A message from Cevat Yerli

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:57 am

Ohh excuse me for using wrong word to describe something, English is my 5th language which i am not using fluently, so is guess world will not collapse because of that >.>

My point still stands. Cervat lied. Simple, my previous post shows how and why. Cervat did say that computer gaming was important yet Crysis 2 shows us otherwise.

Their point of view =/= your point of view @ same matter.
You may see some thing different than other person, but this doesn't mean that someone who have other point of view than you is a liar. People are blind, they don't understand this so they feel cheated and end raging over whole forum.

More common sense in future guys.

So because someone of a different culture feels that caning a woman for being raqed is acceptable...they are not wrong because it is their point of view? Honestly man. Yeah extreme example to prove my point.
There are certain common...features of PC games which have become basics which you do not see in consoles. The were not in Crysis 2 because it is simply a console port. Thus it begs the question. That IF PC was as important as they said and it was a PC game first, then why are these basic PC features missing?
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:09 am

Since aver subject is "games and Crytek" then it should be obvious that i was referring to game development process and objectives which developers/producers want to achieve. Guess it wasn't so obvious...

And what is Crysis 2 as a PC game missing? GFX settings GUI in game menu? Because game have implemented custom settings future, just there is no GUI for those settings. If C2 was a pure port you won't be able to change graphic settings via modified Crysis 1 mod in first place.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:09 am

Ohh excuse me for using wrong word to describe something, English is my 5th language which i am not using fluently, so is guess world will not collapse because of that >.>

My point still stands. Cervat lied. Simple, my previous post shows how and why. Cervat did say that computer gaming was important yet Crysis 2 shows us otherwise.

Their point of view =/= your point of view @ same matter.
You may see some thing different than other person, but this doesn't mean that someone who have other point of view than you is a liar. People are blind, they don't understand this so they feel cheated and end raging over whole forum.

More common sense in future guys.

This post is genius.

It's clear that the professionals have different definitions than armchair warriors. You guys need to use your brains and try to comprehend what's changing. Not try to ridicule anything you can. It doesn't make you appear insightful for pointing out obvious changes. Especially when they don't affect the gameplay in a way where you are negatively hindered. Stop getting hung on those small features. Try to realize you appear immature and unable to understand basic common sense or logic.

Or just continue on your internet rant that accomplishes nothing and only makes people aware of NOTHING except your own personal resentment and how you choose to display it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:40 am

lol how do all the problems with the multiplayer not hinder game play? That confuses me slightly so if you would please explain..
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joseluis perez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:07 am

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Add Meeh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:32 am

hey guys, have you read that:

...be the modder... be free .... be the weapon !!!

it seems to be an answer to this thread ;)
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carley moss
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:00 am

We knew it. They said they release free SDK before. It's great.
But it doesn't change the fact that Crytek released alpha build & etc...
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:35 pm

@wardice....dude u live in poland and you call me narrow minded. Poland has zero population diversity

Yeah you are narrow minded, you just proved it with your own post and basically pwned your own face in same time. Nicely done ;)

FYII, i am not gonna even explain your failure, because its just to obvious :X

Ohh and "flyingsaucerz"... nice counter argumentation you got there ^^ ....

.... yes it was sarcasm.

I already countered all your tired arguments when they were made 3 weeks ago, by someone else. Sorry dude, but you just typed an essay length, paper-thin defense of Crysis 2 and the kicker is it's all been said before.

p.s. - I was "yeah right'ing" your bullsh!t claim that English is your 5th language. Anybody with the discipline to become fluent/near fluent in 5 languages wouldn't be dumb enough to waste so much time and energy in a losing argument on a message board for a video game.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 am

Ohh and "flyingsaucerz"... nice counter argumentation you got there ^^ ....

.... yes it was sarcasm.

I already countered all your tired arguments when they were made 3 weeks ago, by someone else. Sorry dude, but you just typed an essay length, paper-thin defense of Crysis 2 and the kicker is it's all been said before.

p.s. - I was "yeah right'ing" your bullsh!t claim that English is your 5th language. Anybody with the discipline to become fluent/near fluent in 5 languages wouldn't be dumb enough to waste so much time and energy in a losing argument on a message board for a video game.[/quote]

You didn't counter anything, you are one of those people who recognize your own words as a valid argument, and after bashing other people arguments yell "i winz dat guy". We can replace your counter argumentation with "You wrong i win" and it will sounds in same way.

FYII, amount of languages which someone can use doesn't have anything to do with what person want to do, where post, etc. You need to be seriously dumb to assume something like that.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:18 pm

There you go again, insulting people who disagree with you. You don't have another argument WarDice, you believe that Cryteks "hard work" makes up for the completely broken game they've sold to us.

I'll say this again, and I would like you to answer; what other industry in the world is it okay to sell some one a product as obviously unfinished as it is in the video game industry these days? Please tell me because as far as I'm aware the answer is none.

The fact that they put in "hard work" doesn't make up for the fact that for a lot of people the game has been unplayable since it was released or severely broken in some way and because of all those problems the game is dieing an early death. Yeah they announced a balance patch and some other things TODAY. But it doesn't change the facts and it's probably to late to matter.

Those are hard indisputable facts, so please let us know.

P.S. The Sandbox 3 thing isn't going to be out until August at the earliest, so don't say that's going to revive the game. We'll all have long moved on by then.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:35 am

I was wondering in your upcoming games, will they support Physic cards! Would "Crysis 2" benefit from a Physic card!
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Isabella X
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:33 am

There you go again, insulting people who disagree with you. You don't have another argument WarDice, you believe that Cryteks "hard work" makes up for the completely broken game they've sold to us.

I'll say this again, and I would like you to answer; what other industry in the world is it okay to sell some one a product as obviously unfinished as it is in the video game industry these days? Please tell me because as far as I'm aware the answer is none.

The fact that they put in "hard work" doesn't make up for the fact that for a lot of people the game has been unplayable since it was released or severely broken in some way and because of all those problems the game is dieing an early death. Yeah they announced a balance patch and some other things TODAY. But it doesn't change the facts and it's probably to late to matter.

Those are hard indisputable facts, so please let us know.

P.S. The Sandbox 3 thing isn't going to be out until August at the earliest, so don't say that's going to revive the game. We'll all have long moved on by then.

The video gaming industry is like any software industry. A growing enterprise. Regardless of the "hard indisputable facts" you're aware of. The software industry is entirely different than any other industry because it is dealing with VIRTUAL GOODS. What other industry deals with that? Out of the entire world, what product is sold that is entirely virtual?(Other than your plastic DVD-ROM which doesn't even matter)

Here's an anology that's actually applicable instead of all the foolish ones I've read. Comparing the software enterprise to any other is foolish. It's as if one would compare different religions. The software industry is the only industry that it's feasible to release unfinished products. Why? The answer is simple. IT'S VIRTUAL! They can send updates over the internet in minutes! If any other product(Cars, food, any commodity etc etc) was sold that was broken, defunct, or unfinished only two things could happen. They would recall them and release a notice or you're **** out of luck. The fact you couldn't come to this conclusion on your own is baffling.

Speaking of "hard indisputable facts,"(more like assumptions when you type them) you don't even mention that while many have had trouble playing the game many more have played it just fine. The whiners community doesn't speak for the Crysis 2 community as a whole. Regardless of what argument you make to that, that's a fact. They don't. There's no cases of the game being severely broken, like most of your post, you just made that up to exaggerate your point.(Omg no nano catalyst I can't get silenced footsteps vs AI) Which is... "I was expecting more." Which is a totally applicable and viable argument to make. You just seem to not understand that talking out of your ass doesn't improve your point at all.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:56 am

There you go again, insulting people who disagree with you. You don't have another argument WarDice, you believe that Cryteks "hard work" makes up for the completely broken game they've sold to us.

I'll say this again, and I would like you to answer; what other industry in the world is it okay to sell some one a product as obviously unfinished as it is in the video game industry these days? Please tell me because as far as I'm aware the answer is none.

The fact that they put in "hard work" doesn't make up for the fact that for a lot of people the game has been unplayable since it was released or severely broken in some way and because of all those problems the game is dieing an early death. Yeah they announced a balance patch and some other things TODAY. But it doesn't change the facts and it's probably to late to matter.

Those are hard indisputable facts, so please let us know.

P.S. The Sandbox 3 thing isn't going to be out until August at the earliest, so don't say that's going to revive the game. We'll all have long moved on by then.

Excuse me i didn't say "you ARE dumb" which is direct insult, you need at least try to interpret other people posts properly. Oh wait, you can't because you are seeing only your own truth......

Anyway, your definition of "unfinished product" is kinda wrong because last time i checked game have full code, not 50% nor 99% BUT 100% which means game was finished and thats a god damn fact. So because game have bugs/glitches it doesn't mean that C2 is not finished and thats another damn fact. So before you AGAIN try to be smart, fix your "completely broken" definition book.

And i never was justifying all problems which game/players have with Crytek hard work. Maybe if you wasn't wearing "Egocentric glasses" +9000 to blindness, you would prolly notice it. Guess common sense didn't kick in lmao

And why you are assuming that i will say something like that? Also you don't have even slightest clue who will be playing this game in month, two or after 6 months, so stop your dummy speculations because no one wan't to read them.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:09 am

The video gaming industry is like any software industry. A growing enterprise. Regardless of the "hard indisputable facts" you're aware of. The software industry is entirely different than any other industry because it is dealing with VIRTUAL GOODS. What other industry deals with that? Out of the entire world, what product is sold that is entirely virtual?(Other than your plastic DVD-ROM which doesn't even matter)

Here's an anology that's actually applicable instead of all the foolish ones I've read. Comparing the software enterprise to any other is foolish. It's as if one would compare different religions. The software industry is the only industry that it's feasible to release unfinished products. Why? The answer is simple. IT'S VIRTUAL! They can send updates over the internet in minutes! If any other product(Cars, food, any commodity etc etc) was sold that was broken, defunct, or unfinished only two things could happen. They would recall them and release a notice or you're **** out of luck. The fact you couldn't come to this conclusion on your own is baffling.

Speaking of "hard indisputable facts,"(more like assumptions when you type them) you don't even mention that while many have had trouble playing the game many more have played it just fine. The whiners community doesn't speak for the Crysis 2 community as a whole. Regardless of what argument you make to that, that's a fact. They don't. There's no cases of the game being severely broken, like most of your post, you just made that up to exaggerate your point.(Omg no nano catalyst I can't get silenced footsteps vs AI) Which is... "I was expecting more." Which is a totally applicable and viable argument to make. You just seem to not understand that talking out of your ass doesn't improve your point at all.

Wow, you're joking right? I've never bought another piece of software that has nearly as many issues as Crysis 2 does. Lets not take into account the THOUSANDS of pieces of software out there that are used in medical fields, and other jobs that protect human life. If they presented a piece of software that monitors a babies hart beat and reports if there is any abnormalities that has as many problems as Crysis 2 does babies would be dieing daily. The same goes for all the software that is used to fly jets across the world daily. Give me a break saying that it's okay for software to be released so broken. So many pieces of software out there that it's impossible to know all the important tasks they handle. And you are saying it's okay for them to be bug ridden and barely beta stage code and charge full price for them? Because they aren't "real"? I'll tell you what, if those pieces of software fail they sure as hell have real world consequences. Yeah, it's just a game, but the point is that even in other areas of the software creation/design it's not okay for products to be so unfinished. And also, if they are, you can usually get your money back.

So you go to the hospital and they tell you your new born baby died because their software that monitors it's health malfunctioned. But they have an update on the way next week that will fix that problem, so it's all okay! But those are just "virtual goods" to you. So it's excusable for them to be broken.

And yeah, lots of people don't have problems with the game. That's perfectly fine. But you can't deny the game is bleeding players at an alarming rate in multiplayer. Today, at 5pm western standard in the US, I found exactly 1 server that had players on it. 5 minutes into the game a hacker shows up and proceeds to ruin it for us. I filtered for US region, ranked servers, excluding empty servers. And you're saying this is okay, it's to be expected, virtual goods aren't tangible so it's all perfectly okay? I call ****.

shortening post
Ever heard of Quality Assurance bro? Didn't think so. So I'll fill you in on what it is. It's a process that a company puts it's product through to make sure it does not have any major problems and is fit for consumption on a large scale. The bottom line is if Crytek had put Crysis 2 through the most basic QA session the game wouldn't have been released as it was.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:14 am

The video gaming industry is like any software industry. A growing enterprise. Regardless of the "hard indisputable facts" you're aware of. The software industry is entirely different than any other industry because it is dealing with VIRTUAL GOODS. What other industry deals with that? Out of the entire world, what product is sold that is entirely virtual?(Other than your plastic DVD-ROM which doesn't even matter)

Here's an anology that's actually applicable instead of all the foolish ones I've read. Comparing the software enterprise to any other is foolish. It's as if one would compare different religions. The software industry is the only industry that it's feasible to release unfinished products. Why? The answer is simple. IT'S VIRTUAL! They can send updates over the internet in minutes! If any other product(Cars, food, any commodity etc etc) was sold that was broken, defunct, or unfinished only two things could happen. They would recall them and release a notice or you're **** out of luck. The fact you couldn't come to this conclusion on your own is baffling.

Speaking of "hard indisputable facts,"(more like assumptions when you type them) you don't even mention that while many have had trouble playing the game many more have played it just fine. The whiners community doesn't speak for the Crysis 2 community as a whole. Regardless of what argument you make to that, that's a fact. They don't. There's no cases of the game being severely broken, like most of your post, you just made that up to exaggerate your point.(Omg no nano catalyst I can't get silenced footsteps vs AI) Which is... "I was expecting more." Which is a totally applicable and viable argument to make. You just seem to not understand that talking out of your ass doesn't improve your point at all.

This statement (emphasis added) is absurd. Any industry can release an unfinished product. Toyota released a whole shipment of unfinished Camrys last year, remember? They forgot to finish making the brakes work.

It makes ZERO [0] difference that the goods are virtual. If a feature of the goods, virtual or otherwise, is promised to the consumer upon release, and that feature is not delivered, then the company has failed. In Toyota's case, the feature was working breaks. In Crytek's, it's DX11 (among other things, but that's the most tangible one).
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Paula Rose
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:55 am

The video gaming industry is like any software industry. A growing enterprise. Regardless of the "hard indisputable facts" you're aware of. The software industry is entirely different than any other industry because it is dealing with VIRTUAL GOODS. What other industry deals with that? Out of the entire world, what product is sold that is entirely virtual?(Other than your plastic DVD-ROM which doesn't even matter)

Here's an anology that's actually applicable instead of all the foolish ones I've read. Comparing the software enterprise to any other is foolish. It's as if one would compare different religions. The software industry is the only industry that it's feasible to release unfinished products. Why? The answer is simple. IT'S VIRTUAL! They can send updates over the internet in minutes! If any other product(Cars, food, any commodity etc etc) was sold that was broken, defunct, or unfinished only two things could happen. They would recall them and release a notice or you're **** out of luck. The fact you couldn't come to this conclusion on your own is baffling.

Speaking of "hard indisputable facts,"(more like assumptions when you type them) you don't even mention that while many have had trouble playing the game many more have played it just fine. The whiners community doesn't speak for the Crysis 2 community as a whole. Regardless of what argument you make to that, that's a fact. They don't. There's no cases of the game being severely broken, like most of your post, you just made that up to exaggerate your point.(Omg no nano catalyst I can't get silenced footsteps vs AI) Which is... "I was expecting more." Which is a totally applicable and viable argument to make. You just seem to not understand that talking out of your ass doesn't improve your point at all.

This statement (emphasis added) is absurd. Any industry can release an unfinished product. Toyota released a whole shipment of unfinished Camrys last year, remember? They forgot to finish making the brakes work.

It makes ZERO [0] difference that the goods are virtual. If a feature of the goods, virtual or otherwise, is promised to the consumer upon release, and that feature is not delivered, then the company has failed. In Toyota's case, the feature was working breaks. In Crytek's, it's DX11 (among other things, but that's the most tangible one).

Do you understand what the word feasible means? The definition? Do you understand how it's applied in the business world? Do you understand how I'm using it to describe the software industry? This is the most blatantly ignorant post I've had directed at me here. You didn't even read the part that specifically points out stupid anologies.

I'll indulge you. Because reiterating my point would seem to be helpless because I made it quite clear the first time. Even if what you describe is true with Toyota. It has no relation at all to software. You're explaining a situation where people's lives would be put at risk. People could have DIED because of their method of transportation was unfinished. Something that is not only expected but would cause physical harm to manifest. It would cause legal issues just because of that specific single function missing. Unless of course they found some way to resolve the situation. Which would be to pay for and insure breaks at your nearest Jiffy lube.(or any participating mechanic) The direst situation from legal pressure would be a total recall.

That is something that isn't even close to VIRTUAL software. Not even the same realm of thought. Depending on the software there is a level of significance.(indulging, again) The level a video game would be compared to a Toyota? Say... Missing rear bumper? Broken speedometer? Faulty auto-windows? This is under the assumption that it's a hindrance to your pinnacle of the experience you were advertised, the experience you were promised. I would only compare breaks or life-threatening dangers to software such as what F3llyn went on a rant about. Something that is just as irrelevant to the overall situation but relevant to my comparison nonetheless. That sort of software would go under rigorous, extremely perilous testing to make sure it will always function with the same outcome. If it were to fail, people would die. It wouldn't even get the chance to be released unfinished. Any sort of "bugs" or user error would be too late for damage to be done. Damage to be done to a human's life. While a video game or any software designed for your enjoyment, it will be patched and fixed when errors occur. That's why it's "feasible" to release the software without being at pinnacle performance. Had I used the word "ideal" it would be a totally different story. You seemed to think I used that word but it isn't the case. Nor is it absurd it is entirely logical. The only way it wouldn't be is to people who are not logical or are confused and misunderstand the truth.

We're talking about a video game here people. We're talking about a game that is being updated and worked on daily. Sure updates come weekly or so. That's not the point. The point is it is only getting better. It was never "broken" it was never "unplayable." It just wasn't up to your expectations of the first Crysis and didn't include DX11 or sandbox on release. The small hiccups I will not bother mentioning because in the real world, people have a scale of importance. On that scale, the important matters are on top, the unimportant ones are on the bottom. When you list a few unimportant ones or even many. It still means very little in the software world because of the nature of the software world. It is patched and fixed easily. A perfect example is beta testing. Not to say it's acceptable that a purchased product is still in beta form. It's acceptable that bugs arise and are patched. That is the nature of how software is fixed. If you understood one thing about "debugging"(the most fundamental way of finding and eliminating bugs which is used on software in ANY state) you would be in complete agreement. The best defense is comparing the history of past video games in this situation. If you really want to have a viable and applicable argument, come up with a timeline comparison. Maybe even several. I think that even with that, correlation will show that many games have been released in similar states and been successful. Many were probably unsuccessful too. The fact is, these anologies are stupid and have no viscosity. They mean nothing because they aren't real comparisons.

If I'm wrong, you would be able to sue Crytek for false advertisemant or fraud. If I'm right, you can't. It's really that simple.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:57 pm

I'll indulge you. Because reiterating my point would seem to be helpless because I made it quite clear the first time. Even if what you describe is true with Toyota. It has no relation at all to software. You're explaining a situation where people's lives would be put at risk. People could have DIED because of their method of transportation was unfinished. Something that is not only expected but would cause physical harm to manifest. It would cause legal issues just because of that specific single function missing. Unless of course they found some way to resolve the situation. Which would be to pay for and insure breaks at your nearest Jiffy lube.(or any participating mechanic) The direst situation from legal pressure would be a total recall.

Did you read my post? You're forgetting the thousands of different types of software out there every day that lives depend on. From the software that controls stop lights to jets in the sky. If they software was put into operation as buggy as Crysis 2..well..lots of people would die. And that's a real world consequence to your "virtual goods". There is also computers and software in cars that control all the systems in those as well. But hey.. "virtual goods" can't possibly have any bearing on what happens in the real world. So that basically shoots car sized holes (toyota cars at that) through your argument.

And if a piece of software I use on my computer is a buggy piece of **** I can usually get a refund on it through various methods. No store in the US will give you a refund on an opened pc video game though.

P.S. The rest of that post is tldr;
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:23 pm

I'll indulge you. Because reiterating my point would seem to be helpless because I made it quite clear the first time. Even if what you describe is true with Toyota. It has no relation at all to software. You're explaining a situation where people's lives would be put at risk. People could have DIED because of their method of transportation was unfinished. Something that is not only expected but would cause physical harm to manifest. It would cause legal issues just because of that specific single function missing. Unless of course they found some way to resolve the situation. Which would be to pay for and insure breaks at your nearest Jiffy lube.(or any participating mechanic) The direst situation from legal pressure would be a total recall.

Did you read my post? You're forgetting the thousands of different types of software out there every day that lives depend on. From the software that controls stop lights to jets in the sky. If they software was put into operation as buggy as Crysis 2..well..lots of people would die. And that's a real world consequence to your "virtual goods". There is also computers and software in cars that control all the systems in those as well. But hey.. "virtual goods" can't possibly have any bearing on what happens in the real world. So that basically shoots car sized holes (toyota cars at that) through your argument.

And if a piece of software I use on my computer is a buggy piece of **** I can usually get a refund on it through various methods. No store in the US will give you a refund on an opened pc video game though.

P.S. The rest of that post is tldr;

You didn't even read my post and you repeated the exact point I already retorted.

Too long for you? Translation = You're wrong and still wrong. Don't make yourself out to be an idiot and repeat yourself again. You're wrong.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:36 am

shortening post
Ever heard of Quality Assurance bro? Didn't think so. So I'll fill you in on what it is. It's a process that a company puts it's product through to make sure it does not have any major problems and is fit for consumption on a large scale. The bottom line is if Crytek had put Crysis 2 through the most basic QA session the game wouldn't have been released as it was.

You can test game on thousands PCs and even if everything is working fine you won't roll out all problems. Why? Because people who test software use same type/ver. of hardware/software, and each user on this planet have something different in his gaming rig than other user or people who test game. Depend on code quality incompatibility with hardware/software can be small or huge. Also there can be problem with overall code stability, on another hand net-code is even more unstable and cause more problems.
Point is, sometimes releasing game to public is only way to find some bugs in code, and thats a fact, sadly sometimes **** happens like with C2 multi, and we need to get over it and have faith in company which is fixing glitches in code.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:41 am

Do you understand what the word feasible means? The definition? Do you understand how it's applied in the business world? Do you understand how I'm using it to describe the software industry? This is the most blatantly ignorant post I've had directed at me here. You didn't even read the part that specifically points out stupid anologies.

I'll indulge you. Because reiterating my point would seem to be helpless because I made it quite clear the first time. Even if what you describe is true with Toyota. It has no relation at all to software. You're explaining a situation where people's lives would be put at risk. People could have DIED because of their method of transportation was unfinished. Something that is not only expected but would cause physical harm to manifest. It would cause legal issues just because of that specific single function missing. Unless of course they found some way to resolve the situation. Which would be to pay for and insure breaks at your nearest Jiffy lube.(or any participating mechanic) The direst situation from legal pressure would be a total recall.

That is something that isn't even close to VIRTUAL software. Not even the same realm of thought. Depending on the software there is a level of significance.(indulging, again) The level a video game would be compared to a Toyota? Say... Missing rear bumper? Broken speedometer? Faulty auto-windows? This is under the assumption that it's a hindrance to your pinnacle of the experience you were advertised, the experience you were promised. I would only compare breaks or life-threatening dangers to software such as what F3llyn went on a rant about. Something that is just as irrelevant to the overall situation but relevant to my comparison nonetheless. That sort of software would go under rigorous, extremely perilous testing to make sure it will always function with the same outcome. If it were to fail, people would die. It wouldn't even get the chance to be released unfinished. Any sort of "bugs" or user error would be too late for damage to be done. Damage to be done to a human's life. While a video game or any software designed for your enjoyment, it will be patched and fixed when errors occur. That's why it's "feasible" to release the software without being at pinnacle performance. Had I used the word "ideal" it would be a totally different story. You seemed to think I used that word but it isn't the case. Nor is it absurd it is entirely logical. The only way it wouldn't be is to people who are not logical or are confused and misunderstand the truth.

We're talking about a video game here people. We're talking about a game that is being updated and worked on daily. Sure updates come weekly or so. That's not the point. The point is it is only getting better. It was never "broken" it was never "unplayable." It just wasn't up to your expectations of the first Crysis and didn't include DX11 or sandbox on release. The small hiccups I will not bother mentioning because in the real world, people have a scale of importance. On that scale, the important matters are on top, the unimportant ones are on the bottom. When you list a few unimportant ones or even many. It still means very little in the software world because of the nature of the software world. It is patched and fixed easily. A perfect example is beta testing. Not to say it's acceptable that a purchased product is still in beta form. It's acceptable that bugs arise and are patched. That is the nature of how software is fixed. If you understood one thing about "debugging"(the most fundamental way of finding and eliminating bugs which is used on software in ANY state) you would be in complete agreement. The best defense is comparing the history of past video games in this situation. If you really want to have a viable and applicable argument, come up with a timeline comparison. Maybe even several. I think that even with that, correlation will show that many games have been released in similar states and been successful. Many were probably unsuccessful too. The fact is, these anologies are stupid and have no viscosity. They mean nothing because they aren't real comparisons.

If I'm wrong, you would be able to sue Crytek for false advertisemant or fraud. If I'm right, you can't. It's really that simple.

God, this post is a mess. First of all, feasible means "capable of being done." That's the definition. I'm not sure what you think it means, but you're wrong. You said, and I quote, "The software industry is the only industry that it's feasible to release unfinished products." Now, it's feasible to release an unfinished product in any industry, as I've already shown with the Toyota example. The fact that faulty brakes can lead to people dying is irrelevant. My point was that your statement (again, quoted from your post) "The software industry is the only industry that it's feasible to release unfinished products" is asinine, absurd, ridiculous, false, and truly baffling. The only possible explanation for such an idiotic statement is that you don't know what the word "feasible" means (pretty hilarious, since you go to great lengths to act exasperated @ me for not understanding your mis-use of the word). To which I say: Dictionary.com.

Good day, sir.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:21 am

shortening post
Ever heard of Quality Assurance bro? Didn't think so. So I'll fill you in on what it is. It's a process that a company puts it's product through to make sure it does not have any major problems and is fit for consumption on a large scale. The bottom line is if Crytek had put Crysis 2 through the most basic QA session the game wouldn't have been released as it was.

You can test game on thousands PCs and even if everything is working fine you won't roll out all problems. Why? Because people who test software use same type/ver. of hardware/software, and each user on this planet have something different in his gaming rig than other user or people who test game. Depend on code quality incompatibility with hardware/software can be small or huge. Also there can be problem with overall code stability, on another hand net-code is even more unstable and cause more problems.
Point is, sometimes releasing game to public is only way to find some bugs in code, and thats a fact, sadly sometimes **** happens like with C2 multi, and we need to get over it and have faith in company which is fixing glitches in code.
Please. A lot of the disconnect problems were present a month before the game was released in the multiplayer demo. How do you excuse that? "It takes time to fix" you say? Well, it's been over 2 months now. Patience is wearing thin. I'm pretty certain they didn't even QA the pc version of the game otherwise a lot of the problems we're experiencing would have been fixed and/or the game wouldn't have been released when it was. Crytek didn't even announce that they were aware of the issues then.

For example the black ground texture bug that affects pretty much every pc player with a graphics card made within the last year and a half. How does that make it past QA? It's pretty damn obvious if you're going through and looking for inconsistent graphics. This is what happens when a company only QA's the console versions of their games in closed networks and just assumes that everything translates perfectly when it's ported over to the pc.

You didn't even read my post and you repeated the exact point I already retorted.

Too long for you? Translation = You're wrong and still wrong. Don't make yourself out to be an idiot and repeat yourself again. You're wrong.
Updated after the fact. When I buy a product, it doesn't matter if it's a "virtual good" or a real one, I want it to be of a quality that is considered finished. It's okay for you to have such low standards for things that you buy but for myself and many others, it's not.

You say the game is finished. If that's true then why does it need to be updated? Right, because they didn't QA the game and released it before it should have been sold to the consumers, simple as that.

Seriously, you guys are misunderstanding me. The only reason I care is because I like the game and it's sad to see a company that has such low standards in their own work. And all the problems combined is making the game bleed players at an alarming rate. Sure the patch will be out next week, but over the past month, how many players have been driven away from the game by hackers and all the game breaking problems it has? It really is inexcusable.
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:20 pm

You didn't even read my post and you repeated the exact point I already retorted.

Too long for you? Translation = You're wrong and still wrong. Don't make yourself out to be an idiot and repeat yourself again. You're wrong.
Updated after the fact. When I buy a product, it doesn't matter if it's a "virtual good" or a real one, I want it to be of a quality that is considered finished. I'm completely ignoring the logistics of how software functions. But I'm stubborn, I want what I want when I buy it.

You say the game is finished. If that's true then why does it need to be updated? Right, because any game that has ever been released has had a patch almost right after the release. Also, the biggest and most popular games all had this issue too.(Fallout 3, New Vegas, Black Ops etc etc)

The only reason I care is because I like the game and it's sad to see a company that has such low standards in their own work. It's a good thing they're patching up everything that would be considered low by typical standards. Sure the patch will be out next week, DX11 out a bit later, and Sandbox even later. I'm just upset because I didn't receive exactly what I expected. I didn't do the proper research into the game before purchasing the game nor think about that by doing so it supports its future development. It really is inexcusable that I didn't think it that through that thoroughly. But I'm still just disappointed.

I fixed your own post for you. It seems other people speaking English to you doesn't register or you're not understanding at all. Hopefully editing your own words will help. It's clear how wrong you're going about it. How wrong you actually are about certain points. But it's also clear to everyone what you want. You just unable to stick to the point.
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brandon frier
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:42 am

I fixed your own post for you. It seems other people speaking English to you doesn't register or you're not understanding at all. Hopefully editing your own words will help. It's clear how wrong you're going about it. How wrong you actually are about certain points. But it's also clear to everyone what you want. You just unable to stick to the point.

lol wut

How's that working out for you? Having low standards?

All these patches tell me is that they didn't QA the game and it shouldn't have been released when it was. And it's funny how much you assume.

I can't help it, those edits make me laugh. Do research into the game before buying it? What does that even mean? You can research bugs that happen in the game before it's released? Huh huh huh? If you're talking about dx11 then you're assuming a lot, again. I could not care less about dx11, it was never a factor that I based my purchase on. You may have a point though, I won't be pre ordering Cryteks next game. That's for sure.

And just for you and your amazingly wonderful use of the English language I'll tell you what I based my purchase of Crysis 2 on. These things in no particular order:

I enjoyed Crysis 1/Warhead
I enjoyed the multiplayer beta/demo despite the connection errors
I assumed that between the demo and the official release the connection errors would be fixed (woe is me)

And that's all.

Too funny. Here's a tip for you though: if you're going to talk about understanding English you should try to use proper sentence structure. A little proof reading couldn't hurt either.

Edit: My favorite part: "But I'm stubborn, I want what I want when I buy it." Of course I want what I want when I buy something, otherwise I wouldn't buy it. I'm not in the habit of buying things I don't want. lololol

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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:51 am

A message from Cevat Yerli:

"We believe this is our best PC game yet!"

What a lying sack of ****. I will continue to play Crysis Wars until BF3 comes out, and skip over this horrible nonsense Crytek keeps telling me is Crysis 2.
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Mandy Muir
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