That is what I was afraid off. I was already not blown away by the pre-release footage and it seems my fears have been realized. To quote AngryJoe: "They done [censored] it up!"
That is what I was afraid off. I was already not blown away by the pre-release footage and it seems my fears have been realized. To quote AngryJoe: "They done [censored] it up!"
They realize Fallout will never best Elder Scrolls.
Hopefully this game flopping will make Bethesda focus more on their real franchise.
Yep. Because it's so rarely used in a context that isn't insulting to someone it's been included in the list of auto-censored words.
On topic - eh, I don't care about Metacritic. I like the games I like, and the only opinions on games I really care about are those I find interesting - and they rarely attach numerical values to said opinions.
But Bethesda makes a very specific sort of RPG - you either like that sort of game or you don't. It tends to be fairly polarizing in that respect.
Well I'd prefer they would work on these instead of the stupid mechwarrior-wannabe power armor. It's not that adding features is bad but if they have the basics wrong...
I would agree with all of this. I posted on another forum that one of the problems I have with Fallout 4 is it feels a little too much like Fallout 3, particularly in the quest area.
I was hoping for something more unique, but no: the quests are just the same or a little better than Fallout 3. Remember? Blow up an entire city with a nuclear weapon and your father is ... disappointed. Really? Just disappointed?
Metacritic score probably gone down the drain because for tons of players it is now completely broken (CTD on start)
"People disliking things I like is unreasonable hatred"
exactly, it is jealousy, a lot of the old black isle fans making multiple accounts and spamming metacritic, comments like "the writing is horrible" "why didn't they let obsidian make fallout 4" "its not a real fallout game" its all nonsense its just a few people non stop spamming low ratings, i doubt they even have the game
Yeh I found this to be funny. I just met the guy, did one quick quest and he's asking me to be his leader and grow the organization. And that is a bigger problem with this game: you are a hero without even trying. Everything is handed to you. Instant gratification. And it gets boring fast.
The BoS is another example. i was shocked I was being handed his prized laser (it's named even). After just meeting him and clearing out a factory with him. it went by so fast I wasn't even sure why we were there.
And unless you like talking to people inside a store wearing power armor, you will be switching armor a lot. And this isn't so easy to do.
It's issues like this the kill the immersion of the game. There are a lot of them.
I'm having a lot of fun so far, but like anyone who hasn't finished the game (including the vast majority of those posting protest reviews on Metacritic), I'm not qualified to render a verdict yet.
Like I said in an earlier thread, the truth of the game's quality will become apparent later. Two or three years from now we can compare the number of players still playing Fallout 4 with other single player games released this year that have earned the trolls collective stamp of approval and see what stands the test of time and what doesn't.
Exactly. Not everyone who dislikes this game is a troll. A lot of people just legitimately are not having fun. Not everyone has to like what you like. Please stop pretending that anyone criticizing this game is an idiot.
I was skeptical about buying the game because I really didn't like what Bethesda had done with Skyrim and after playing New Vegas, I'm not really a fan of Fallout 3 any more either. After reading some reviews and seeing this, I'm glad I didn't.
Two or three years?
I'm sorry if this is going to come off as rude and I'm NOT directing this at you, but I'm really getting tired of the "we don't have the right to form an opinion yet" crowd.
No one brings this up when people are praising the game, only when people criticize it.
People forget that we're supposed to be spending money on this game. We definitely have a right to form an opinion (at the VERY least based on the story and dialogue and non-gameplay related things) and decide we probably wont like it.
Now some people are saying that, even after we buy it, we STILL don't have a right to complain? That we should wait until we finish the game, or wait 2-3 years to decide? That's absurd.
If a video game consists of someone smacking me in the face, I think I'm entitled to say I don't like it. Even if I haven't finished the game yet. Obviously that's hyperbole, I'm not saying Fallout 4 is that bad, but the principle remains the same.
When exactly are we allowed to criticize the game?
I'd like to point out three things:
1. Metacritic has been crazy for years
2. Metacritic has no form of verification. Literally anyone can post a review and say whatever they want. It's the review equivalent of Youtube comments.
3. The internet amplifies issues. If 10 people get together and all have the same problem, suddenly "everything has this issue."
Of course you don't have to wait two or three years to form and opinion. The two or three year point was based on my prediction that if we look at gameplay statistics of active players playing Fallout 4 two years from now and compare them to say, The Witcher 3 (for example) two years after it's release, I bet more people will still be playing Fallout 4. Lots of things become the thing of the moment before being quickly forgotten. The truly good stuff stands the test of time. What I'm saying is that Fallout 4 will do just that.
As to glitches and technical problems, this is day one. Most of the bugs will be fixed through patches in the coming weeks. Those reviewers legitimately and credibly giving the game poor scores today because of bugs will of course amend their reviews when the bugs are fixed, but the trolls won't.
I hate basketball. If I were to review any basketball game regardless of how dramatic or the quality of play it would get a poor score. Players who don't like Bethesda style games, including those who want Fallout to return to the days of turn based isometric, aren't the target audience and they undoubtedly look at the game through the same lens that I would be seeing a basketball game. That they decide to protest Bethesda's acquisition of the franchise by spamming metacritic with absurdly poor reviews says nothing about the actual quality of the game.
Yea, well, let's be real here because fabricating excuses is becoming embarrassing. Witcher 3 has 9.1 and MG 7.5. I don't think all the haters suddenly decided to hate fallout just because. Especially since Bethesda for example has 100 times the fans of CD Projekt which developed the Witcher.