1. Visual Media
2. Description of Mesogea.
3. Credits
1 Visual Media
So, welcome folks to thread V, MESOGEA
View all of the current Movies here:
Some quick tasters:
Mesogea Forum
Main Website
Particular Screenshots:
An escaped slave looks across the River Efail towards the Karithian desert. Salvation or death?
Same slave, wondering if Brugarua will be any better? After all it is the tomb of many an army.
Nicasus Causeway, the road from the Aretian coast to the town of Ventara, gateway to Karithia and the south.
A villa in Aretia, the need to fortify the villas in this region is undoubted.
Same villa, different angle.
A glimpse of the extensive canols at Illusidum, capital city of the Holorian city states.
A blazing sunset at the back gates of the Middenstal, the centre of Holorian Government. The gate is called the "Ladies Gate" after the two goddesses whose statues stand guard.
The Karithian desert, rather him than me at this point and in that armour. A man who does not know he is already dead.
More of the Karithian desert.
Lush, beautiful Aretia and a villa there.
Northern Karithian city architecture.
Northern Karithian Gatway.
Mesogea is a fictional period of Earth History based upon a fantasy pre-history of the forefathers of the ancient civilisatins. A vast world of deserts, arid scrubland, wastes, dense forests, mountains, bitter snow fields and volcanic islands. To see it is to believe it.
Thread II: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.ph...60&start=60
Thread III: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=870171&st=180
Thread IV: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=879440&st=180
What stage is the mod at?
Landmass: Complete
Regions: Complete
Meshes: Hundreds of unique meshes, more added frequently.
Quests: In preparation. We need quest makers.
How big is this mod then?
It is as large as the Construction set will comfortably allow. Tamriel covers about 3x3 quads, a quad being 32 cells square.
Mesogea is a massive 16x16 cells, some of which is ocean, but the landmass is litereally far beyond what can be seen and
by fast horse would take a week or two to cover, whereas you can probably cross Tamriel in less than three days.
Are there any quests yet?
The main locations for the primary quests are being populated now with NPC's. We are recruiting.
What is new about this? Isnt it just a bigger version of Oblivion?
The mod uses the Oblivion engine and plenty of content however as the planet this is set on is our own Earth thousands of years ago. There is no room for lizardmen and catpeople. Some Oblivion creatures do not fit into the mod so they are left out. However a huge number of beasts that could not sensibly be in Oblivion will be found in Mesogea. Sabre tooth cats, Mammoth, Elephants, ancient predators and herd beasts, fantasy Greek, Roman, Persian and Egyptian beasts can also make an appearance.
What is the storyline?
The mod is set in Mesogea at a crucial time in history. The Ice is retreating though still present in the north. Volcanic activity
is rife in some regions and man is master of the land, or so he believes. Before Age of Ice, men were not the dominant species upon the Earth. The Vandur, the fathers of men, who bred men as slaves, controlled the world. Their nations were powerful and widespread, then came the Great Ice. The Vandur were devastated by their own wars and rivalries, some men escaped their power and began to develop civilisation outside of the sphere of Vanduric influence. Those civilisations are now many and powerful, tribes scattered throughout the warmer climates, Empires and Kingdoms who remember nothing of the Vandur but what legend tells them. The Ice withdraws and the Vandur begin to awake, slowly drawing their plans to enslave mankind again. Tribes arm and war begins to threaten the world.
Can I do something in the Mod? Can I mod Mesogea?
Yes, definately. We are constantly recruiting. The more people that help the faster the mod will be produced and the more it can be tailored to the tastes of the many.
So what can you do?
1. Become part of the modding team. Visit the forum, stake a claim, make some models, make cities, villages, animals, NPC's, clothing, weapons etc.
2. Support the mod by contributing to the thread.
3: Credits
This is an enormous work and various items have been scrounged from around Nexus and other sites over the years.
I have kept a list of credits as best I could but if you come across something in the mod that is not credited here, contact me with details and I will add it to the list.
RabbitFly - Mythology armour and weapons
Fox - Greek Hero Armors and Weapons
Iliana - numerous animals, creatures and all manner of content.
Darkness Eternal - loads of buildings and other content. From the DUNE mod.
Prometheus - desert content - also DUNE.
Truant - the guy just keeps on working and working on Mesogea. Many thanks T.
Meo - settlement resources.
Armour of Hades - ?bersetzer: Wozee (Wozee@Renegade-Arts.de)