A Message I Feel Needs Sending.

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:14 pm

So Fallout 4 finally came out, In the build up to the release of the game I found myself reading a little into the guys who spent years of their lives dedicated to the making of Fallout 4. I read how much pressure they were under and in most cases working so hard on the game that their personal and family lives were put aside at times as they slogged over the creation of this giant venture. I read about how after putting so much love, effort, time and heart into it, they were so excited to release the game onto the bated breathed awaiting public that they lost sleep with the excitement. And then when the game was released most of what I seemed to read from the public was Criticism.

Complaints about frame rates and bugs, the odd companion not acting with as much Artificial Intelligence as something out of the matrix. Complaints about how in the build system you have to sometimes, I dunno actually work it out for yourself? As well as a great many other nonsense things. Well I want to say that I've been playing this game straight for the last week and I absolutely love everything about it. And yes it's not perfect but with the Sheer Magnificent, Giant, humongous size of the world they have created, full of Nuclear storms that take your breath away as you see power armored soldiers emerge from the radiated mist, the feeling of utter joy at that 200yard head shot you land on a running feral ghoul, the hours of trying on every mask and chest plate, combining bits of leather to wired metal arm guards.

The intrigue of every story that arises from guys around a fire who are being hunted by huge super mutants with suicidal tendencies, one shot to their intended suicide bomb sends em all to hell pre emptily for them as you stand and laugh at the carnage you wrought on them with a perfectly aimed shot! Or a trade dispute you get dragged into as you pass by a petrol station.

I could carry on all night with story after story of how this game has delighted me at every turn. And after all that the last thing I ever want to do is complain that the graphics can be blurry at times and that Presley can shoot for [censored] or that it was a bit awkward to build my awesome fortified fortress, packed with turrets and water purifiers and a squad of customly uniformed settlers armed to the teeth with sniper rifles I built on my work bench, posted at my watchtowers that I strategically built around my self planted farm.

So all I want to say is thank you Bethesda! Thank you for all the hard work and massive effort a game of this quality must of taken. Thanks for all the hours you put in and thanks for a world that feeds my imagination on a daily basis as well as fills me with suspense as I explore every structure, tunnel, plane crash, cave and city. Thanks for everything Bethesda! Well I for one wanna show my gratitude for such an epic amazing, stunning, exciting, dark, just brilliant world to explore! Thanks for all the effort Lads and Ladies, you pulled an absolute gem out of the bag this time!
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Steve Smith
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:55 pm

...ditto :D

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:23 am

Impossible to read.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:54 pm

You are right! I fixed it now, thanks for the advise.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:53 am

It's only about 5 or so people that do all the crying. The funny thing is, whenever a poll is done its overwhelmingly in favor of the game. like I said, the complainers are just very vocal
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:21 am

Well said.

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Michelle Smith
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:41 pm

Agreed, Bethesda makes amazing games, they deserve kudos for the hard work they put into making this game.

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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:46 am

I agree for the most part as I think they did a great job overall...then they threw all that hard work out the window by giving the character a voice and weak things to say. I'm not going to get into that in this thread but it just saddens me how great this game (and how much greater it could've been without voice) so it boggles me how Todd thought it was a great design choice for their games when it's wasteful and doesn't fit well with their style.

I'm not a hater, I'm a big Beth fan and have been for many years now so when they choose to mess with what has set them apart from other games, I have to say something (even if they won't notice). Don't mess with the precious, precious doesn't like it.



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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:01 am


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Louise Lowe
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:56 pm

What you said.

And yes, those storms. Took my breath.
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:25 am

Its a great game with a few bugs......actually I just had to fast travel after getting stuck and I was near a recruitment beacon and my settlements are now bugged again, annoying but aside from that and a few minor things that could be fixed by the DLCs I'm actually loving the game. I'm not totally sold on a few changes but all in all congratulations Bethesda you dun good! :goodjob:

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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:48 am

Yes it is beautiful and huge but 2 main issues that need to be worked on
1. the ungodly amount of loading screens and trying to cover up loading screens with elevators makes the building seem 300 stories high honestly they need a graphics engine that is not from New Vegas to finally get rid of loading screens.
2. The speech wheel, no matter what you pick the responce is the same, it just seems unfinished like you should have 4 options when you only have "yes" "yes sarcasticly" "tell me more" and "no, stop talking to me and force me say yes next time" it just seems unfinished and lazy when it could be options to change the outcome of the game they simply do not.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:01 am

I don't worry too much about it. The first few months of every game forum from every game genre are like that. What's nice though is that it's not hard to tell the haters from the folks pointing out actual real issues and constructive criticism. That kind of stuff the devs need.
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:18 am

Thanks to "lostboy00001" for opening this topic. I would love to share a perspective ("Is it 'good'? Is it 'bad'? Let's see.) As a fan (my loved ones might say 'rabid' from time to time) of Bethesda games (and other SW team incarnations), I also feel the need to express my support for this type of game even being available with all the 'cost effective' impediments to start, develop, yet alone distribute (across MULTIPLE gaming platforms), a game like this. It won't be 'perfect' when it's released (reasonable expectations, for me), but it will still provide HOURS of 'entertainment' in a constructive way. Why? Because it's not about your reflexes ('Up!, Up!, Left!, Right!, Down!, Repeat!") determining whether your 'avatar' (the word, not the movie) will live or die. It's about your entire brain. The rational and emotional parts (hey, Humans are 'complex', after all. We have 'three parts' to our brains). And I've read some 'complaints' about how Fallout 4 was implemented and why certain 'moral choices' aren't 'fully expressed' in your Avatar options. As in: "I can't play as a Sociopath, an Ayn Rand disciple, or especially as a Psychopath. And I'm REALLY disappointed!").

Fallout 4 starts with a story. A premise. About someone living their 'normal life'... with the one they very much love (there are 'mods' for that, if you're not 'normal')... and their future generation. I, personally, can really identify with this story. Things are great! The country controlled Nuclear Power, at the moment it could kill us all in very short notice (duck and cover, anyone?). The country put it to work. The people can get everything they want. Even robot servants. And, one day, then there's not enough 'stuff' to go around. And then there are 'disagreements'... among peoples with lots of weapons.

Your character (male or female) is fortunate (regardless of 'race' or 'appearance'). Based on something you're 'entitled to', you make a run for a 'vault' for 'safety' as everything hits the fan. ... you, eventually, wake up in a harsher world than the one you just left.

And want would you like to do? Go kill a lot of people and take their stuff? (Seriously?) If you do, maybe this game might be a (well-needed) exercise in "EMPATHY" (look it up). Here's the key differences with Sociopaths and Psychopaths: The Sociopath has a 'conscience' that might cause them to think twice before 'doing wrong'. Sociopaths have 'reasons why'. Psychopaths don't care.

That stated... In this game, you have an avatar with which to interact with the world into which you have recently awakened. You're NOT expecting this world. You WON'T understand this world, at first. Get into the 'character' IN the story.

Now, want would YOU want to do to: Simply survive... or make it better? Seriously, how could YOU possibly make it worse?

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Symone Velez
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:39 am

hmmmm, really svcks it was rushed out because it feels not done so it comes off like if anyone spent years on the game they were wasted. Always play this game on mute because even the audio isnt even, its all over the place sometimes loud or soft, so all that voice acting is in the trash here. Not sure if they can fix that without an audio expert to tune all the peaks which would be to expensive and probably impossible since the game is released to fix.

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Ross Thomas
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:46 pm

People always complain like this on the internet (about basically everthing), as you cannot please everyone, and it will pass. It is a good game, albeit wth flaws, but what does not flaws. In addition it is way less glitchy and crash prone than Fallout: New Vegas (at least for me).

For the most part ignore those only capable of spewing vitriol from their unpleasant maws, or to put it in the modern parlance, "don't feed the troll", and "haters gona hate".

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:08 am

I agree, this is the best game I've played in a very long time.

I hope Bethesda is proud of the product they released and of all the hard work they put into it.

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Eric Hayes
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:11 am

That's exactly what the game wants you to do if you follow their story and pre-laid plans for the character. You have the basis of a confused, concerned parent then immediately become a murdering hoarder...you can't look for your son without spilling lots of blood and taking items from corpses.

Realistically survival is the only option and you would likely die quick in such a harsh, new environment.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:02 pm


Couldn't have said it better.

250+ hours in, Level ~41, and loving it as much if not more as I did during the first two hours. It is a masterpiece; not perfect, but a masterpiece nonetheless.

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:43 am

I like the game alot but.. I kinda thanked them enough when I gave them money so that I could play it.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:57 am


I love FO4. I do have some issues with it, but I love it!
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:24 am

Games usually hold my attention for no more than a month (not of playtime, but of RL time). Then I go onyo anothrr game and put the obe I just played back into rotation.

Fallout 4 is one of the exceptions to that. Just rerolled for my 5th time since release, and I'm actually starting to worry that I might burn out and never touch the game ever again at this point.

Yes, gamesas. I'm enjoying this game so much I actually worry that I'll end up getting sick of it!
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:54 pm

actually when it comes to the settlements, thats their own fault for boasting about it. 2 things could help with settlement building.

being able to turn off snap or adjust it's sensitivity

being able to turn off clipping or adjust it's sensitivity

it gets rather annoying having to set an object serveral times just to get it where you want it.

also in a game that is about resource management, wasting resources isn't the way to go. specially in the beginning .

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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:49 am

That is almost exactly how I feel. (Although only on my 3rd 'real' character)

I'm tempted to shelve it for a year, and come back when ALL the DLC and Unofficial patches are released.

Love it!

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Wayland Neace
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:41 pm

Oh man, I think the OP has a Dirty Sanchez from Bethesda.


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