MessageBox doesn't appear

Post » Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:28 am

Hi, I have a problem with a script.

Basically, I have to calculate some value, build a string and pass it to a MessageBoxEx. This works well for many part of my code, except for a part.

Problem is: the MessageBox isn't displayed at all!

Let NormalEffect := 100 - TargetFull.GetAV 65 ;ResistNormalWeaponsLet MagicEffect := 100 - TargetFull.GetAV 64 ;ResistMagicLet PoisonEffect := 100 - TargetFull.GetAV 67 ;ResistPoisonLet FireEffect := 100 - TargetFull.GetAV 61 ;ResistFireLet FrostEffect := 100 - TargetFull.GetAV 62 ;ResistFrostLet ShockEffect := 100 - TargetFull.GetAV 68 ;ResistShockLet ParalysisEffect := 100 - TargetFull.GetAV 66 ;ResistParalysisLet LavaImmune := -9001 + ( 0 < ( TargetFull.GetAV 71 )) Let Temp := "EFFECTIVENESS:%rNormal weapons:   " + $NormalEffect + "%% %rMagic:   " + $MagicEffect + "%% %rPoison:   " + $PoisonEffectLet Temp += "%% %r%rFire:   " + $FireEffect + "%% %rFrost:   " + $FrostEffect + "%% %rShock:   " + $ShockEffect + "%% %rParalysis:   " + $ParalysisEffect + "%% %rLava immunity:   " + $LavaImmunesv_Replace " 100%%|Normal" Tempsv_Replace " 0%%|Immune" Tempsv_Replace "-9001|No" Tempsv_Replace "-9000|Yes" Temp MessageBoxEX $Temp
I've debugged the code: the string is not empty, it print correctly on the console, and the script is not halted when the MessageBoxEx is called. Simply, the MessageBoxEx line seems to be ignored.
The problem seems to be first 2 sv_Replace, which replace the percentage char.
Commenting those 2 lines or removing the percentage char solve the problem. How can I fix it?
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