All Ive done is invented a Holorian race in the CS as a copy of the Imperial so I wouldnt touch the Holorian race as it might cause problems merging esps etc. Go for anything else you fancy though, I havent touched the others.
As long as you've created a new race we should be able to change anything we like about the race at a later date. The race definition contains all of the links to skin textures, hair, eyes, head mesh, etc., that we need. Maybe we should start by just creating default races based off imperials and then change them later. Come to think of it, we can really use any race and then just change the NPC's race later. Everything else should stay the same. :wacko:
So I guess if I do some work around Illusidum, I should make the NPC's Imperials.
I was going to say 'no' but then realized it doesn't matter. (Viz above.)
One idea. I haven't read all the lore yet, but from looking at the Mesogea intro again, the plan is to have attacking Vandur in the game? It's talked about how they awaken once again, I assume to enslave mankind. This could open up some pretty cool scenarios, like even if we only have one main city available in a few months, we could have a quest triggered where the city comes under attack and you have to help defend it. Or perhaps if you enlist in the Holorian Army, you are sent on a mission to take out a Vandur encampment that has been found near the city.
There is a somewhat developed quest line at the forum already, but I can't remember what thread its in. The Vandur are master manipulators, and relatively rare, from what I understand. Think of them more like elder vampire lords or the Emperor in Star Wars. You wouldn't run into an army of them in the game, though there might be a few of them leading an army of their underlings. A single Vandur is sufficiently powerful and cunning enough to serve as an arch-villain in his or her own right. These guys are bad a$$.