A message from Cevat Yerli

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:05 am

Paying 60$ dolars for this game twice (PS3 for my little console fanboy of a brother) is just a shame... I really hope Crytek doesn't last 2 more years as a company and EA decides to pull the plug on them
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:32 am

Wardice=cryteks lapdog
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:58 am

anyone defending crytek must have some sort of mental deficiency.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:29 pm

anyone defending crytek must have some sort of mental deficiency.

or stock exchange quotations :-))
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:08 am

My $60 dollars > their "hard" work.

If you think that your 60$ is more worth than years of work of many amazing designers, artists and many other crew members which create Crytek, then you need to be real douchebag and ignorant in real life ^^

Anyway... its amazing to watch so many haters blindly following each other and posting same crap over and over. It just proves how many brainless haters this community have.

Crysis2 is very different from what he said. They were just hype? OK, ok... but it's true that he told a lie many times. He said Crysis2 is superior than Crysis1 in every angle, Crysis2 AI is the best ever, PC is very important for us, etc... I think over 90% of PC gamers can't agree them. We expected great game as he said, so we paid money... any problem?

Actually you and many other people misinterpret what "Crytek" said about game, and now you feel cheated. Well there is nothing wrong in being disappointed or angry on that matter, but you need to think what you post, because what you post it was just pure douchebaggery which was far from truth. Tbh i am also disappointed about few things, but i don't need to make threads like yours to show my disappointment. There is difference between being disappointed but reasonable, and disappointed and stupid, if you prefer 2nd option then it's your choice.

Ps. 90% of the gamers, are you even serious? No one will take you serious if you gonna post BS like this :X And no offense but please build some decent sentences because i feel like talking to child which don't know what he want to say x_x For example: "We expected great game as he said, so we paid money... any problem?" what is the point in this sentence because i can't find any?
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:57 pm

wardice go back to ur masters
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:03 am

wardice go back to ur masters

Those words come from someone who is a tool in hands of forum haters. Did they already named you, and give you nice corner in basemant to sleep? ^^
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:27 am

Wardice, you're wasting phenomenal amounts of time and text writing bullsh!t that nobody cares about. EVERYTHING you've said in this thread has been said 10x already in the past week. So you can take it easy, killer.
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Emilie M
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:54 pm

My $60 dollars > their "hard" work.

If you think that your 60$ is more worth than years of work of many amazing designers, artists and many other crew members which create Crytek, then you need to be real douchebag and ignorant in real life ^^

If I charged my customers for the same result as we have here, they wouldn't be happy. A customer wants a fully working thing when I deliver it.
And I don't say: "how dare you complain about my work ? It's not fully working but it's done by me, I'm an amazing designer".

The work I do for 60$ is better in proportion than this game. I'm a cabinet maker, and in my point of view, this game at the level of IKEA: quickly done for the masses.
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Tyler F
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:27 am

Paying 60$ dolars for this game twice (PS3 for my little console fanboy of a brother) is just a shame... I really hope Crytek doesn't last 2 more years as a company and EA decides to pull the plug on them
get over it! 60 bucks are not 60 billion! Money luverz like ya make me ROFL! bla bla bla bla bla bla bla $ <_< When you pay u want everything to be perfect.. Eh, nothing made by human is perfect so shut up :)

My $60 dollars > their "hard" work.

Anyway... its amazing to watch so many haters blindly following each other and posting same crap over and over. It just proves how many brainless haters this community have.

thumbzup brotha'
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:51 am

Crysis2 - Epic Fantastic Wonderfull Game!People,stop cryin' about graphics,just waiting a patch DX11. Best optimisation! Crytek - Are BEST!!!!From Russia with love!
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:08 am


i would like to add to that comment you made about all the people involved with making this game, i do agree to an extent that there are alot however this is where common sense comes in, shouldnt cryengine 3 be about making development and production easier, surely with leaps and bounds in pc technology development and the techniques used are being more streamlined and efficient otherwise if its still difficult why not make a DOS game or something to that effect.

it strikes me how slow or bad technology is if the process they do to make this game are really really hard compared to say when crysis 1 was being made or is the industry in a tech rutt where no new ways are being used to develop?

surely this is a really bad way to premote cry engine 3, "hey come on check our flagship game for cry engine 3, dont be scared but it is very hard to work with hence all the bugs and low textures for pc" its very very bad state of affairs
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:24 pm

Crysis2 - Epic Fantastic Wonderfull Game!People,stop cryin' about graphics,just waiting a patch DX11. Best optimisation! Crytek - Are BEST!!!!From Russia with love!
останови этот некассовый поток сознания... если эта игра для тебя - лучшая - ты счастливый человек... потому что объективно - это галимая халтура

i think fanbase is changed
at least everythink just look like this
so i think all PC fans can do is just awaits DX11 & high-res textures patch, may be some anti-hack system improove
in light of many MP players leaving i doubt C2 could have large MP players numbers nearest monthes... no players - no support, no improving
i really really wont this happen but i'm afraid C2 is on the edge of death
Crytek should act quickly and correct to make his game live longer
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:20 am

My $60 dollars > their "hard" work.

If you think that your 60$ is more worth than years of work of many amazing designers, artists and many other crew members which create Crytek, then you need to be real douchebag and ignorant in real life ^^

Anyway... its amazing to watch so many haters blindly following each other and posting same crap over and over. It just proves how many brainless haters this community have.

Are you serious? I don't give a rats ass about how much effort they put into this game because it clearly wasn't enough. My money and time is important to me and I don't have a lot of either. You apparently do, hence you're okay with being sold any piece of garbage the big game developers throw out. Calling me a loser because I'm unhappy with something I paid money for. Grow up.

And the only one blindly following anybody is you blindly following Crytek with your nose in their ass. You know what we call those sort of people in the US? Brown nosers. I don't care what they said about the game, all I know is that it doesn't work as it should. End of.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:42 am

Press Start Button
So what, get over it =.="
Proves its a console port, not a true PC game. Thus making Cervat a lier. Which is the OP's point

No it doesn't prove it's a console port. Why? Well go learn how the CryEngine 3 works. Thus, once you do and you use your damn brain to understand WHY press start was there from the start, you'll see Cevat Yerli was NOT a liar. Porting on the CryEngine 3 is pretty much nonexistant.

Few Option
Game looks great, stop whining jesus....

It's nice but not fantastic. Hardly ground breaking as Crysis 1. If he thinks this is the best game yet, he is lying to himself.

It's his opinion if it's his best PC game yet or not. So shut up. Ground breaking like Crysis 1? Only the graphics. And the only the crysis 1 has over Crysis 2 in graphics is more destructiblity is programmed and stronger textures. Crysis 2 though, has better lighting, better water effects, everything else being the same to Crysis 1 except textures, better particles, and varieties (Unlike Crysis 1 with the SAME Korean truck everywhere or SAME shack around the beach or SAME vegatation just copied and multiplied).
No Advanced Option
You can't get more than "extreme" option give you, there is mod for more settings, and engine is optimized in great way what allows low spec PCs to run game while graphic still look great.
That is nice, however you are starting to sound like a console scub (note: that not all console users are scrubs but there are console scrubs, you sir are acting like one). Beisdes the lack of being able to acctually push the envelope on graphics.
Being able to tone the game up or down graphically or remove things you don't like (blurr, bloom etc, things that are used in excess in this game to make the game more console friendly) is something of a PC thing...which is amazingly missing in this game. Thus showing...PC was not in the mind of the creators. Thus making Cervat a lier.

I agree advanced options should be there. But the absence of it DOES NOT mean the PC was not in the mind of the creators. Again, go learn how the CryEngine 3 works. I'll help your stupid brain out a bit here. 1:) When deveopement reaches the polishing stages THAT is where the PC specific features are implemented. BUT Crytek could not implement them due to EA's tight release date (EA, not Crytek, controls the release date). and 2:) http://www.google.com
MP Connection Problem
Didn't get any.
You want a medal or something? Just because you don't doesn't mean others do not. Apparently you have failed to notice the forum...
You don't see the point in the person's "Didn't get any" comment. Essentially, MP connection problems is for the minority of Crysis 2 players, not majority.

MP Reset Bug
Everything works fine if you unlock stuff during session.
Because expecting a game that works fine out of the box is too much to ask for on a basic level I guess...why expect quality when you can beta test a game for the low price of $60 bucks!

Maybe you should try and understand why the game wasn't finished at release date. HINT HINT, for your stupid brain: EA's tight release date. Also, the price tag? Blame EA, not Crytek. Crytek does not control their price tag.
No Cheat Protection
Playing EA servers, and didn't encounter even one haxor.
Because if you didn't see it, it doesn't exist...the world revolves around you...

I've played for like 5 days straight and encountered one or two hacker (s). At first week launch, the game was riddled with hackers. And I'm not the only one to experience this. Also, notice the lack of "OMG MORE HACKERS" threads in the forums. Idiot

Lower Quality Graphics
BS, people post screens of textures taken 2 inches from the object and whine about it, only moron will be judging game graphic in this way. Overally graphic is amazing even for optimized engine.
It has been proven that they used a lot of Crysis 1 textures just halfed sized them. In other words think of taking a jpeg. Cutting it in half then expanding it to what the original size was before it was cut...you get lower texture quality that is noticible. You may have been easily distracted by silly blurring and bloom effects however if you remove those (they are annoying) you can easily see the texture quality is sub-par.

ONLY textures are the main graphical issue for Crysis 2 when compared to Crysis 1. Thing is, this was intentional for optimization. People biched they couldn't run Crysis 1, and that factor helped lead to poor Crysis 1 sales. So Crytek wanted to make sure the game was accessible to more PC gamers. Thus they reduced textures to allow for better frames, END OF STORY. They are not console textures because the consoles actually have WORSE textures. And people do make **** comparisons, comparing a modded Crysis 1 to Crysis 2 lowest settings on PC. Or even worse, a modded Crysis 1 slightly photosopped compared to a Crysis 2 on xbox 360 or PS3, simply labeled "PC." The **** is intense.

Broken AI
Few minor AI glitches doesn't make AI broken.
Last time I checked, random issues that occur are glitches, or require certain factors to come into play for them to happen. Broken means it consistantly works counter to how it should. This could be debated, as the AI likes to run around in circles, into walls scream at their dead comrade "Are you ok?" then happily walk around like nothing happened. Maybe it is not broken. It's just inferior. Not as good as Crysis 1.

Crysis 1 had a **** terrible AI. The AI in Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 ARE THE EXACT SAME, do NOT overrate that AI in Crysis 1. Actually, I say the AI in Crysis 2 in better. The only thing making AI in Crysis 1 with SOME kind of challenge (if challenge in that game, even on Delta mode, existed) was that there was A LOT of Koreans. But smart? Not even. At least in Crysis 2 the AI would recognize im right in front of them cloaked or would at least run to cover. The running in circles and bumping to walls are overexaggerhate AI errors people discuss about Crysis 2. Near everyone will experience it in Crysis 2, but will it be often? Not at all.

No Editor
And how this is bad, since editor doesn't have any impact on gameplay experience? Just drop it dude....
It is important for replay. Creating new levels, maps etc. It is a common thing for PC games. This helps prove Cervat lied.
It is probably best that you just sell your PC and use the cash to give to EA\Crytek etc as they use you for a doormat as sell sub-par games and lie to you because you seem to enjoy it.

I agree there should be a sandbox editor 3. BUT WAIT, we're already getting one soon -_-" It's just not done yet. Crytek wants to compete with UDK, so they are trying to beef it up a bit. It's still gonna be free and most likely is coming summer time...which isn't too far away.

Word of advice: Get a brain and grab some patience. It'll help you look less stupid.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:54 am

Name one other game that DOESNT have advanced graphics options...
Please, anyone, ANYONE.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:37 am

My $60 dollars > their "hard" work.

If you think that your 60$ is more worth than years of work of many amazing designers, artists and many other crew members which create Crytek, then you need to be real douchebag and ignorant in real life ^^

Anyway... its amazing to watch so many haters blindly following each other and posting same crap over and over. It just proves how many brainless haters this community have.

Are you serious? I don't give a rats ass about how much effort they put into this game because it clearly wasn't enough. My money and time is important to me and I don't have a lot of either. You apparently do, hence you're okay with being sold any piece of garbage the big game developers throw out. Calling me a loser because I'm unhappy with something I paid money for. Grow up.

And the only one blindly following anybody is you blindly following Crytek with your nose in their ass. You know what we call those sort of people in the US? Brown nosers. I don't care what they said about the game, all I know is that it doesn't work as it should. End of.

Just because you couldn't be satisfied with your purchase does not mean the amount of effort given by Crytek was not enough. The fact that pretty much every employee worked until late at night being tight at sleep and that in interviews with a Crytek employee on video had that employee (like Nathan Camarillo) have dead looking eyes (except E3, in which almost all devs get well rested), and in which they freaked out that the leak occurred because that was there hard work being put out, then that shows it was more than enough. Yeah, they needed more time, the game wasn't done at release, but that's EA's fault for not delaying it again.

YOU know nothing about game developing. Do some research or get yourself a damn job you stupid brat. A PROPER JOB in which you need to work your ASS off. Multiply the efforts by 3 times and that's an easy day for a normal game developer, let alone Crytek which works twice as hard.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:38 am

lapdog is back
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:18 pm

Name one other game that DOESNT have advanced graphics options...
Please, anyone, ANYONE.

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D LOpez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:02 am

so to defend crysis 2 u are citing another console port lapdog?
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:55 am

so to defend crysis 2 u are citing another console port lapdog?

Crysis 2 isn't a console port smart one.


Learn how it works. This is all the proof showing it's not a port. And thus my argument stands. Stupid kid, making the whole community look even worse than it already is.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:18 am

"Press start to play" would like to have a word with you.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:37 am

"Press start to play" would like to have a word with you.

Considering how fast you replied AND how you brought this stupid **** up, you clearly did not learn how CryEngine 3 works. "Press start to play" does not prove it's a console port. And if you learned how the game was made (big **** hint: IT WAS MADE SIMULTANEOUSLY ON ALL PLATFORMS TO ONE ANOTHER, thus whatever happens to one version happens to all the others at the same time except the highest values of graphics automatically adapt to each pertaining version and the final steps of development is the polishing stages in which specific features, like higher textures or advanced options are to be implemented to PC. Hint hint AGAIN: Crytek didn't get the time to do their polishing on PC).

Do your homework. You proved nothing.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:35 am

you will never get another dime of my money. completely unacceptable release.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:56 am

My $60 dollars > their "hard" work.

If you think that your 60$ is more worth than years of work of many amazing designers, artists and many other crew members which create Crytek, then you need to be real douchebag and ignorant in real life ^^

Anyway... its amazing to watch so many haters blindly following each other and posting same crap over and over. It just proves how many brainless haters this community have.

Are you serious? I don't give a rats ass about how much effort they put into this game because it clearly wasn't enough. My money and time is important to me and I don't have a lot of either. You apparently do, hence you're okay with being sold any piece of garbage the big game developers throw out. Calling me a loser because I'm unhappy with something I paid money for. Grow up.

And the only one blindly following anybody is you blindly following Crytek with your nose in their ass. You know what we call those sort of people in the US? Brown nosers. I don't care what they said about the game, all I know is that it doesn't work as it should. End of.

If your time is so important why you still post here, on a forum of company which you don't like, and game which you call broken garbage? You don't make any sense lol. Well news flash, this game is not broken, despite few glitches in SP and MP game works fine, have amazing graphic and give more fun that any FPS released these days. Anyway i don't even expect from someone like you to understand it.

You know how we call people like you? **** fece, because you were keeping head to long in your ass, damn ignorant. So you grow up, pull head out of your ass and learn to move on in life, because **** happens and you can't so anything about it.

Thank god, finally someone who understand how Crysis 2 was developed ^^

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