teslodgen will never work in a completely foreign world space ... no wait it does SI and other mods, so no that is not it.

I know I don't have DDR3 and only a measly 8 gigs of DDR2, but this will be prohibitive for many. (I know you are being positive - what else can one do).
It did not make my processor sweat at all really - only the ram. And I'd bet it is the other Landscape/Cell records in the other mods that contributed to the choking both of teslodgen and tes4edit. Still I'd expect that many will want to use their favorite game tweaking and mechanics mods in Mesogea.

Now for cleaning - really what Mesogea is at this point is an ESM and as such cleaning is not really an issue for it - again to the best of my knowledge. What will be an issue is any mod that has it as a master.

For cleaning basics there is http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1034582 http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/TES4Edit/Mod_cleaning_tutorial_with_TES4Edit http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/TES4Edit_Cleaning_Guide and http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Tes4Edit#Cleaning_a_Dirty_Plugin ... and of course http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1033617&hl=tes4view.

The basic idea is that there are generally two types of records that can create issues.
1. Duplicate records (as those found in the Oblivion.esm) - so that if a mod loads after oblivion.esm and alters a record then the duplicate would switch it back - there may be other instances where that is an issue.
----solution is to simply delete them as thy are not really needed.
2. Deleted records - these are records that one mod may delete records from the Oblivion.esm and that may not be an issue until another mod references the deleted records which is an instant ctd.
----solution to set those records to disabled after undeleting them, so that the later loading mod can reference the record.

The tutorials linked above explain how to use tes4edit to do that. Both happen as a side effect of just putzing around in the CS as I get it and are not a reflection of really bad modding (well not cleaning them out is).

Arthmoor could talk more about dirty edits versus wild edits (which cannot so readily be caught by tes4edit). Also I've heard of some comparing esm files to oblivion.esm and cleaning duplicates but I've never done it and I'm not sure it is recommended. If Mesogea.esm has no duplicate records then I'm sure it is fine.

Usually what you do when you have a mod with two esm you want to set the other esm to hidden (so that it is ignored by tes4edit) then clean an esp compared to oblivion.esm (which I guess is what the game primarily compares everything ever to). Another cleaning rule is do not clean an esp that has another esp as a master.

As for expertise - no no ... I have learned more from Arthmoor and Vorians than anyone else and I will always defer to their expertise. They are the land editing gurus of the forum. In fact I'd expect either of them to come along and correct me at any minute as I often get things wrong.


[edit] Let me just say too for anyone reading - don't let these technicalities shade your view. This mod and the land that is available in it is how Cyrodiil should have been. It is an amazing work and you will be stunned at how large and spacious it is - so easy to get lost in it. It is Huge and I mean really huge. Mountains that you could spend as much time crossing as climbing. Valleys that are distant - like how real landscape is.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:01 pm

About Tes4lodgen I don't know why they don't just compile a 64 bit version of it(to avoid the 4gb memory limitation of 32 bit programs on 64 bit os)...
My guess is it's coded in C/C++ and it takes like 30 seconds to recompile from 32 bit to 64 bit if it's coded decently...
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:19 am

Thanks Psymon, you clearly spent a lot of time on that reply and the snagging issue. I appreciate it. I will make sure that TES4QLOD is included in the download section of the mod with instructions contained in it.

It does pick up distant buildings etc, trees, and so forth. The following process seems to be used and as such can be done in bit work when modders come along and prepare Mesogea distant land for their own changes:

1. Run the CS and open the heightmap editor with the Mesogea landmass loaded (master file with any plugins merged).
2. Create the distant land meshes for the neccesary quads (might be one or more dependant upon where has been changed.)
3. Run TES4QLOD, do not select everything visible when distant and set the texture size as high as needed.
4. The program will then create textures, that will lay on the meshes. It will also produce all of the distant static meshes that have been ticked.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:15 pm

Quick update:

The forum is now running. The grand setting of authority to post and chat at leisure. Previously the forum was locked so that I could get some work done, so people could not write intros etc. However, all is now working.

So what have I been doing?

1. The Agaria:

The slum area of Illusidum city is a small world but immersed in the main city. People come and go from it, currently they go to a holding cell when they leave, and the locations set can be moved to the other city areas when they are done. The Agaria so far has more than 20 NPC's milling around. There will be close to a hundred in the end, varying the times when they are outdoors so that the Agaria is always vibrant, appears busy and in places actually crowded, without a drain on fps (well not a massive one anyway.)

2. Meshes.

Blender is a pest to re-learn, even after a few weeks away from it. However I have fixed numerous buildings to keep the quality but lower the fps allowing for more useful use of the fps, ie NPC's. Doors fit and I have made some window shutters and false doors so that anyone wanting to do a bit of crime when the doors are locked etc, can get inside houses via rooftops or windows.

3. Preparing a website. Takes time and effort. The current Mesogea.org site looks geared to a modern warfare game. Well it is, do you think I only ever modded Oblivion? The new website will be Mesogea only, and the Warzone mod will shift to a dedicated location.

4. Turbans. Yes I am adding them into the game myself. I have a basic working turban, in several colours, based upon the Archers desire helmet. When I have a little more time I will be refining it to look like a proper turban for desert wear also. The Agaria is very diverse in its ethnic makeup. Traders from all parts of the Holorian State and beyond. The Holorian Republic is tolerant of religious and cultural differences (on the surface.) Tax payers after all are tax payers.

So, whats to do?

I as always need help.

Jobs open:

Book makers and writers. Mesogea has a diverse history and someone needs to make books and scrolls of it.

3d Modellers. We need clothing fit for the mod and specific weapons, armour etc etc.

City and settlement builders. A huge, totally new set of meshes of many hundreds are available. Dont let Cyrodiil cramp you! Go West young man, go West. (Seek the open spaces of Mesogea and fill em!)

Plot and script writers.

Videos and pics coming shortly..............
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:28 pm

About Tes4lodgen I don't know why they don't just compile a 64 bit version of it(to avoid the 4gb memory limitation of 32 bit programs on 64 bit os)...
My guess is it's coded in C/C++ and it takes like 30 seconds to recompile from 32 bit to 64 bit if it's coded decently...

It's actually coded in Pascal if I recall correctly.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:38 am

Quick, dirty update. Still working on the Agaria and getting it back up to where it was before the crash. I have about thirty NPC's so nearly a third of the way to the population. Getting to look quite busy during certain periods of the day.

The website is back up and dedicated to Mesogea. Forgive the lack of content and the limited links, best to get these things open for business as soon as possible. Only three have signed up to the forum, but thats as expected. I think this mod needs to get to a point where people see the benefit of getting involved. This is also a bugle call to all those involved last time around. The mod is at the same point where I left off and the HD crash took it back a few montghs. All backed up nicely too!

So, stand by for some vids, pics and movies.
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April D. F
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:22 pm

Dont worry i join your Forums, i even made a post :vaultboy:
i really hope to be a part of this... not that im great at much im good with questlines and writing but thats about it i might be able to build a few settlements but who knows anyway i blabber on keep up the good work. :foodndrink:
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:20 am

Video of the Agaria now available at Youtube.

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:51 pm

Video of the Agaria now available at Youtube.


Looks really nice!!!

Its great to see so much progress has been made since i've been away - keep it up!!
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:13 pm

Another movie just added. These all appear as embedded on the mesogea.org home page.

NEW http://www.youtube.com/user/Valisarius#p/a/u/0/oeRISyaoHDA

And the Agaria to keep it visible in thread.

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phillip crookes
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:25 pm

Ive just updated the front page of this thread so that the videos are available to new visitors. Surprised to see a lack of comments, but I suppose it takes time.
Always recruiting, always looking for people to get involved. If anyone likes the look of the mod and wishes to join in, then please do so, no commitment needed, just a little of your time as and when you can afford it. The mod is fun to work on as well as to play and there are hundreds of locations for modders to let their imaginations loose upon!
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:25 pm

Ive just updated the front page of this thread so that the videos are available to new visitors. Surprised to see a lack of comments, but I suppose it takes time.
Always recruiting, always looking for people to get involved. If anyone likes the look of the mod and wishes to join in, then please do so, no commitment needed, just a little of your time as and when you can afford it. The mod is fun to work on as well as to play and there are hundreds of locations for modders to let their imaginations loose upon!

I love the work you're doing and I really hope to see Mesogea and MERP to be finished one day! When it comes to the lack of feedback and people willing to help I think our two mods suffer from the same problem: people are just reluctant to put their work into projects that are far from being finished and propably won't get finished at all. The funny thing is: most of the work in MERP and Mesogea was done by only a few dedicated people who are putting their passion into the mod. If there just would be a few more our progress would be so much faster!

So if you like the work you see and always dreamt about venturing through Middle Earth or an antique world like the Mesogea mod is creating just join one of those teams! It doesn't matter if you are an expirienced modder or can't even open the construction set as long as you are dedicated and willing to learn. When I've joined the MERP team eight months ago I was completely new to modding but until now I think I've contributed a lot to it with creating several regions (Arthedain, Emyn Uial, Lebennin, Pelennor, White Mountains ...) and building Annuminas and Minas Tirith. And that while having a girlfriend, a two year old daughter and finishing my diploma thesis. So if you have a bit of free time and are a fan of Mesogea or MERP just offer your help!
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:53 pm

Well said, that man. True enough, just a bit of effort from a couple of modders has taken Mesogea and MERP from a dream to being real. Get involved. We need your help.


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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:07 pm

Quick update.

I have got the Agaria section up to the standard needed so that other modders can come in and polish it off, creating scripts, quests, vocal stuff etc. The place is busy with NPC's wandering about day and night and getting on with their lives.

So over to the port area. I have a few NPC's and a seperate world for the port area of the Agaria. Very much a down to earth, scum ridden area where lots of quests can kick off from and travel arranged by ship. I am considering a currency of travel permits that can be obtained officially or wangled by seedy, uncouth means via the black market and so forth. This would allow travellers to use caravanserais and official post houses on major routes. This might also be useful for ship journeys.

I have decided to make the main port, the military and official cargo port a seperate world too with three enormous water gates and towers, sort of along the lines of Carthage. This means that many more NPC;s can be placed there and ships travel can be arranged via official means. All looking very exciting.

The Agaria port has all its houses and statics placed, its now a case of finishing off the NPC's. What I need are ideas of what to have happening there to make the port vibrant.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:06 pm

New movie added to Youtube. Moving from a part of the Agaria during a quiet(ish) evening, into the Agaria port, out onto Lake Hera and then back into the city along the major port area.


Please feel free to go to Mesogea.org and via the forum, join the team!
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Len swann
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:48 am

This is looking really good, I may help out if I find myself with nothing to do :D

What you have me do and where??

I like quest making/scripting
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:53 pm

Mesogea is amazing! I had never really taken a look at this, but it's just epic :D The models are awesome, and the music is too. Keep up the good work Karithian :P

But what is wrong with the download link? When I get to that site, and I choose a download server, it doesn't seem to work. I get a popup, but nothing happens :facepalm:
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:19 pm

I'm working on the downloads bit. I had a bit of a return journey into sudden strike for a while ( I did a modern warfare total conversion and released it years ago, then did a re-work of it and a new release and suddenly had downloads for it in the thousands. Bandwidth went way past the total).

Anyway, bandwidth is now back to normal, I have uploaded Mesogea to MegaUpload, and will do a dedicated one on the mesogea.org server. I'm also looking for anywhere else to mirror it all.

Any suggestion, please let me know..
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:45 am

TES Alliance :D
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:10 pm

Noted the above, I'm looking into it now. Mega Manager upload is going ahead today too.

Hopefully we should have a few mirrors up and running.

Dont forget the new video on you tube, for those who find things like that disappearing into the threads too quickly.

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Anna S
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:12 am

Unfortunately TES Alliance allows a maximum of 64MB uploads. This is nearly 1GB so that one is out.

Looking for another.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:51 pm

http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/ :P I think this one allows uploading over 1 gb.
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