Im fairly new to modding games, Skyrim being the first one I have used mods on. I watched a few vids before and was always diligent in reading up on said mods and other mods needs/conflicts so as not to "break my game". Had the game pretty much just how I wanted it besides the rare CTD and some issues with grass and other underbrush not showing up at a distance. Besides that though game looked and ran beautifully. Which actually made me feel...idk proud maybe. Spent a lot of time on getting the mods I wanted and getting them to all work right. Was extremely fun and frustrating at the same time, but also rewarding. My next goal was to learn how to use some of the other tools such as LOOT (which I had downloaded already) Wyre Bash and Tes5edit. Still is. Just now I have to fix something I broke and I have no idea what I did lol or how I broke it.
I remember running LOOT and reading through the suggestions it gave. I'm not sure what I did after that lol. Needless to say the game doesnt work atm and with my limited experience with modding im lost.
So I'm thinking I might just uninstall then reinstall. If I do this what all do I need to uninstall? What can I leave? On top of that when I first got Skyrim on PC (had it for PS3 since release) I used Steam Workshop for my mods how do I get rid of those mods completely? Any info/help will be greatly appreciated.