Thanks, I decided to test it myself while I was waiting for replies, and it is indeed as you say Melian (and you should know better than anyone

). More than 9 choices and the script won't compile. So I moved one of my options off the list and added a "more" button. At least I only have two tiers of messages, and not more for my purposes.
One thing though, in the last choice for "more" I did this:
If ( button == 8 ) set controlvar to 2 ReturnEndif
The next controlvar being the next menu. Now, I put the return in there to make the script wait 1 frame before popping the second one up, because I read in MWSFD that having multiple messageboxes with buttons will cause the game to CTD, and I wanted to do what I could to prevent that from happening. Was this necessary?
I really wish there was a better way to do this though. Using a second menu for only two extra choices, or having to use 7 or more chained menus is a real pain in the butt.
I for one wish we could have had an engine that supported graphical menus. I remember building a script for a Dwemer puzzle box that the player could click the combination to open, and thinking "if only I could make this a graphical puzzle, it would be even better!" The only way I could think of to do this is to drop a giant puzzlebox in front of the player with different sets of meshes, each an activator, and use a combination of mesh animation and scripting to make the pieces move as the player activates them. But...that would be so much trouble to implement. Just making all of that work in unison smoothly...the very idea gives me a massive headache.
I also wanted a graphical menu to make a functional Dwemer telescope that would rotate through the constellations. The idea of using a book to display the images in this instance makes me wince, so I never implemented it.
The only other way I could think of to do this would be to move the player into an interior cell with a close-up night sky mesh surrounding them. Possibly use MGE to create tunnel vision, to simulate a telescope (if this is possible) and temporarily disable the player's ability to walk, just allow them to rotate in place, possibly by over-encumbering them with an invisible item that they can't drop. This is all just theoretical though. I haven't been working on my Dwemer Observatory mod in a while.