Yes. I'm very much aware of this, but thank you for the reminder.
My post wasn't made in some vain attempt for me to get some pity, believe me. As the resident crusader against that garbage, I would never be so much of a hypocrite as to make one of my own.
I was actually acknowledging a funny piece of irony between myself and the OP that one could see if they've been watching both of our personalities on this forum. You'd have to be in on some other threads the OP made as well as the personality I present on this board to get the joke though.
Jesus Mirg. You're working in a warehouse, not filming the next Jack Ass movie.
This wasn't a screw up at a job, as I have never have one, but I remember one time in Middle School, during a math class, I was sitting on top a really tiny book shelf. My teacher told me to hop off, and being the genius I was back then, I did just that... with heels aimed toward one of the actual shelves. I ended up drop kicking the entire thing, causing all the textbook to spill out under my feet and make me slip backwards into the rest of the poor thing.
Thankfully, I was able to shove the shelves back where they belonged and avoid paying for a new one.