I absolutely loved Fallout 3. But come on now, Fallout 3 is pretty dull, especially compared to Fallout 4.
Exactly what I've been thinking.
I absolutely loved Fallout 3. But come on now, Fallout 3 is pretty dull, especially compared to Fallout 4.
Exactly what I've been thinking.
QFT. And time will tell. I hope it sells. I want the mod kit. And future bug fixes.
The user metacritic score is overwhelmingly bad. The amount of dissatisfied PC users is greater than simply a vocal minority. User Interface, aiming, mouse sensitivity, FOV are inexcusable and need to be corrected. Concerns like lack of role play and poor story writing/pacing are not going to be fixed anytime soon.
Beth is an open world exploring game and has shown little RP in the last 10 years. This is the direction that Todd wishes to take the company. Plain and simple.
You either love it or you move on.
ah is that true that Todd hates roleplaying? would like to know since enjoyed that in past games. Is that advice for us that if we dont like it then we should not buy fallout games? Is that comment just for fallout or elder scrolls as well? Are they removing classes and all that from elder scrolls to remove any roleplaying elements? Dont mind the direction but seems like maybe a bad choice for open world games to not encourage roleplaying?
I was a huge critic when they removed attributes and I was also complaining when I heard the removal of skills. These days I have to accept that Todd is taking the company in the direction that he wants and not the direction that fans want. I am simply stating a fact, you either love it or move on.
The best you can hope for is Obsidian to make another game under license. Everything else is a pipe dream.
The whole dumbing down argument I suppose. Or maybe they were hoping for or expecting features that ended up not being in it and are juding it by that instead of on its own merrits.
Thank goodness when people are being hateful money and sales will always tell the truth.
Me i love Fallout 4. Everything about it is truly mind reeling euphoria like getting high on some magical elixir of the gods. Even the female bodies are spot on perfect. Once again Bethesda has created another masterpiece that has me enjoying the game completely without seeing any need for mods as i wonder what the heck could modders create to make me think otherwise.
The body models look good! much better than GTA where the females all look kind of hulkish, is there options in this game to be fat or thin, short or tall? every screenshot or video seeing everyones character basically looks the same.
Yes you can make your character fat and sloppy which was pretty cool to see during the character creation process. It does not look like you can change your height though.
Metacritic says it has generally unfavorable reviews from users, and that there's 1337 reviews. 1337. Something seems fishy here. I suspect Metacritic is being spammed in a coordinated crap-posting attempt.
When I saw the new bodies and especially the faces, well, that's a definite improvement. Compare Morrowind to Oblivion to Fallout 3 to Skyrim to Fallout 5 and you can see the massive improvement in the character models. I expect Elder Scrolls 6 to be another huge leap in terms of better looking characters.
Metacritic is a flawed, deeply flawed site. The idea of aggregate scores is flawed. But that doesn't change the fact that reviewers and users are citing many of the same issues. I'm watching them roll in and it's not pretty. This is likely to be Bethesda's lowest scoring game, based on elements the developers are responsible for. This isn't just review bombing or fan boy rage. To note: it seems once again, after four years of development, the game is riddled with bugs and PC users must contend with a consolized port.
I just went and checked a lot of people gave the game a 0 out of 10, obvious, it is not. Big releases also have a lot of...lets say people of questionable intelligence giving their opinion. Call of Duty is a good example of this, now while I am not a big fan of those games right now, its certainly not a 3 overall like the user score lol.
ANY review under 5 should always be immediately suspect and tossed out ESPECIALLY a 0. The only game in history that deserved a 0 was Atari's ET.
Most of the people on metacritic are not to be taken serious. There are some hilarious reviews, like "not optimized for old computers", "no music other then the fifties" and "not optimized for controlers on PC"? Wtf?
However, some of the reviews are quite decent, and I'm with any one putting some critics on the "bad" UI, the inconvenient keys and the lag of needs, stats and past gameplay content. Skyrim did a good job compensating you for the loss of gameplay features, I feel FO4 doesn't do as well.
I have to admit, as Mod user I'm quite spoiled, so I need to put my review into relation. For someone used to Mods, this game seriously lacks of content in all directions. But nevertheless it is great fun.
This was fun to read in a ghoul voice! Thanks for taking time to put such a well thought out post together which must have taken some time.
Like many who disliked the game based on certain parts, those minor parts like the HUD are the biggest part of the game since their always on screen. Seeing how it doesnt even fit in the corners is why I gave it a low score on meta critic while waiting to install the game. Not happy at all with the look of the HUD and wanted somehow to voice that concern so like many who didnt like the HUD used metacritic as a mechanism to raise that issue of dissatisfaction.
As I recall... Bethesda ran QA on New Vegas.
I like Bethesda games... Just not the bad ones.
there's no such thing as a bad bethesda game, why are you on the fallout 4 forum if you think fallout 4 is so bad? you feel the need to tell everyone how bad it is? ROFL go play something else then, or are you just upset some people are enjoying it a lot?