Considering how fast you replied AND how you brought this stupid **** up, you clearly did not learn how CryEngine 3 works. "Press start to play" does not prove it's a console port. And if you learned how the game was made (big **** hint: IT WAS MADE SIMULTANEOUSLY ON ALL PLATFORMS TO ONE ANOTHER, thus whatever happens to one version happens to all the others at the same time except the highest values of graphics automatically adapt to each pertaining version and the final steps of development is the polishing stages in which specific features, like higher textures or advanced options are to be implemented to PC. Hint hint AGAIN: Crytek didn't get the time to do their polishing on PC).
Do your homework. You proved nothing.
Where are these so called "higher textures/advanced graphics options?" They don't exist, right? Oh, they're coming in the future. Cool. Would'a been nice to have gotten all that in the original package, as was promised to us, but hey, devs lie. They lie to sell their product. Todd Howard of Bethesda taught me that.
So maybe all 3 versions were made simultaneously; PC Crysis is a game that was modeled for consoles. That's what "console port" means, not that the game was literally ported from consoles.