A message from Cevat Yerli

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:23 pm

"Press start to play" would like to have a word with you.

Considering how fast you replied AND how you brought this stupid **** up, you clearly did not learn how CryEngine 3 works. "Press start to play" does not prove it's a console port. And if you learned how the game was made (big **** hint: IT WAS MADE SIMULTANEOUSLY ON ALL PLATFORMS TO ONE ANOTHER, thus whatever happens to one version happens to all the others at the same time except the highest values of graphics automatically adapt to each pertaining version and the final steps of development is the polishing stages in which specific features, like higher textures or advanced options are to be implemented to PC. Hint hint AGAIN: Crytek didn't get the time to do their polishing on PC).

Do your homework. You proved nothing.

Where are these so called "higher textures/advanced graphics options?" They don't exist, right? Oh, they're coming in the future. Cool. Would'a been nice to have gotten all that in the original package, as was promised to us, but hey, devs lie. They lie to sell their product. Todd Howard of Bethesda taught me that.

So maybe all 3 versions were made simultaneously; PC Crysis is a game that was modeled for consoles. That's what "console port" means, not that the game was literally ported from consoles.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:00 pm

I am well aware of the "Live Create" feature you are talking about. If you are not aware of pc gamers' verbiage, let me educate you.
By console port we mean that same art, graphics and gameplay asserts were used for PC sku were were designed for console sku, thereby resulting in a compromised and rushed PC Sku.

Examples of these compromises include but not limited to:
-No quicksave
-Retard mode highlighting
-No custom graphics
-Bugs like stat reset that are not present in console sku
-Bugs like nano catalyst reset
-Connection issues
-Retarded AI that just stands infront of you and shoots
-low rez textures
-narrow out of box fov
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:32 am

-Retard mode highlighting
What his have to do with game being a port?
-No custom graphics
This future exist, is implemented in game, just game lack GUI in game settings to change graphic, which they will add with patch.
-Bugs like stat reset that are not present in console sku
-Bugs like nano catalyst reset
-Connection issues
So you just assume that if consoles don't have those problems then its their fault that PC ver. have them?lolwut.
-Retarded AI that just stands infront of you and shoots
Yes this is consoles fault that there are some glitches in AI, i mean really how you did come out with this conclusion? ;) Btw... since when AI shooting at player is considerate as bugged?
-low rez textures
This one is truth, but doesn't tbh matter because no one is buying game to watch walls from 2 inches ;) On another hand low res textures doesn't ahve anything to do with real power of Cryengine 3 which have same power as CE2 had, and is even improved, for example better face model rendering, or lighting ;)
-narrow out of box fov
Umm, wut?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:01 am

The simple fact is that, Crysis 2 did not live up to expectations and how Crytek claimed it to be.

The end.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:31 am

-Retard mode highlighting
What his have to do with game being a port?
-No custom graphics
This future exist, is implemented in game, just game lack GUI in game settings to change graphic, which they will add with patch.
-Bugs like stat reset that are not present in console sku
-Bugs like nano catalyst reset
-Connection issues
So you just assume that if consoles don't have those problems then its their fault that PC ver. have them?lolwut.
-Retarded AI that just stands infront of you and shoots
Yes this is consoles fault that there are some glitches in AI, i mean really how you did come out with this conclusion? ;) Btw... since when AI shooting at player is considerate as bugged?
-low rez textures
This one is truth, but doesn't tbh matter because no one is buying game to watch walls from 2 inches ;) On another hand low res textures doesn't ahve anything to do with real power of Cryengine 3 which have same power as CE2 had, and is even improved, for example better face model rendering, or lighting ;)
-narrow out of box fov
Umm, wut?

-Console gamers are stupid thatys y they need retard mode
-If connections issues are not on consoles but are on pc and are widespread then yes, it is crytek's fault
-Crytek has never confirmed custom graphics settings. You are blowing smoke from ur ass
-Controllers are not as accurate as mouse and take longer for target acquisition. DX3 has tougher AI on pc because of that
-I never trashed CE3, infact I like CE3. I play on a LCD monitor and stil just 2 feet away from it and hence I notice a lot of texture. And if textures are not important to you, that does not meant they are not for me
-Default fov is 55. Are they too lazy to provide a menu to change that.

Not stop being a fangirl. I know u like getting f*sted by crytek. Not me
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Jason White
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:07 pm

Just because you couldn't be satisfied with your purchase does not mean the amount of effort given by Crytek was not enough. The fact that pretty much every employee worked until late at night being tight at sleep and that in interviews with a Crytek employee on video had that employee (like Nathan Camarillo) have dead looking eyes (except E3, in which almost all devs get well rested), and in which they freaked out that the leak occurred because that was there hard work being put out, then that shows it was more than enough. Yeah, they needed more time, the game wasn't done at release, but that's EA's fault for not delaying it again.

YOU know nothing about game developing. Do some research or get yourself a damn job you stupid brat. A PROPER JOB in which you need to work your ASS off. Multiply the efforts by 3 times and that's an easy day for a normal game developer, let alone Crytek which works twice as hard.
lol you are right that I don't know much about video game developing. What I do know is that Crysis 2 is pretty much dried up and dead because of all the problems the game has. That is a fact.

But hey, anyone else notice how the only people insulting others are the ones that are supporting Crytek and their broken game?
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:52 am

yeah the only two ppl
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:49 pm

-Console gamers are stupid thatys y they need retard mode
If in your opinion platform which player use, [assuming that console makes from gamers stupid retards] decide how bad is his intelligence then you need to have closet full of consoles.
-If connections issues are not on consoles but are on pc and are widespread then yes, it is crytek's fault
Go sue them for glitches in net-code lol, **** happens move on.
-Crytek has never confirmed custom graphics settings. You are blowing smoke from ur ass
The fact that they never confirmed custom graphic settings doesn't mean that it don't exist. Shortly after game release moders did create tool allowing to customize graphic and this mean that game support graphic customization. Actually C2 mod it is same mod which was used for C1.
-Controllers are not as accurate as mouse and take longer for target acquisition. DX3 has tougher AI on pc because of that
Consoles have auto aim dumbass and aiming is 10 times easer on consoles than on PC, you argument it is one big failure.
-I never trashed CE3, infact I like CE3. I play on a LCD monitor and stil just 2 feet away from it and hence I notice a lot of texture. And if textures are not important to you, that does not meant they are not for me
I didn't say that textures aren't important i just don't look for any flaws in those textures and don't care even if i find anything by accident. FYII... even Crysis 1 on maxed settings have bad textures, and that a fact, so there is no point in moaning over whole forum and in any thread that Crysis 2 have low res textures.
-Default fov is 55. Are they too lazy to provide a menu to change that.
This options can be changed via mod, and or in game graphic customization if they implement GUI in game. One way or another there is no point in expanding Fov since game view willg et screwed (maybe if u change it to 60, max 65).


Just because you couldn't be satisfied with your purchase does not mean the amount of effort given by Crytek was not enough. The fact that pretty much every employee worked until late at night being tight at sleep and that in interviews with a Crytek employee on video had that employee (like Nathan Camarillo) have dead looking eyes (except E3, in which almost all devs get well rested), and in which they freaked out that the leak occurred because that was there hard work being put out, then that shows it was more than enough. Yeah, they needed more time, the game wasn't done at release, but that's EA's fault for not delaying it again.

YOU know nothing about game developing. Do some research or get yourself a damn job you stupid brat. A PROPER JOB in which you need to work your ASS off. Multiply the efforts by 3 times and that's an easy day for a normal game developer, let alone Crytek which works twice as hard.
lol you are right that I don't know much about video game developing. What I do know is that Crysis 2 is pretty much dried up and dead because of all the problems the game has. That is a fact.

But hey, anyone else notice how the only people insulting others are the ones that are supporting Crytek and their broken game?

And you are not helping them to improve, only thing which you know how to do is siting behind e-wall, criticize and bash other people work. Very mature...

You were insulting other and me as well so quite pointing fingers because you only make yourself to look like a douche.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:23 pm

I called you a brown noser after you consistently called everyone who disagrees with you a loser and other names.

And I'm not just sitting behind my 'e-wall', I've posted threads about bugs and work arounds for the disconnects that I've found and they got burried under hundreds of threads about dx11.

Sorry that we disagree with you but you'll just have to learn to live with that, I'm sure you can but it might be difficult.
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gary lee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:58 am

wardice whatever ur smoking is making u an asshole
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:36 pm

I called you a brown noser after you consistently called everyone who disagrees with you a loser and other names.

And I'm not just sitting behind my 'e-wall', I've posted threads about bugs and work arounds for the disconnects that I've found and they got burried under hundreds of threads about dx11.

Sorry that we disagree with you but you'll just have to learn to live with that, I'm sure you can but it might be difficult.

Did something more that just this one thing, guess ignorants can see only their side of story. I did call a loser only you, get your fact straight.

Actually they got buried under threads like this one, where haters cry over every single aspect of the game, or intentionally troll and thats a fact. Haters trashed this forum so badly that people who want to make thread looking for help are flooded by very same **** like OP posted here and thats another fact.
Now go thank people like you for making your work useless, and if you don't get it someone need to tell you that you are siding with very same people who trashed your posts... ironic huh?

You can disagree with me how much you want, i've been living with this from very beginning of this haters wagon circling on forum over and over 24/7, guess it was difficult for you do see this, since everything what people like you can see is you own egoistic ass.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:22 am

your post make me laugh, sorry

Sorry, yours just made me frown. Only someone lacking the ability to accurately define what they want would make a post so void of thought. I feel sorry for you.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 am

So I went to a different thread on gamesas and came back to the PC discussion and this is still going on?...Man....change will come with time...quit being as impatient as my 1 year old niece.
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:32 am

I've seen that some people use "LIVE CREATE", "IT WAS MADE SIMULTANEOUSLY ON ALL PLATFORMS" for the reason of lack of options & texts in some forums. I'm sad. Lack of knowledge.

In the first place, LIVE CREATE don't have any relation with options & texts. LIVE CREATE is function of sandbox editor, it's the function for map create basically. Developers must make contents of option flash or texts outside of editor, on some specific software. Actually, Crytek use different menu for console & PC. They're similar, but different. It's very very easy to make or change "press start", "graphics option" & something like that. But they didn't.

There are some people who can't understand this sitiation.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:24 am

Crytek really needs to fix all these multiplayer issues because they are really annoying, no wonder when I look for a multiplayer server 95% of them are empty.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:38 am

@Wardice (and to a lesser extent SilentPhantom)
Umm, your definition of prime is apparently different from the rest of the world...case in point here are a few excerpts from the dictionary.
adjective, noun, verb, primed, prim·ing.
- of the first importance; demanding the fullest consideration: a prime requisite.
- of the greatest relevance or significance: a prime example.
- of the highest eminence or rank: the prime authority on Chaucer.
- of the greatest commercial value: prime building lots.
- first-rate: This ale is prime!
- (of meat, especially of beef) noting or pertaining to the first grade or best quality: prime ribs of beef.
- first in order of time, existence, or development; earliest; primitive.
-the choicest or best part of anything.
So...show me again where Crysis on PC was prime...? Hell even where it was important as Cervat states that we have the below issues, quoted from emperorCleon.

Examples of these compromises include but not limited to:
-No quicksave
-Retard mode highlighting
-No custom graphics
-Bugs like stat reset that are not present in console sku
-Bugs like nano catalyst reset
-Connection issues
-Retarded AI that just stands infront of you and shoots
-low rez textures
-narrow out of box fov
The point of my whole post earlier was to point out that, Cervat did indeed lie. His stenance stated that PC gaming was important to Crytek. Yet Crysis 2, which HAS been touted as a PC game first...has all the signs of a console port over, all of the basic COMPUTER items (compared with consoles) like quick save, customizable graphics, higher graphic levels, some form of anti-cheating system, encrypted files to make hacking the game harder etc do not exist. IF THEY HAVE TO PATCH IT IN...the game was NOT built with PC as "PRIME".
I would have prefered they were honest about Crysis 2, sure they would have not sold the game as much at release. However...when they patched it and lowered the price. More probably would have bought it, as it stands now, they shot themselves in the foot and people will remember Crytek for lying to the PC community.

@SilentPhantom...how is this not a port...? If this game was made for PC first,(http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/108709-Crysis-2-Is-a-PC-Game-First-Console-Game-Second-Claims-Crytek) then why, dear sir, do we have all of the symptoms listed above that exist with a game is ported over to PC (Starts Screen...really?) just because Crytek says the CryEngine works this way, doesn't mean they didn't just take another route to making a console to PC port over. Great, its a nice multiplatforming engine...congrats...your still creating a consolized port over that is limited due to the fact it is basing its self off of the lowest platform. It doesn't "dumb down" itself for consoles. It builds around them.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:39 am

"Live Create" does not create code for gameplay logic on all platforms simultaneously. It just allows the art designers to place asserts in real-time on all platforms. Silent and WarDice are too stupid to understand that
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joseluis perez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:10 am

Ohh excuse me for using wrong word to describe something, English is my 5th language which i am not using fluently, so is guess world will not collapse because of that >.>

"Live Create" does not create code for gameplay logic on all platforms simultaneously. It just allows the art designers to place asserts in real-time on all platforms. Silent and WarDice are too stupid to understand that

Why you refer to me since i wasn't talking about "Live Create"? You just make yourself to look stupid, and i am not blaming you for that because you proved already how narrow minded you are :3
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:35 am

Ohh excuse me for using wrong word to describe something, English is my 5th language which i am not using fluently, so is guess world will not collapse because of that >.>

My point still stands. Cervat lied. Simple, my previous post shows how and why. Cervat did say that computer gaming was important yet Crysis 2 shows us otherwise.
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Erin S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:58 am

Ohh excuse me for using wrong word to describe something, English is my 5th language which i am not using fluently, so is guess world will not collapse because of that >.>

My point still stands. Cervat lied. Simple, my previous post shows how and why. Cervat did say that computer gaming was important yet Crysis 2 shows us otherwise.

Their point of view =/= your point of view @ same matter.
You may see some thing different than other person, but this doesn't mean that someone who have other point of view than you is a liar. People are blind, they don't understand this so they feel cheated and end raging over whole forum.

More common sense in future guys.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:22 am

I don't get it why they haven't delivered a good PC experience to begin with on a release day. They just thought they'd release some crap and we'd take it. No patch or a promise will ever fix the disappointment when you're waiting weeks for a pre-ordered game and once you get it and finally start playing it, you get hit in your face by a crappy console port that's not even worth 10 EUR. I'm still not convinced by their BS.
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:52 pm

@wardice....dude u live in poland and you call me narrow minded. Poland has zero population diversity
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:10 am

Ohh excuse me for using wrong word to describe something, English is my 5th language which i am not using fluently, so is guess world will not collapse because of that >.>

My point still stands. Cervat lied. Simple, my previous post shows how and why. Cervat did say that computer gaming was important yet Crysis 2 shows us otherwise.

Their point of view =/= your point of view @ same matter.
You may see some thing different than other person, but this doesn't mean that someone who have other point of view than you is a liar. People are blind, they don't understand this so they feel cheated and end raging over whole forum.

More common sense in future guys.

PFFFTTT yeah, right.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:22 pm

@wardice....dude u live in poland and you call me narrow minded. Poland has zero population diversity

Yeah you are narrow minded, you just proved it with your own post and basically pwned your own face in same time. Nicely done ;)

FYII, i am not gonna even explain your failure, because its just to obvious :X

Ohh and "flyingsaucerz"... nice counter argumentation you got there ^^ ....

.... yes it was sarcasm.
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:29 pm

wow ur awesome............in ur own head..lapdog
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