This ^ is an example of reserved and yet, dignified praise.
Every gaming company ever started will get [censored] about every game ever made, ever. It's just the way things are. This game is off the rails (That's a good thing, BTW) The pros far outweigh the cons. There is room for improvement, sure. Not everyone is going to like the story. There are parts of crafting people think should be in that arnt. There are bugs.
When Fallout 4 was announced. I was floored. Bethesda managed to make a Fallout game without it being leaked to the public early. Not only that, they made a app that you got for free to tide you over for the month or two till the game was released.
Bethesda could not have done any better with Fallout 4. Period. End of sentence. You can disagree with me all you want, and in a way we'll both be right. But I stand by everything I've said about the game.
Now lets start hype about Fallout 5. Which I hope is a much darker game then 4. Lets do all this stuff, but take a part of the good ol' US and make that area a Raider infested hellhole. With our protagonist in charge.
I want a dark and evil Fallout 5.
Like I said in another post. Every Fallout game is a chapter in a book. Lets have a few dark ones in there.
The most vocal people tend to be the minority with Fallout 4. Hell, you get hated on now for defending Bethesda because you are a "bethesda really devoted fan"? Gaming is really going down the drain as most people state their arguments on the internet. And people voice much stronger opinions on the internet than they would IRL.
Fallout 4 is a great game, at the end of the day as long as I am enjoying it, i couldnt care less about someone else who feels the series has be ruined.
If you couldn't care less about other people's (entirely justified) complaints, then why bring it up?
Because I can? And because the vocal minority are making it out that the direction Bethesda are going in is the wrong direction when it is quite the opposite?
I never said I dont care about peoples complaints, just those who feel this is the worst fallout game to date. Its going in a new direction and i think the sales alone can prove its the right direction
Honestly, this gave gives me a lot of reasons to hate it. I love it anyway for the same reasons as OP, but there are a lot of things that detract from those points as well. It's super glitchy in all areas, and the other thing that annoys me is that the settlers feel like props and the settlements don't always function the way you hope they will. Awful settler AI, glitches, dialogue.. the game has its share of flaws. Nothing breaks immersion like telling a settler to do something and then watching them sprint face first into the nearest wall and run in place. Or entering a settlement and finding 11 of them bunched together standing around like cattle. That said, all the good stuff outweighs the bad big time. I'm addicted, I don't know how many hours but I'm level 56. I just hope that they will take constructive criticism seriously for next time, because if the flaws were fixed, it would be the best game ever made no contest.
To end on a good note.. My characters is a Stealth/VATS sniper and the other night I ended up finding two legendary sniper rifles (I had none), a sneak bobblehead, a handful of helpful magazines, and I think another bobblehead. Needles to say I went to bed with a big smile on my face and was riding the high well into the next morning. One of many examples of why I can't get enough of this game.
I think the real reason they put in settlement building is to give us something to do in between DLC's.
Most games you woulda dumped until the DLC hit, but crafting has kept me going alot further.
Actually I do have one more complaint.. I don't really appreciate the verbal abuse I have to tolerate as a stealth sniper. The raiders and gunners and supermutants are really doing a number on my self esteem. I'm not a coward.. I'm a stealthy elite killing machine damnit! Show me some respect and stop hurling insults at me the entire time I'm hunting you. The doctors don't offer treatments for emotional wounds
Sticks and stones...
And bullets and blades.
And plasma and poison.
And fire and focused photovoltaic beams.
You get the idea.
Nice deflection on the AI issue by saying that everyone is expecting Matrix-level AI. There's a middle ground between the current bone-headed AI and something out of the Matrix.
I agree completely Bethesda did an outstanding job and just think there is a ton of stuff to come... Thank You Bethesda job well done
Time to surface again after 5 weeks of going dark to play the game without preset conceptions I had fears that we were really just getting Fallout 3 remastered, but these were quickly dispelled. As has been Bethesda's formula, the game content is familiar, but the gameplay itself has once again evolved into something new and exciting. There is a feeling of richness and depth that is unique to this game, and it can get very addictive fast. As far as I am concerned it is the best new game I've played in the last 3 years, It's not perfect, but color me very impressed with what has been achieved with Fallout 4. Absolutely fantastic game Bethesda !!
I think there;s some tug of war going on between doing and being whatever you want, and having a game world where the characters and stories are more fleshed out. In Skyrim, players could fill in the spaces with their imaginations, but the trade off was that the game gave you little acknowledgement afterwards. The use of a speaking PC takes a bit of getting used to, but it does allow for a more cinematic visual interaction between characters, I like it, because the connection is more believable and immediate, despite a limited range of questions and or response options. But, as usual, the gameworld itself is the real star of the show, and the variety of topographic features compared to Fallout 3 and NV is so much more interesting. The ambient soundtrack, is excellent, though tonally it dwells on the somber a bit too much. Could have had a bit more of the mystery and other worldliness of the earlier games. Surprisingly the radio tracks are not connecting with me as well as they did in the earlier games. Rather than move forward into the 50 ish proto rock, I'd have headed back into the 30"s, where the musicians spoke as well as any vocalist could. Classical channel is nice, but needs the library to be larger, maybe go 3 hours before repeating the cycle?
I doubt I'll re-roll as many starts as I did in the earlier games, Total hours wise, 1000 is well within the possible, perhaps inevitable even. There is so much to do, with settlement management and building being practically a whole separate game unto itself. This is quiet time functionality, a perfect past time after numerous hours of fire fights with muties and raiders. And the fighting itself is so much better , the exhilaration factor being quite high at times. Don;t know about you guys but dodging grenades for cover, sniping with VATS when possible, using the scope feature, and occasionally throwing on the power armor for stomping time, keeps the adrenalin going nicely. Throw in the BOS on occasion and it amps up the energy of the battle yet another notch. So afterwards you catch your breath and keep on trekkin. The cool thing about this is that even then the world has teeth waiting to bite you. The sound of muffled gunfire somewhere off in the distance, explosions rattling on the other side of the building walls, makes the world seem totally alive. It is life after wartime, but the struggle is consistent and relentless. When it does catch its breath, we are treated to the radiation storms, torrential rains, or sometimes just wind rattling loose metal overhead. Fallout 4 keeps drawing you in and doesn't let go....
I could go on and on, but there's little point. The game really works for me, I'm truly sorry not all are having the same pleasure with it..
I truly agree with the op...
How ever I have 1 issue...
I hate the brother hood of steel.
I so want to take my railroad gun and well you know.
Be back in a while. sixy and I are going hunting.
Let the complainers make the game, I bet if he can do it he got more complaints anyway.
The only thing I complain about Fallout 4 is not the game but the sales strategy in which physical copy only have 5 GB of data in it (which only contain 20%) while the DVD are very cheap.
Nothing is ever perfect...but if you work at something like this, you know it is good. Some criticism is deserved, some things got lost in the shuffle. But if you worked on the project and made a ton of money, then it is all good.
Yes, blanket dismissal of any critique and unconditional praise is exactly what's needed.
ha you forgot hoarder...Murder Hobo Hoarder Adventures pretty much sums up all of their games.
Concurred Op. If Bethesda hadn't purchased the Fallout franchise from interplay back in 2004, it would just be collecting dust & no one would get to play. Although there was that Vault 13 business they were working on, but I highly doubt it wouldn't be as epic as what Bethesda creates.