*snip* it just looks too new.
Thanks for the feedback Arsuru - I just want to weigh in with some lore here - Vvardenfell wasn't colonised until 3E 414 - the player turns up in 3E 427 - only 13 years later
I doubt that the Tribunal would have approved of a Statue of Akatosh in Ebonheart prior to that time
I'm also unclear whether the Duke of Morrowind resided in Ebonheart - it has a distinct Imperial design to it and may have been built as the first fort by the Imperials when they arrived - which makes me suspect Imperial textures should look far newer than the grimy look most texture replacers aim for
That said while I too am not 100% happy with the texture I am 100% happy with the concept and for me it is an improvement over the vanilla and some other replacers I have used in the past - it keeps vanilla colouring for those who like to have the original colour palette - though the dark blue/black version I also did was more satisfying to me
Besides when Plangkye says she wants something who am i to hold back?

if anyone wants it it is up on http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=9116