Being old enough that I have played almost every game, console or PC, worth playing since the release of PONG in 1976, to include every single Fallout game produced, my criticism of Fallout 4 is:
1) The graphics make me want to puke.
Literally. They are making me ill playing this game. Trees waving. Your gun waves across most of the screen in first person mode. Shadows flicker around the entire screen whether you are moving or not. After an hour of playing, I am literally at the point of hurling my dinner over my computer desk. In Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim, you could go into the .ini and turn off all shadows, boosting FPS AND taking away those flickering shadows. In Fallout 4? No can do that I've found. I've tried everything I know and can think of in the .ini's to disable shadows. This is, literally, the only game I have ever played that made me physically ill watching the screen.
2) Hotkey binding is a mess.
Almost every AAA game has free-range hotkey binding so you can set up your keyboard to suit you. Fallout 4? Sorry. E key is E key! Who cares if you rebound most of the rest of the keys, you STILL have to reach all the way to that E key to accept your VATS targeting. This is a "huh" moment. Every other game can do it, but, Bethesda in their infinite wisdom decided THESE keys were stuck for whatever reason and who cares if that makes the gameplay clunky.
3) Should have just removed VATS all together.
I understand Bethesda wanted Fallout 4 to be a shooter and challenge Call of Duty. Yes, I know kids that want to play shooters cried how VATS, that they never HAD to use anyway, "broke" their game in Fallout3 and New Vegas by stopping combat. But, that is what VATS was designed to do; give us old Fallout turn-based players something TO stop combat and let us make our choices like the old days. Now? What's the point of it? The mobs come at you. You hit VATS. The mobs STILL come at you. You try to target the first mob. The mobs are to you and hitting you. You poke for the E key furiously to hit ONE mob. You unload your ammo to kill the rest of the mobs. Welcome to VATS.
4) The game FORCES you to play it as a shooter.
I could sneak around, find a mob, snipe it from my hidden status, move on. That is what being a stealthy player in Fallout 3 and New Vegas was about. Now? You walk along and BAM, out of that sewer comes radroaches. Mole rats pop out of the ground. Radscorpions out of the ground. Zombies out of the building windows. Wait... wasn't I in STEALTH MODE???? WTF is the point of it if you program the game to ignore it and spawn a surprise attack anyway! Oh right... welcome to Fallout the Shooter.
I understand not every gamer out there is from THE original gaming generation. I understand kids now days grow up on console shooters. I didn't. I grew up on RPG's. Where a story came first, combat came second. You spent your time building your character so you could (insert RPG story here). I could even forgive Bethesda their faults with the hotkeys, making VATS useless and stealth pointless. But, to make a game that makes me physically ill because there is no way to disable shadows that flicker across the entire screen until I'm about to puke my guts up playing a game I spent $65 for when I could disable the things in their previous games? Yeah. No.