A message from Cevat Yerli

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:24 am


we can assure you that PC gaming is very important to us and will always be important to Crytek in the future. We are all still focused on delivering a great gaming experience to our true and honest fans. I hope you will enjoy Crysis 2 on PC, as we think it is our best PC game yet!

... :|

... ... :|

... ... ... :|

Press Start Button
This means console port...?

Few Option
Just few. Farcry & Crysis had much more options.

No Advanced Option
Why they didn't make this? Strange...

MP Connection Problem
Some people getting this problem. they can't play MP.

MP Reset Bug
This is critical problem, we saw this problem since MP demo many times.
But it still happens... what are you doing, Crytek?

Nano Catalyst Bug
This is one of the biggest bug, I can't understand why Crytek didn't notice & fix.

No Cheat Protection
This is ridiculous... unbelievable. MP is almost dead.

Lower Quality Graphics
I don't think the graphics is bad. I think it's good.
But, no innovation, not impress.

Broken AI
There are many bugs. This is the most disappointed point for me.
CELL have more problem than Aliens.

What is the "Bonn, Bonn, Bonn" sound from CELL? lol

Stuck frequently, suicide, they don't notice big sounds, they lost player, they don't act.
The frequency is much higher than Crysis. Crytek said Crysis2 AI is the smartest... What?
The buggyest? AI is very important. A core of shooter.

No Editor
This isn't too bad for me. But many people crying.


... ... ... ... :|

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:20 am

i didnt enjoy it on the pc. the multiplayer is more fun on xbox! no cheaters...
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:49 pm

Crysis 2 was a piece of utter **** on PC and I regret buying it. I should have bought Portal 2 instead.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:14 am

i didnt enjoy it on the pc. the multiplayer is more fun on xbox! no cheaters...

wait till they modified the files from xbox360 version you get also cheaters
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:19 am

thats just marketing BS. They just wanted a cash grab without working on the pc version
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:09 pm

Press Start Button
So what, get over it =.="

Few Option
Game looks great, stop whining jesus....

No Advanced Option
You can't get more than "extreme" option give you, there is mod for more settings, and engine is optimized in great way what allows low spec PCs to run game while graphic still look great.

MP Connection Problem
Didn't get any.

MP Reset Bug
Everything works fine if you unlock stuff during session.

Nano Catalyst Bug
This is only one decent problem which need to be fixed.

No Cheat Protection
Playing EA servers, and didn't encounter even one haxor.

Lower Quality Graphics
BS, people post screens of textures taken 2 inches from the object and whine about it, only moron will be judging game graphic in this way. Overally graphic is amazing even for optimized engine.

Broken AI
Few minor AI glitches doesn't make AI broken.

No Editor
And how this is bad, since editor doesn't have any impact on gameplay experience? Just drop it dude....

Summing up, just pointless whining over and over ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:26 am

your post make me laugh, sorry
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:15 am

yes wardice, if you dont have any problems, nobody has them. Thanks for being ultimate authority on pc gaming
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:19 am

I am also sorry for bashing your **** post :< At least you didn't try to argue with facts.

I didn't say that no one have problems with game since i don't have them, on another hand he is implying that game is crap and basically broken because he has problems. And this is BS because if game is broken then everyone would have same problems, but not all have problems with MP/graphic/disconnections, etc. Most of those problems come from individual players, and problem lie in their PCs/ISPs NOT in game.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:02 am

yes wardice, if you dont have any problems, nobody has them. Thanks for being ultimate authority on pc gaming

Exactlly i agree lmao.. I dont care too much about the graphics really it would have been nice considering were in 2011 but yeah it looks ok for a dx9 game ..But the hackers and the lag(no ping limit on servers) and the bugs in Singleplayer thats stupid and when you have a little bit of a time window to change your classes and fix your stuff thats hard to do in between games to change stuff(like the people who play on rotating servers where there is no time limit to change items) so uhh yeah. When i pay 60 dollars for a PC game that i cant sell or trade in or buy used then im gonna get mad at stuff like this also, so im stuck i paid 60 dollars for something I can never return or refund ..I tend to want the best out of my money!
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:07 pm

Linear console port play, no dx11, console quality textures...

cevat, your are a douchebag
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:59 pm

I should have bought Portal 2 instead.

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Danial Zachery
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:02 am

Press Start Button
So what, get over it =.="
Proves its a console port, not a true PC game. Thus making Cervat a lier. Which is the OP's point

Few Option
Game looks great, stop whining jesus....

It's nice but not fantastic. Hardly ground breaking as Crysis 1. If he thinks this is the best game yet, he is lying to himself.

No Advanced Option
You can't get more than "extreme" option give you, there is mod for more settings, and engine is optimized in great way what allows low spec PCs to run game while graphic still look great.
That is nice, however you are starting to sound like a console scub (note: that not all console users are scrubs but there are console scrubs, you sir are acting like one). Beisdes the lack of being able to acctually push the envelope on graphics.
Being able to tone the game up or down graphically or remove things you don't like (blurr, bloom etc, things that are used in excess in this game to make the game more console friendly) is something of a PC thing...which is amazingly missing in this game. Thus showing...PC was not in the mind of the creators. Thus making Cervat a lier.

MP Connection Problem
Didn't get any.
You want a medal or something? Just because you don't doesn't mean others do not. Apparently you have failed to notice the forum...

MP Reset Bug
Everything works fine if you unlock stuff during session.
Because expecting a game that works fine out of the box is too much to ask for on a basic level I guess...why expect quality when you can beta test a game for the low price of $60 bucks!

No Cheat Protection
Playing EA servers, and didn't encounter even one haxor.
Because if you didn't see it, it doesn't exist...the world revolves around you...

Lower Quality Graphics
BS, people post screens of textures taken 2 inches from the object and whine about it, only moron will be judging game graphic in this way. Overally graphic is amazing even for optimized engine.
It has been proven that they used a lot of Crysis 1 textures just halfed sized them. In other words think of taking a jpeg. Cutting it in half then expanding it to what the original size was before it was cut...you get lower texture quality that is noticible. You may have been easily distracted by silly blurring and bloom effects however if you remove those (they are annoying) you can easily see the texture quality is sub-par.

Broken AI
Few minor AI glitches doesn't make AI broken.
Last time I checked, random issues that occur are glitches, or require certain factors to come into play for them to happen. Broken means it consistantly works counter to how it should. This could be debated, as the AI likes to run around in circles, into walls scream at their dead comrade "Are you ok?" then happily walk around like nothing happened. Maybe it is not broken. It's just inferior. Not as good as Crysis 1.

No Editor
And how this is bad, since editor doesn't have any impact on gameplay experience? Just drop it dude....
It is important for replay. Creating new levels, maps etc. It is a common thing for PC games. This helps prove Cervat lied.
It is probably best that you just sell your PC and use the cash to give to EA\Crytek etc as they use you for a doormat as sell sub-par games and lie to you because you seem to enjoy it.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:38 pm


Actually, I've already explained why all the problems and issues exist on PC and WHY you should still support Crytek and WHY they aren't at fault for the PC specific features into being implemented. I also explained many times WHY and HOW Crysis 2 isn't a port.

Now OP, get the **** off the forums. We need threads that are actually GOOD and have people who do their homework and know their ****. These forums have already been plauged enough by ignoranct, absent minded, idiots like you.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:32 pm

Crysis 2 is NOT the best PC game ever... gameplay is great, but overall the game is nowhere near as good as Crytek claims it to be. If PC gaming is so important to Crytek, they should have given us DX11 since the beginning. Bugs need to be fixed. And anti-cheating should be implemented properly. All in all, Crytek needs to do something for us--and fast.

What disappoints me the most isn't the quality of the game, but the lack of communication and transparency. Crytek hasn't said much to us, and they seem to disappear whenever we ask an inconvenient question. I thought 2K Games was bad enough with their PC DLCs, but apparently Crytek is worse.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:48 pm

ITT: lot's of scared modders, because crymod is closed for updates :D
haven't DX11 with unknown goodies and some sort of devkit been
officially announced?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:49 pm

@SilentPhenomed are u still cashing crytek's check?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:18 am

just fyi nobody reads those long ass, point by point 'break-down-your-post-into-refutable-sentence' responses.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:41 am

Wardice... I think it makes sense to take screenshots of textures up close, and it's clear that Crytek lowered the quality on purpose probably for the low VRAM on consoles.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:00 pm

WarDice, so how is your developer job in Crytek?

Do u really think that this game had been developped regarding to community as Yerli told?
Are you satisfied with this result ??? You don't see any bug nor cheater??

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daniel royle
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:59 am

I am also sorry for bashing your **** post :< At least you didn't try to argue with facts.

I didn't say that no one have problems with game since i don't have them, on another hand he is implying that game is crap and basically broken because he has problems. And this is BS because if game is broken then everyone would have same problems, but not all have problems with MP/graphic/disconnections, etc. Most of those problems come from individual players, and problem lie in their PCs/ISPs NOT in game.

It doesn't matter if it only happens to some people. The fact of the matter is that the game wasn't QA'd at all and needed no less than 3 more months of development time. If they had run the game through even the worst QA it would never have been released in the state it was in. It's a broken mess you can't deny it no matter how you try.

Good job making excuses for Crytek though. You're exactly the kind of customer they like. Willing to take any **** in a box and call it gold.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:22 am

Personally I think it's the best use of DX9 I've seen and competes quite well with many DX10/11 games. The original is superior, but C2 is better than many are giving it credit for. What I find funny is how when a game is great people praise it for a short while, but when people think it svcks they bash it for waaaay longer. To those that cry over paying $60 for a less than incredible game(their oppinion)... get a better job and a life while you're at it. If you wanna see a true pos game, play Homefront... once you go back to C2 you'll appreciate it alot more. lol

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:53 pm

Press Start Button
So what, get over it =.="
Proves its a console port, not a true PC game. Thus making Cervat a lier. Which is the OP's point
Yerli said that game will be created with PC as a prime group, he never said that they will create game first on PC and then port it to consoles, he also never said that PC copy it wont be a port. On another hand he said that game is created in same time on PC and Consoles, which means there is no two different versions of the game but one developed to work on PC and Consoles. Basically it doesn't matter what you get, it will be same thing which you have now.

Summing... he didn't lie even once, and that means you guys come out as a major douchebags trying to accuse someone of being a liar while he didn't lie.

Btw... there is no such a thing like "real PC game" and "not real PC game", PC game it is a game which you can play on PC, and Crysis 2 is played on PC. You guys are trying make your own definitions to justify false accusations.

Few Option
Game looks great, stop whining jesus....

It's nice but not fantastic. Hardly ground breaking as Crysis 1. If he thinks this is the best game yet, he is lying to himself.
Crysis 1 was created with focus on graphic, which makes good benchmark rather than good game.
Crysis 2 was created as a multi-platform game with great optimization, atm there is no FPS game which have better graphic (not counting C1 ofc)

Once again there is no lie, because they didn't count their own product, also you guys clearly overreact to much.

No Advanced Option
You can't get more than "extreme" option give you, there is mod for more settings, and engine is optimized in great way what allows low spec PCs to run game while graphic still look great.
That is nice, however you are starting to sound like a console scub (note: that not all console users are scrubs but there are console scrubs, you sir are acting like one). Beisdes the lack of being able to acctually push the envelope on graphics.
Being able to tone the game up or down graphically or remove things you don't like (blurr, bloom etc, things that are used in excess in this game to make the game more console friendly) is something of a PC thing...which is amazingly missing in this game. Thus showing...PC was not in the mind of the creators. Thus making Cervat a lier.
Not heaving tons of graphic settings doesn't mean that they didn't think about PC as a major group. YOu are misunderstanding here some things, and make idiotic conclusions based on pure speculations.

MP Connection Problem
Didn't get any.
You want a medal or something? Just because you don't doesn't mean others do not. Apparently you have failed to notice the forum...
Once again idiotic conclusion. I only pointed out that not all have problems and that game isn't completely broken as OP is trying to imply here.

MP Reset Bug
Everything works fine if you unlock stuff during session.
Because expecting a game that works fine out of the box is too much to ask for on a basic level I guess...why expect quality when you can beta test a game for the low price of $60 bucks!
Saving MP stats it's not something so simple like making ordinary game save, because there is many things in this problem related to network. And for f... sake everyone can save stats, yes its a bit tricky but not completely screwed. Minor glitches it's something normal in any game, get over it ffs and stop overreacting like 10 years old punk who didn't get his toy.

No Cheat Protection
Playing EA servers, and didn't encounter even one haxor.
Because if you didn't see it, it doesn't exist...the world revolves around you...

Once again idiotic conclusion because someone didn't learn in school how to interpret other people sentences properly. I was pointing out that there are some servers like EA server which are in majority cheaters free, and instead of playing on unofficial servers and struggle with cheaters, people can try to play on EA servers.
But ofc. i didn't say that there should not be any protection :p

Lower Quality Graphics
BS, people post screens of textures taken 2 inches from the object and whine about it, only moron will be judging game graphic in this way. Overally graphic is amazing even for optimized engine.
It has been proven that they used a lot of Crysis 1 textures just halfed sized them. In other words think of taking a jpeg. Cutting it in half then expanding it to what the original size was before it was cut...you get lower texture quality that is noticible. You may have been easily distracted by silly blurring and bloom effects however if you remove those (they are annoying) you can easily see the texture quality is sub-par.
Those low res textures are visible if you look at them from very close distance, and who the hell is watching walls during game? And how this makes Yerli liar? =.=" He didn't say that textures will be ultra sharp or something, they said that graphic will be great and it is.

Broken AI
Few minor AI glitches doesn't make AI broken.
Last time I checked, random issues that occur are glitches, or require certain factors to come into play for them to happen. Broken means it consistantly works counter to how it should. This could be debated, as the AI likes to run around in circles, into walls scream at their dead comrade "Are you ok?" then happily walk around like nothing happened. Maybe it is not broken. It's just inferior. Not as good as Crysis 1.

Ohh boy Crysis 1 AI was better? Did you even play C1? X_X In C1 when you kill one korean soldier other run into place where he die and you can drop grenade under their feet which will lead to killing whole "camp" population. C1 AI don't use covers like C2 AI which hug cover and provide barrage fire, while other members their team rush your location, while C1 AI just sit behind object like he was about to do some poo =.=" Also alien AI from C1 was limited to doing 2-3 things during combat which was shooting ofc., flying over player head and doing one strong attacks, while C2 alien AI use more than one surfaces to move around, can flank, use barrage fire, etc.

Only complete moron can say that C1 is superior than C2 AI =.="

No Editor
And how this is bad, since editor doesn't have any impact on gameplay experience? Just drop it dude....
It is important for replay. Creating new levels, maps etc. It is a common thing for PC games. This helps prove Cervat lied.
It is probably best that you just sell your PC and use the cash to give to EA\Crytek etc as they use you for a doormat as sell sub-par games and lie to you because you seem to enjoy it.
How no editor makes PC Game not a PC game and Yerli a liar in first place lololol????

Basically what you just said is that PC which lack editor it isn't real PC game :X Jesus what a moronic thinking you got there.


I am also sorry for bashing your **** post :< At least you didn't try to argue with facts.

I didn't say that no one have problems with game since i don't have them, on another hand he is implying that game is crap and basically broken because he has problems. And this is BS because if game is broken then everyone would have same problems, but not all have problems with MP/graphic/disconnections, etc. Most of those problems come from individual players, and problem lie in their PCs/ISPs NOT in game.

It doesn't matter if it only happens to some people. The fact of the matter is that the game wasn't QA'd at all and needed no less than 3 more months of development time. If they had run the game through even the worst QA it would never have been released in the state it was in. It's a broken mess you can't deny it no matter how you try.

Good job making excuses for Crytek though. You're exactly the kind of customer they like. Willing to take any **** in a box and call it gold.

I am making excuses? Game for some people is working fine, they don't have problems with Mp, d/c's, etc. but OP is trying to imply that game is completely broken which isn't truth because like i said some ppl enjoy it without any problems. Problem is with moron who can't realize that not all problems its game fault, but they are to dumb to admit it and they jsut blame company which make game. And this is a god damn fact not an excuse.

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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:16 am

wardice stop acting like a teen fangirl. Maybe u have daddy issues and u disparately need a father figure
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:33 pm

wardice stop acting like a teen fangirl. Maybe u have daddy issues and u disparately need a father figure

How about you stop pretending to be intelligent and shut the **** up if you don't have anything relevant to say @ topic, KTHXBYE ^^
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