Metacritic has gone crazy

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:47 pm

Could be the fact that 53% of users are having problems with the game, because of performance issues and nvidia gameworks. I don't understand why bethesda would use that crappy system after what it did to batman, they had to pull the whole game off of steam...

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:11 am

Edit: From what I've seen of it, it looks pretty bad. I'm not telling anyone the game is bad but as far as I know this is a public forum so why don't you just worry about yourself.

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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:28 am

Hehe, I dont think they care.

Do you think that a rpg company where the director says he hates dialogues wants to be taken seriously? At least they got what they wanted, sales are spectacular.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:26 am

Its kinda sad they dont care about us as fans, have never seen any posts in the fallout part of the forum from anyone at beth talking about the game or anything. Other beth forums have lots of dev support. Maybe there isnt anyone at beth working on fallout who is allowed to talk on the forums I been thinking? Would be supercool if Todd would talk more on the forums, hes very energetic his presentation at E3 made me excited to preorder the pipboy edition. It would be nice if he talked more on the forums instead of just making random tweets to random people :P

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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:09 am

businesswise, they are probably doing everything right. I've never had a good mind for business anyway.

there are fans and then there are FANs. Like robert de niro in "the fan" fan. demanding but not profitable.

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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:00 pm

Steam reviews are at very positive 1 day after release : Positive (7,270) & Negative (1,803)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:00 pm

There is the business-wise of Bethesda and then there's also the business-wise of EA. Both are doing well (unfortunately) but each earns a lot of money for different reasons.

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Charles Weber
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:51 pm

Yeah, I find Steam is more of an accurate gauge of users feelings; Steam users have no compunction over making themselves aggressively vocal when they don't like a game and feel cheated.

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Sista Sila
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:23 am

Well If I were to write a review, Id have no choice but to give the game a "0".

I forked out 90 Euro on a game I cant play because of CTD whenever I pres "Play". And if You look at the PC tech forums, there are alot of us with that problem. Aside from the usual problems.

Im still being patient, but its annoying not being able to play the game.

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Tamara Primo
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:09 am

Tbh I never criticize a game according to bugs that will be fixed soon, but I understand why one would. But if it's a CTD and stuttering mess even after being patched...

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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:07 pm

I'm just going to regurgitate what a lot of people have already said in this thread.

It's no secret regarding the absurdity of a lot of user scores on Metacritic, and how a significant amount of reviews a far from reasonable. But at the same time there are some user scores who actually make valid points in their criticism, and no doubt that is the case here. There are many reasons why Fallout 4 is a great game, but also plenty of more reasons why it can be seen as a step back and lacking compared to predecessors.

Either way, a lot of people don't have room to talk about the user scores on Metacritc, because some folk who are overly defensive about Fallout 4 prove no better in being just as unreasonable and make just as absurd points as the very ones on Metacritic. Examples of such have already appeared in this very thread multiple times.

For me personally, there are a lot of things I really like about Fallout 4, and a good amount of things I don't like. Despite being flawed, I find there is an immensely enjoyable experience to be had.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:49 pm

Being old enough that I have played almost every game, console or PC, worth playing since the release of PONG in 1976, to include every single Fallout game produced, my criticism of Fallout 4 is:

1) The graphics make me want to puke.

Literally. They are making me ill playing this game. Trees waving. Your gun waves across most of the screen in first person mode. Shadows flicker around the entire screen whether you are moving or not. After an hour of playing, I am literally at the point of hurling my dinner over my computer desk. In Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim, you could go into the .ini and turn off all shadows, boosting FPS AND taking away those flickering shadows. In Fallout 4? No can do that I've found. I've tried everything I know and can think of in the .ini's to disable shadows. This is, literally, the only game I have ever played that made me physically ill watching the screen.

2) Hotkey binding is a mess.

Almost every AAA game has free-range hotkey binding so you can set up your keyboard to suit you. Fallout 4? Sorry. E key is E key! Who cares if you rebound most of the rest of the keys, you STILL have to reach all the way to that E key to accept your VATS targeting. This is a "huh" moment. Every other game can do it, but, Bethesda in their infinite wisdom decided THESE keys were stuck for whatever reason and who cares if that makes the gameplay clunky.

3) Should have just removed VATS all together.

I understand Bethesda wanted Fallout 4 to be a shooter and challenge Call of Duty. Yes, I know kids that want to play shooters cried how VATS, that they never HAD to use anyway, "broke" their game in Fallout3 and New Vegas by stopping combat. But, that is what VATS was designed to do; give us old Fallout turn-based players something TO stop combat and let us make our choices like the old days. Now? What's the point of it? The mobs come at you. You hit VATS. The mobs STILL come at you. You try to target the first mob. The mobs are to you and hitting you. You poke for the E key furiously to hit ONE mob. You unload your ammo to kill the rest of the mobs. Welcome to VATS.

4) The game FORCES you to play it as a shooter.

I could sneak around, find a mob, snipe it from my hidden status, move on. That is what being a stealthy player in Fallout 3 and New Vegas was about. Now? You walk along and BAM, out of that sewer comes radroaches. Mole rats pop out of the ground. Radscorpions out of the ground. Zombies out of the building windows. Wait... wasn't I in STEALTH MODE???? WTF is the point of it if you program the game to ignore it and spawn a surprise attack anyway! Oh right... welcome to Fallout the Shooter.

I understand not every gamer out there is from THE original gaming generation. I understand kids now days grow up on console shooters. I didn't. I grew up on RPG's. Where a story came first, combat came second. You spent your time building your character so you could (insert RPG story here). I could even forgive Bethesda their faults with the hotkeys, making VATS useless and stealth pointless. But, to make a game that makes me physically ill because there is no way to disable shadows that flicker across the entire screen until I'm about to puke my guts up playing a game I spent $65 for when I could disable the things in their previous games? Yeah. No.

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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:25 pm

So are refunds.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:28 pm

If you want to see some more level-head criticisms of the game then stick to the 4-7 rated reviews.

Even if you're very disappointed, it's not a [censored] game. It may be a weaker Fallout game to some, but it's still an impressive game nonetheless.

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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:01 pm

I just don't get it.. If you don't like the game play something else... Are people so stupid in our society that they don't understand that? If the game isn't for you do something different with your time. Use all that energy on something productive other than complaining.

I really wish when people posted a comment it would have thier face and info next to it everywhere online... I guarantee 95% of the people who talk $$$$ wouldn't do it for fear of being embarrassed. People hide behind thier little monitors trolling the world. :)

If you have an issue with fallout fine; I do have a few; but be advlts and stop being insanely negative and learn to be constructive... Saying " the game svcks screw you Bethesda" is not doing anyone any good...
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:22 am

1) only place I have an issue with shadows was inside an factory with lots of spotlights and structures.

Looked like it was to much to do for system, I would except framerate drop but instead it was lots of light and shadow errors.

2) here I agree, this should be patched asap, also let us bind more stuff.

3) no issue with the new vat except its an bit inaccurate then selecting body parts

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Solène We
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:49 am

Problem is that its too much feelings involved.

I picked up the first Tomb Raider reboot game pretty randomly: First I liked the game but could not stand it then they used quicktime event in normal combat against any enemy, this broke it for me, I could handle an bad combat system but it had to be an combat system :)

However as I had no feeling involved except the cost of the game.

Plenty of people has so much feeling involved, add that user reviews tend to be 0 or 10.

Fallout 4 might also be a bit of an cool to hate game.

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adam holden
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:34 pm

Looking at Metacritic and Steam reviews is pointless. None of them have spent above 20 hours on the game so nobody can make a proper review or score yet. Everyone who did is either a whiner (whose heads wrote these reviews before even the leaks appeared), a really devoted fan (who are just drunk with hype) or someone who has something witty to say.

You will have to wait for a week to get proper reviews/impressions and at least another week for those to drawn out these people who merely wanted to be amongst first to review.

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Kelly James
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:04 am

Yeah, and none of these whiners will get a refund, thus giving Bethesda no incentive to change their ways. So these reviews are pointless.

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Helen Quill
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:02 am

I'm a BGS really devoted fan. Yes, I loved FO3 despite the radical departure from the older titles. Yes, I loved Skyrim, despite its shallowness. But it pains me to say that Fallout 4 is the biggest disappointment of my gaming life and I'm struggling to even finish it. I'm too upset to elaborate much further, but suffice it to say that, whereas previous titles grabbed me by the sheer scope and majesty of their game worlds, even if other aspects such as gameplay and story suffered as a result, in Fallout 4 nothing stands out and as a result the whole game feels mediocre. It doesn't deserve the beating it's receiving on metacritic, but the negative user reviews make very valid points; it's not all just one liners driven by hate.

Out of respect for what BGS has given me in the past, I'm not going to write a super scathing review here and will just silently leave these forums, possibly for good, and lick my wounds.

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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:37 pm

You can get a Steam Refund if you explain your reasons well enough. Not like half of these people would do it as they decided to both hate and buy it before the release.

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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:53 pm

I'm sorry but you're acting no better than people being vitriolic and hating it for no reason.

Just because you dislike a game or have criticisms doesn't mean you have no right to voice these concerns. This a forum, a place for discussion - those who hate the game and love the game have equal right to talk about it.

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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:32 am

As a huge fan of Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas I am disappointed with Fallout 4.I feel most of the changes do not improve the game and move slowly away from the past Fallout games and what made them great and different to other games. Also to me the changes seem to just make it easier for the younger casual fan to play.

There have been some great posts in here about the problems with the game for past Fallout fans but also stating the game is not a bad game.My personal opinion is I enjoy the game so far but feel alot of elements of the game are weaker in Fallout 4.

I feel the game is around a 7/10 but I might personally give it a 6/10.

This is just my opinion.

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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:04 am

That doesn't say anything, because thousands of people like one negative review.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:29 pm

I'm not even mad. I'm sad and disappointed. I also love fallout enough that if it came up to me, said I'm sorry and tried to cheer me up I'd instantly manage to smile and give her a two headed bear hug.

I mean mass effect 3 spat on my face twice and our relationship is irreparable. But with fallout I feel like I should face the fact that I just don't matter. I know I sound like a needy whiney drama queen loser.

That's because I am and it svcks.

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